Mustaqbal Bloc Urges Lebanese to 'Stand by' Suleiman
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Al-Mustaqbal bloc on Tuesday called on the Lebanese people to stand by President Michel Suleiman as “the head of the state entrusted with the constitution,” considering also that Hizbullah's chief “crushed the Lebanese people's hopes of calm and stability.”
"We praise Suleiman's stances that were manifested today in delivering a note to U.N. Special Coordinator for Lebanon Derek Plumbly regarding the Syrian attacks on the country,” a released statement said after the bloc's weekly meeting at the Center House.
It explained: “After caretaker Foreign Minister Mansour abstained from performing his national and constitutional role, Suleiman's stances and steps came to stress on the president's mission regarding sovereignty and independence.”
"He is the head of the state who is entrusted with the constitution and the interests and hopes of the Lebanese people. We call on the Lebanese to stand by the president.”
Suleiman's memo to Plumbly on the Syrian violations of Lebanese sovereignty came amid a spat with caretaker FM Mansour who was procrastinating in referring the memo to the U.N. and filing a complaint with the Arab League.
Mansour, who is close to the Hizbullah-led March 8 alliance, has been criticized by the March 14 coalition on several occasions for ignoring similar requests from Suleiman.
Al-Mustaqbal lawmakers accused Hizbullah chief Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah of “blowing people's hopes of calm and stability, and their desire to keep the country safe from the repercussions of the Syrian crisis.”
"The party (Hizbullah, through its deep involvement in Syria's battles, has confirmed adopting the option of abandoning the interests of the state, society and the people,” they said.
“Nasrallah assured in his last speech that the party will continue fighting alongside the Syrian regime's forces whereas the Lebanese were hoping he would withdraw his gunmen from the war.”
In his latest speech, Nasrallah said Hizbullah will stay involved in the Syrian conflict, after having helped regime forces recapture the key town of Qusayr from rebels.
The bloc also commented on the Gulf Cooperation Council's decision to adopt measures against Hizbullah members residing in GCC countries, blaming it on the “criminal role the party is playing in Syria.”
"Hizbullah is held responsible for all harm that Lebanese people might suffer from around the world.”
It pointed out: “We hope the GCC countries would differentiate between the Lebanese that are working for a living in the Gulf's countries, and those violating the laws there.”
"We call on the caretaker cabinet to act quickly to limit the damages resulting from Hizbullah's criminal activities in Syria.”
A GCC statement issued last week said the measures against Hizbullah members will affect their "residency permits, and financial and commercial transactions.”
The MPs congratulated Iran on its newly elected president Hassan Rowhani, considering that the elections' results reflect the “people's hope of openness, progress, moderation and reform.”
“We look at the results of the Iranian presidential elections in a positive light and we wish a new experience between Iran and the countries of the region would take place, and that the president-elect works on stopping Iran and Hizbullah's interference in Syria.”

nothing better to say? you d better be quiet then...
tell us what is wrong in this call? oh! it would strenghten the president? bring unity? of course you do not want that as HA does not want it...
oh! i get it: because M14 said it and not FPM! you are a jealous FPM virgin then....
or because you have to defend HA who went against the state decision of disassociation from the gvt they are part of? and them more than anyone should abide by it?

“After caretaker Foreign Minister Mansour abstained from performing his national and constitutional role"... The President should remove that Assad lackey from his post.

How about you haile? Are you with what the president did or not?I am for it 100%.