Friends of Syria Call on Hizbullah to 'Stop Meddling' in Syrian Conflict
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Countries supporting Syria's rebels demanded on Saturday that Iran and Hizbullah stop meddling in the country's civil war, French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius said.
"In the text that we have just released, we have demanded that Iran and Hizbullah end their intervention in the conflict," said Fabius, referring to their support for the regime of Bashar Assad.
"Hizbullah has played a terribly negative role, mainly in the attack on Qusayr," which was recaptured from rebels earlier this month with the group's help.
"We are fully against the internationalization of the conflict," he told reporters following a meeting of foreign ministers of the so-called Friends of Syria in Doha.
Earlier at the opening of the meeting, Qatar FM Sheikh Hamad bin Jassem al-Thani called on Lebanon to halt the involvement of any party in the conflict in the neighboring country Syria.
“The Lebanese government should stop the intervention of any party in the Syrian conflict,” he said.
To that end, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry also while addressing the FMs said that Syrian President Bashar Assad “escalated the conditions by seeking support from Iran and Lebanese fighters,” in a reference to Hizbullah.
Kerry accused Assad of an "internationalization" of the conflict which has claimed nearly 100,000 lives by bringing in the support of Iran and Hizbullah.
The Foreign Ministers held talks in Qatar to discuss boosting their assistance after rebels hailed recent deliveries of new types of weaponry.
Arab and Western assistance to the rebels has taken on new urgency after loyalist forces made key gains on the battlefield in recent weeks with support from Lebanon's Iran-backed Hizbullah group.
They have retaken the strategic central town of Qusayr near the Lebanese border and are trying to oust rebels fighters from footholds around Damascus which they have used as launchpads for attacks inside the capital.
Hizbullah is a key ally of Assad and has dispatched fighters to battle alongside the Syrian army against rebels seeking to overthrow him.
Hizbullah's intervention has raised tensions in Lebanon, where many Sunnis back the Sunni-led uprising against Assad, whose Alawite faith is an offshoot of Shiite Islam.

you stupid Arabs. Its exactly what your enemy wants, a sectarian conflict that is going to go for a long time.
Instead of uniting and educating each other, spend money on health care, technology and being independent of any country. you opted out to fund guns and ammunition to kill each other.

Iran has not finsihed killing the kaafir sunnis, it needs its private shia army in lebanon to do as Iran the god wants

Al-Qaeda is not a Lebanese Party and is not represented in my Government, so I have no say over what they do. HA on the other hand is both and I am against its involvement in Syria since that involvement goes against the declared position of my Government.

Only difference is Harriri does not intimidate his Sunni opponents with arms like HA does. Another difference is Harriri is content on letting HA form a Cabinet and him being in the opposition while HA always wants the veto power in any cabinet or civil peace will be the cost. There are few more differences but the above two will suffuce

Those that gave you thumbs down are the same ones you are referring to in your post. They are the ones with guns and they use these guns to make their living and to force their way into hospitals for treatment. So to them guns is the way to secure all other things....... I add my voice to yours "SHAME ON THEM"

I agree with the FM of Qatar, France and US, in that all foreign fighters and parties should leave Syria, including Hiz, Iran, Qatar, Turkey, S. Arabia and any country that has money and fighters in there.
The truth is that these bunch of hipocrates talk from both side of their mouth.

Seriously people, you need a memory longer than a gold fish before you throw your judgements around of how the world is reacting to the atrocities happening in Syria.
1. This was a PEACEFUL revolution in Syria, they were peacefully demonstrating even when they were shooting at them, randomly detaining torturing and raping them, and killing them.
2. The Syrian revolution did not carry on weapons and defended it self until the Syrian government crossed all the moral barriers and no one from the outside was able to stop the barbaric fascist Assad regime from it's bloodbath.
3. The Free Syrian Army was made of defected Syrian Army officers and soldiers. Syrian soldiers that refused to shoot at their own people.

That's completely FALSE HUGELY GROSSLY FALSE, seriously? You are comparing the uprising in Tunisia and Egypt to this? Where you under a rock for the past 3 years? At what time did the Tunisian government imprison kids 8 years old because they were chanting against their regime torturing and raping them? At what time was the Tunisian or the Egyptian soldiers shooting indiscriminately against their people? At what time did we see 10% of the atrocities committed in Syria in any other Arab world spring revolution? Unless you are completely oblivion to the start up of the Syrian revolution do not take me for a fool I've been watching this revolution since it's inception.

Since you brought in false facts here is me providing you the truth.
Tunisian uprising caused the death of 300 people and injured 600.
Tunisian population is about 11 million according to Wikipedia.
Syrian uprising caused the death of almost 100,000 right now and an insane number of injured (UN reports).
Syrian population is about 23 Million, again according to Wikipedia.
If you put it in % the Tunisian uprising caused the death of 0.0027% of the population. The Syrian uprising caused the registered* death of 0.43% the population. This should prove to anyone with a normal size brain that you are "WRONG".
*Registered deaths: We ALL know that this number in truth could be greatly lower than the truth, there are hundreds of thousands of Syrians missing, this regime has the tendency to create massacres and hide them from public (this was done in Lebanon as well).

4. Amongst the ranks of the FSA and political figures for the New Syrian government are Christians and Alawites incase you didn't know what
are they "traitors?" they decided to leave the paradise that your Assad will provide them and live in exile because they love that? Grow up.
5. As I've said a million times before and will continue to say EXTREMISM spawns EXTREMISTS. The heinous actions of the Syrian government were the reason behind the development of extremists on the rebel side. You all Lebanese know how cruel the Syrian government can be and do not need me to remind you of their atrocities in Lebanon. Imagine if you defected from the Army and you come home to see your wife raped and killed, your kids killed, your entire family killed because of you defecting how do you think you'll take this? Blow your head off? Go for suicidal revenge? Walk away? these are choices each person handle them differently.

If you think you are right, than why did Qatar, Turkey and S.Arabia started funding and backing these people from day one of the demonstrations. If the govermants of these countries really cared about the ordinary citizens, they would have found a way to achieve some kind of understanding.
The true motives of these govarmant was to topple the assad regime no matter what, and at what cost,ex. Libya

Abraham, I am not so sure where did you get your history from, but that is ABSOLUTELY unequivocally FALSE. Qatar was a huge alley for Syria and Hizbullah, Turkey was a big alley of Syria, and Saudi Arabia had it's hands full with Bahrain and not once did they get involved in the Syrian conflict. It wasn't until the screams from Syria to the Arab world until the Arab world started threatening with political sanctions against the Syrian regime.
Abram, They have spent the last 3 years trying to reach an understanding? Please kindly go read what has been happening in Syria for the past 3 years from a non-propaganda website before you comment on the subject.
Almost 100,000 people dead (we know of) millions in shelters in other countries, ALL OF THIS FOR THE EMPORER ASSAD to remain in power. What kind of a man would allow such massacres to happen for him to remain in power? Please if he gave a flying f about ANYONE he would've resigned long time ago.

former lebaniz
you must be one naïve person or you have no clue what's going on around you
S.arabia worked against assad when he scuttled the agreement between then PM Hariri and March8 side
Qatar from day one of the revolution worked in destabilizing Syria just like they did in Libya.
If you lived in Syria you would have known that in the last 4-5 years so much arms was getting into Syria from open borders of Turkey
That is a history lesson to you my friend

Mostly, can not disagree with his statement. The difference is H.A. is an army and a State within a State that puts Lebanon somewhat officially inside the Syrian "conflict". More accurately "religious conflict", a "religious war"; which side sits on the table to eat and feed its corner. If groups like Al-Qaeda are involved, we should hear the "Friends of Syria" complaining the same. Nevertheless, this

the1phoenix, I am disappointed with your comments to tell you the truth. I always saw your comments as balanced and respectful. The idea that you are supporting the oppressor now against the oppressed is chilling to say the least. The idea that you fell for the propaganda machine the Syrian government has so tirelessly pursuit is worrying.

sorry phoenix. I think you are really off base. Islamists scare marketing is an Assad technique to justify his existance. (take the heart eating episode for example, being used by putin to prevent helping the syrian people!)
We all know that assad is the descendant of stalin, the worst dictator in world history. He has his methods and he doesnt accept lebanon to prosper and be sovereign. We both know our beloved lebanon will never soar with such a neighbor.
Islamists represent a small portion of syrian FSA. Also if there is a negotiated settlement under Qatar and the US supervision, their funding will cease. And even if u have moslem brotherhood handle syria, they will eventually fail economically and be replaced.

Sometimes I wonder with some of the mouth pieces of Assad and I came to the conclusions they are one of the following:
1. Complete bigots, complete racists and these forms provide them the anonymity to display their hatred.
2. Complete idiots, brain washed to never question their leaders just like religions Islam Christianity or whatever. They train you since you are an infant to follow your leader with your blinders on.
3. Paid mouth pieces working the propaganda machine (which is not far fetched from Syrian government).

At least he is formerlebaniz (which means once upon a time he was Lebanese. But you bigjohn you never were Lebanese and do not believe in Lebanon, so the question is why are you here?

Bigjohn because my former country still has a place in my heart and it aches when I see the stupidity its youth have reached.

DO you seriously believe what you write or you are just paid to post these incredible claims... I wonder....!

Long live a Lebanon free of radical sunnis and shias !!!!!! Time for partition I do not want to live with people who support Assir, Nasrallah instead of patriotic Lebanese politicans .

You know what call me zionist if u want !!! Better than being salafist or shia militant !!!

Are you ordering the execution of Abu-Arz because he does not subscribe to anti-Lebanon SSNP? Yes Abu-Arz is an SSNP traitor which makes him a Lebanese Patriot. And if you read his post carefully he made it clear that he is against Extremist Sunnis and Shiias, he forgot to mention Extremist SSNP (but I will add that as a courtesy)

Time for the Christians to reunite in these hard times . Our muslim brother rather prefer to support their friends in Syria. I think we tried it for so long but we can't coexist next to each other. We need a christian federation with strong secured border that's how we finally could live in peace !!!

Mount Lebanon, Zahle , east beirut , Batroun , Zghorta, Bcharri, chekka , koura ,

First off, let me state that I am unequivocally anti-hizb iran and anti-ASSad, and one thing that I constantly point out to the M8er's is their hypocrisy, and the statement by this coalition stinks of it.
Seriously, you can't tell one group to stop meddling when you are doing it yourself.

sorry, the really really dark side is hizb iran and anyone affiliated with it.
anyhow, I don't subscribe to either camp--I can actually think for myself and don't get paid by politicians to subscribe to an opinion.

the1phoenix. i am proud of you today more than ever, some times i did not agree with your posts and most of the time i did like your post.any way i was in the b.g force 13 months and with the sks 3 months.and now i am an expat for 36 years. cheers bro.

The friends of Israel (as if Israel has friends!!!) have been sharpening their knives to butcher Hizbullah after they cut the throat of the Syrian regime. But now that these friends of Israel are the ones being butchered (figuratively), they want Hizbullah to stop meddling in the private!!! Syrian conflict. Alnusra wa akbar! Lovely! If I were Hizbullah I would definitely... well... umm... duh... butcher the friends of Israel with no mercy?

You have showed your true colors, you may not be a Hizbullah sympathizer but you are a bigot. When I see a child dead in a video, the first thing that comes to my mind is "it's a dead child how horrible", it seems that in your head the first thing that comes to your mind is "what religion is that child?". I am an atheist I care less about religion but I tend to respect people's religion regardless of what it is and find the idea of desecrating their place of worship offensive regardless of if this is a churche synagogue or a mosque, and what I see in Syria is the desecration of ALL places of worship and especially from the Syrian government.

It's very disappointing to see such bigotry intolerance and shameful display of propaganda campaigning for a blood thirsty sadistic totalitarian evil entity (don't deserve to be called a human) Assad.

So, the "friends of Syria" want HA to not meddle in Syria. Well, what about this:
Friggin hypocrites and liars.

You can't be that stupid it's like calling a judge a murderer because he gave the death sentence to a mass murderer.

There is a typo in the Western media...Apologies readers for this honest mistake should be titled: "Friends of Terrorists"

If I were a Sanni licking the excrement of other Sannis off the pavements in Syria, I, too, would ask Hizbullah to stop meddling in 'Syrian conflict' ASAP. Are you kidding me? Not only would I ask Hizbullah, I would suck their dingdongs and beg, too, like a good Sanni deserves to do.

Yes, I question your colors like I mentioned above I'm an atheist so personally I hate any religious intolerance from all groups.
With that said its been given and known that eventually Islamists are going to spawn out of Lebanon because of hizbullahs actions and that's what happened. This is a natural occurrence and no one can dispute that.
Regarding his comments and the dead soldiers, he is a bigot and an intolerant bastard and if not for hizbulla his existence would've never gained any momentum. Regarding the dead soldiers my condolences to their families, but what do you expect when you try to enforce the law on one party and not the other? Hizbullah party members wall through army check points completely ignored, they kill an innocent protester and no one lift a finger to apprehend the murderer? Their actions are fueling indifference against the army and resulting in these tragedies.

Regarding your previous comments your quotes can go both ways. I'm happy for you being a true Lebanese honestly I have no longer any idea what that means these days? A centrist? Please this excuse is getting old. The m14 group never had affiliations with any jihadist group and for the longest time they did criticize al assire and his cronies.
Regarding the west unsure of whom to supply weapons to .... That's just another excuse being deployed to delay actions, an English weapons manufacturer on BBC their concern for anti-air reaching the wrong hands is unjustified there are three easy fixes for that that can be implemented with little to no cost for the purchasing country from having the weapon disable after a certain time to giving commercial flights scrambling signals to block them to having remote access to the weapon controlling use, and these methods have been used before.

The west have been procrastinating for almost three years to take any actions and what has been warned about before by top diplomats that if we do not support moderates early on eventually extremists will take over and that is exactly what happened. If you have to protect your family from the onslaught of the shabiha and the only group that can give you a weapon do to that is alnusra what would you do?
Now the west and some Arab countries are supplying Idriss leader of the FSA with advanced weaponry hopefully this will counter act the extremists and neutralize their influence.
The truth hurts.