Michel Samaha's Trial Kicks Off

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

The trial of former Information Minister Michel Samaha, who is in custody, and of two wanted Syrian officers kicked off at the military court in Beirut on Wednesday.

Samaha, who is considered close to the Syrian regime, was arrested in August last year for planning attacks in Lebanon along with Syrian security chief General Ali Mamlouk and a colonel known only by his first name as Adnan.

They were indicted in February this year "for transporting explosives from Syria to Lebanon in an attempt to assassinate Lebanese political and religious leaders."

A military magistrate said in his indictment that Samaha and Mamlouk should be given the death penalty.

They were also accused of targeting "Syrian gunmen" and "smugglers" in the northern Akkar region that lies near the border with Syria.

Investigators have said that explosives were found in Samaha's car.

According to the indictment, they were delivered by Adnan to Samaha in Syria with the approval of Mamlouk.

Samaha is also accused of "inciting sectarian strife.”

Arrest warrants have been issued for Mamlouk and Adnan, whose full identity hasn't been established yet.

Comments 10
Thumb benzona 19 June 2013, 08:05

Alleluia. let's see if the army is also directed by Bachar....

Missing ghzayel 19 June 2013, 19:45

let us hope it wont end up like fayez karam prearranged trial!!!!

Default-user-icon dddd (Guest) 19 June 2013, 08:32

why all criminals have the same finger language? is it a trend or overgrown ego or what?!

Missing helicopter 19 June 2013, 13:38

It is the language of "listen to me or you are dead". So they give their opponent the courtesy of "you are being warned"

Thumb habib 19 June 2013, 08:43

Ma7kama lezem yoshna2 alerhabi samaha

Thumb habib 19 June 2013, 08:55

Alerhabi m samaha waman a3tah alawemer bi tanfiz al3amaliyat alerhabiya yakolo 3anhon bi ennahon momani3in wa mokawimin wahom alerhab almorhibin wal jazarin wal katala wal monafikin wadajalin bi esmel mokawama yaktolon alatfal wabiesmel momana3a kano yoridona katli albateryarek wa shoyokh wa abriya2 hom erhabiyon safahon yaktolo alkatil wayamsho bi ljanaza ya anjas annas waya a3arohom samaha kana yobasher fi makana molkiyan 3ala 3atikihi ennaho alerhabiy alawwal fi 8 adar hazi hiya jabhat anosra 8 adar wa a3waniha hom alerhab no2ta 3ala sater

Thumb habib 19 June 2013, 08:58

Ma7kama shane2 3ala lhawa2 liyakona 3ebra ella alakharin waliman e3tabar

Default-user-icon dddd (Guest) 19 June 2013, 09:58

I would gladely put the black veil on his face before they hang him! I would enjoy it ! he is the worst kind!

Missing samiam 19 June 2013, 19:38

Samaha is just part of the reason why the ASSad regime must go--they have ZERO respect for Lebanon's sovereignty. Hope Samaha gets convicted and fried in the electric chair

or hung since we don't have enough electricity.

Default-user-icon ViemiawOwenia (Guest) 08 September 2013, 07:01

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