Hizbullah Vacates Disputed Apartments in Sidon
إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية
Hizbullah vacated several apartments in the area of Abra in the southern city of Sidon, handing them over to the Lebanese army, three days after gunbattles turned the city into a battle zone.
The apartments, which lie meters from the Bilal bin Rabah Mosque compound in which Salafist cleric Sheikh Ahmed al-Asir was a preacher, were one of the main reason for the fierce campaign launched by him against Hizbullah.
TV footage showed two apartments burned and damaged.
The army and security forces on Tuesday launched a manhunt for Asir after clashes between soldiers and his supporters left around 18 troops dead.
The military consolidated its grip on Sidon after overrunning the cleric's mosque complex late Monday. But Asir remained at large.
Syria's civil war has been bleeding into Lebanon for the past year, following similar sectarian lines of Sunni and Shiite camps. The military has struggled on multiple fronts in the eastern Bekaa valley and the northern city of Tripoli, where armed factions have fought street battles that often last several days.
Al-Asir, a 45-year-old cleric, supports the overwhelmingly Sunni rebels fighting to topple Syrian President Bashar Assad.
Few had heard of him until last year, when he began agitating for Hizbullah to disarm and to clear the apartments near his mosque.
Last year, he set up a protest tent city that closed a main road in Sidon for a month in a sit-in meant to pressure Hizbullah to disarm.
Earlier this month, he accused the army of “defending” the apartments owned by the Shiite party.
He warned he would resort to a “military option” if his demand to vacate them were not met.

Ya haram how nice they are! I will start to trust them when they become a Lebanese sovereign political party with a political agenda aiming to make Lebanon a better place.

"You can be either a donkey or a criminal. We tried to prove you are criminal, but you insisted that you are a donkey." Gen. Ahsraf Rifi

FT: how is M14 with Saudi Agenda different from M8 with Iranian Agenda ?
How can one be more a traitor than the other ?
Explain what Iran or Saudi brings to Lebanon and why we should "follow" any of both political blocks ?

Good Gesture? Shou badna nirba7 jmeeleh kamein? Lal2aseer raw7a balla raj3a but no one not even HA should have any military presence anywhere. Enough is enough. Ya badna ballad ya balla. Stop bullshitting yourselves people. The minute you'll have a dispute with HA you will realise how your current stance is wrong. To have a real state there should not be arms with any group other than the state!

FT : The Hezb is armed by Iran and Syria. Hassan admitted this publicly.
Yes, some M14 politicians go and beg for Saudi funding. There's no more shame in this than getting Iranian/Syrian support.
How is Hezbollah not a "Terror" proxy for Iran again? please explain
The difference between M8 and M14 is organisation.
M8 or more specifically Hezbollah (all others are irrelevant) has one voice, one line of command and a cohesive organisation.
M14 is a coalition of many parties with various influences. Not all are Saudi influenced. Some have European / US influence too and ignore Saudi.
M14 is born out of the will to free Lebanon from Syria. Not promote Saudi influence. You are completely wrong in your understanding of the situation and make M14 seem much stronger and "dangerous" than they actually are.
The only threat to Lebanon at the moment is Hezbollah ... all the rest including Assir are peanuts ... easy to get rid of ... and good riddance this is !

FT : You're crazy or what ?
- Foreign Hostile presence ? Like when they invaded Beirut and sacked Lebanese Medias ? Hezbollah is as much a Foreign HOSTILE presence as any other party seeking foreign funding and influence.
- M14 being united ? If it were so, M8 would have been eliminated long ago. Most M14 parties cannot even bare each other. Do you believe Geagea and Gemayel are complicit for example ? Come on ...
Saudi's do not have a magic wond ... they cannot control anything ... they don't even make decisions ... they just pump money out of the ground.

"it is different in the sense that hezb is only armed by iran"
That's funny that you admit that this gang is armed by a foreign country. M14 is not armed by anyone because they believe that only the sovereign state has that right. That's the fundamental problem with HA and their accomplices.

Wlak sho hable ya Farsi BSThrower. Same ol rhetoric and dirt from you. It's old!

It is actually sad..... Why didn't the authorities investigate and determine if these apartments were purely for civilian use? Why did HA now hand over these apartments to the military if they were as they have always claimed inhabited by normal chia people? This really stinks.

In vacating these apartments now, both the army and HA have finally admitted what Assir has been saying all along. These apartments were terror hubs and not inhabited by chia civilians! This leaves no doubt that HA has spread its military dominance over all lebanese areas. HA is intimidating the totality of the lebanese population. They can come to any area, open terror bases in the form of apartments or offices and no one dares challenge them. This is the State that we live in.

Farsi BSThrower states ""How is Hezbollah not a "Terror" proxy for Iran again?" hezb targets foreign hostile presence." WTF are you on crack? HA targets everyone that it feels is a threat to Iranian shia policy with no remorse. They are animals and don't have compassion for human lives even it be a fellow Muslim.

Apartments for rent in Saida, 100 - 300 m2, Panoramic view on Mosque, great sniping position. Comes with dedicated internet connection and private communication network.

3ajabak ye3ne?
Imagine if HA would integrate with the Army and puts its armed wing under the democratic authority of the people. Who would dare to mess with our country then? But noooo.... Nasrallah knows better than the collective aspiration of the people. Nasrallah, who NO ONE voted to power, makes war-and-peace decision and foreign policy all by himself. Our president can play as much as he wants up in his nice palace in Baabda; Nasrallah and only Nasrallah takes care of the business of running the country. Pity the nation.

The complete list of the people you mention, plus Nasrallah, and all their lieutenants, must be grabbed by the people, put on a boat and given a good push into the Mediterranean. Lets buy an Island for them where they can play "Run-a-Country".
To "again!" adapt a phrase from Roger Waters:
"The Lebanon memorial, home for incurable wasters of life and limbs".

Ou ba3den FT, it is not that we are in favor of Assir and his monkeys. The Army neko albon ou biyestehlo miyyet marra. What we object to is being serially lied to by HA. Why didn't they come clean on the apartments? Why do they get away with misleading us? Why this condescending and patronizing attitude towards the Lebanese people? This is exactly how dictators acts. It works on sheep; it doesn't work on free-thinking men and women.

3ajabak ye3ne?
Imagine if HA would integrate with the Army and puts its armed wing under the democratic authority of the people. Who would dare to mess with our country then? But noooo.... Nasrallah knows better than the collective aspiration of the people. Nasrallah, who NO ONE voted to power, makes war-and-peace decision and foreign policy all by himself. Our president can play as much as he wants up in his nice palace in Baabda; Nasrallah and only Nasrallah takes care of the business of running the country. Pity the nation.

I thought HA's role was to be a "Resistance" to Israel ?
Or is it to slaughter Syrians ?
Or is it to fight Sunnis ?
I forgot ? What's Hezbollah's mission again ? BULLSHIT

Real nic ? Is "the_roar" a real nics ? What's the difference ? I pick my nicknames according to your stupid remarks.
Who's "we" ? how many real "nics" do you have
Think all you want about answering my posts ... you will never be able to justify and legitimise Hezbollah's actions.
Bring it on ... and stop avoiding answers by changing the subject. Same tactics as FT / Mowaten. IRRELEVANT

fighting Sunnis? last time i checked the 11 out of 18 army men killed were Sunnis. Get your facts straight before you go running you're mouth

Yes, fighting sunnis. This has nothing to do with the Army.
Fighting Sunnis in Syria
Fighting Sunnis in Tarik el Jadide
Fighting Sunnis on May 7
Fighting Sunni medias ...
Should I go on ?

Women can take care of their own... no need to protect them from being "eaten"
They will probably enjoy it :)

I am utterly disgusted by HA and the army.
Did they seize the weapons stored in them or did they let the Farsi terrorists leave with them?

Momo, I don't care about nice gestures. I'm not buying 2mesh bil miter in the balad.
I care for justice, equality and the application of the laws + constitution.

The Roar : you're the first vegetarian roaring lion I "meat" :)
If you actually understand what "eating" a woman means ... you wouldn't react like such an imbecile ... You might discover this someday when you grow out of puberty and have an "arranged mot3a marriage" for you to discover some of the pleasures in life !

Roar, this will be your first lesson in adult life :
Sahtein !

It is sad to see all this religious hate against Hezbollah - I bet you if it were a Sunni militias (like it were and still exist in the North) you won’t care about sovereignty or legitimacy of weapons. What a shame that we still judge people based on their race, religion and sect. You guys should get a life and realize that the only time Hezbollah toyed with your salafists was when they were exceedingly provoked. It wasn’t Hezbollah anyway it was Amal and Communist parties who invaded Beirut in 7 May. But for you to claim that Hezbollah should have vacated the apartments in response to Assir's allegations is just ridiculous. Since when does one need a passport to own property in Lebanon? What a shame. How would you feel if Christians ask Hariri to abandon his castle in Fakra? Now give me your thumbs down dirty extremists

yea? a Christian shaking hands with a Muslim leader? I dont understand what's so sectarian other than religious sectarians and racists like you.

I like the disclaimer you hit us with "i dont dislike hezb part but..." then you reveal your true identity. When did Hezbollah use their weapons against civilians? If it weren’t for your stupid leaders who provoke them day in and day out, I bet you Hezbollah wouldn’t have been dragged into the dirty politics. You all are defending Assir because he’s Sunni not because you praise for equality between Lebanese. Assir and Chaker cussed Chiaas out and the devils got their dues. I hope other salafists will follow suit by continuing to threaten the army and Hezbollah. Can’t wait until I celebrate again watching the army invading their filthy camps

Christian : Exposing Hezbollah's illegal activities means "provoking them" ? Justifies turning their weapons against lebanese ?
Yes, when you poke a snake, it will bite ! But not poking the snake doesn't make them less venimous and dangerous. You cannot ignore Hezbollah's illegal activities and let them be !
Stay and remain an immigrant because you don't seem to understand the first thing about what's happening in Lebanon.
Where do you see anyone here defending Assir by the way ? You're completely dillusional !

The tape is now destroyed and another mission impossible has been successfully accomplished. Next assignment: stay tuned, Sannis.

Zadig, the mere mention of "Allah" in the name "Hezbollah" makes it a religion driven sect.
In fact, Hezbollah represents a certain Shiite current following Wilayet el Fakih (not all shiites adhere to).
The moment we will see as many sunnis and christians fighting alongside shiites as a true LEBANESE resistance is the moment you can claim Hezbollah is not a sect or religion.

Rawha - so all these anti Hezbollah posts in a war involving a Sunni (liar) cleric against an army doesn’t draw your attention a bit? What does Hezbollah has to do with terminating Assir? You guys attacking Hezbollah doesn’t sound right, in particular on this blog. You may open a new forum name it “disarming Hezbollah” but not in the context of discussing terminating Assir. Btw, next time I come to Lebanon I hope all salafists are sent either to Afghanistan, Pakistan or returned to Palestine. With thanks

You don't seem to understand anything "ChristianImmigrant". The Anti-Hezbollah comments are all due to the fact that Hezbollah's illegal actions are not met with the same level of "Seriousness" as any other terrorist group.
The Shiite "Cleric" Hassan Nasrallah has lied at least 10x as much as Assir yet you goble all his lies as Divine words. What a blasphemy.
This is not to defend the scum that is Assir and his group. It's to call for equal treatment and reaction of both Assir and Hezbollah terrorists.
if you fail to see that Hezbollah is a threat to the national security and stability of Lebanon, then please remain an immigrant wherever you are and stop interfering in the Lebanese "dialogue".

Rawha - I perfectly understand whatever naharnet tries to advocate for; I understand 80% of the readers are probably from Beirut which explains the high rate of individuals praising Assir. What I don’t understand is you and your friends on this page equaling Hezbollah to Assir which in every reasonable man’s opinion is fallacious and a lie. Once you agree that there lies a big difference between these two, I may start a dialogue with you. Until then, please relax I am a Lebanese just like you. I might be lucky because I don’t live in this whole mess and I can evaluate more objectively with less hate. Good luck following suit.

So you believe a couple of hundred terrorist sunni thugs are more dangerous to the national security of Lebanon than tens of thousands of armed Hezbollah members ?
You're right, Hezbollah is at least 10-100 times greater than Assir and his "crew" but this means they are also as much more dangerous.
Failing to see the threat that is Hezbollah to lebanon is failing to see the elephant in the room.
As long as Hezbollah exists, there will be 100 more Assir like terrorist groups. Assir is a reactionnary force to Hezbollah.
Eliminating Assir does not solve the Sunni terrorist problem. It just postpones it until the next scum comes along.
As long as Hezbollah keep their weapons, Sunnis will feel unsafe and will find ways to fund and arm such groups.
The solution does not lie in eliminating Sunni groups but addressing the root of the problem which is the weapons of Hezbollah and their actions.
Meanwhile, us Christians are too dumb to unite and put an end to this.

"HA backed by the majority of Lebanese" ???
According to whom ? According to which source or statistics... stop throwing fake numbers against the wall and "hope" they stick.
If HA was backed by the "majority" of lebanese, then they wouldn't mind adopting any electoral law and would not block the electoral process. They are the first obstacle to hold the elections.
This is the only point where they disagree with Aoun because they know they will lose.
Let HA hold the elections and see whether or not the Majority of lebanese backs them.
Stop it with your false statistics and fake assumptions.

FT : So we should all wait for HA to finish with the war in Syria to have elections ? You admit then that we are all hostages of Hezbollah and that the electoral process depends on them.
You say Hariri is broke yet funding terrorism left and right ?
You contradict yourself with every stupidity you utter !

There you have it, shia snakes of the HIGHEST ORDER, there constant instigation led to this blood bath. tfehhhhh,

There you have it, shia snakes of the HIGHEST ORDER, there constant instigation led to this blood bath. tfehhhhh,

they had what they wanted: assir out of the mosque now they leave the apartments! LOL! conclusion: it was all provocation from hezbis to reach this goal.....

I think the next logical step now is for the Future Militia to vacate the Dahiyeh apartment they have and remove their rockets from the basement of the building.