Jamaa Islamiya Urges End to 'Arbitrary Arrests' in Sidon, Detention of Troops 'Who Tortured Civilians'
إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية
The Jamaa Islamiya on Friday called for an end to “arbitrary arrests” in the southern city of Sidon and its suburbs, in the wake of the deadly battle that ended after the army stormed Sheikh Ahmed al-Asir's headquarters in Abra.
“Sidon was violated ... but we know that you have never been outlaws,” Jamaa Islamiya official Bassam Hammoud said at a press conference, addressing Sidon's residents.
“We know that efforts are being exerted to demonize the political forces in the city one after another ahead of targeting them and we know that some media outlets are provoking you everyday and we know that some parties don't want Sidon's welfare,” he added.
Commenting on the demos Sidon witnessed earlier on Friday, Hammoud said: “Your sit-in in Abra was a courageous stance and your sit-in outside al-Zaatari Mosque was also courageous, but the resolve of men and the sentiments of women must not go in the wrong direction, as the army is not your enemy, but rather a national institution that commits wrongful and rightful deeds, that's why the army must be immunized against any flaw.”
“We are demanding the correction of an abnormal situation and we are gathering to pacify a volcano that might explode anytime in the face of everyone. In order not to waste the rightful demands voiced by Sidon today, we will announce a number of demands,” he said.
Hammoud stressed that “all arbitrary arrests must stop, especially those conducted over religious symbols,” demanding a speedy handing over of the bodies of slain supporters of al-Asir to the families.
“The names of the wounded and detainees must be announced as well as the places of detention. The officers and soldiers responsible for the torture of civilians must be arrested and referred to the relevant judicial authorities and a probe must be launched into the death of Nader al-Bayoumy,” he added.
“A judge must be in charge of the investigations, not the army intelligence directorate, and the work of human rights organizations must not be obstructed,” the Jamaa official said, calling on the Higher Relief Commission to pay compensations to those affected by the clashes.
He underlined that “acts of thuggery by the (Hizbullah-affiliated) Resistance Brigades must come to an end and all gunmen who belong to political parties must be arrested for firing on Sidon,” adding that “Hizbullah's apartments, which were the reason behind the sedition, must be closed.”
“These are the demands of dozens of families who have been asking about the fate of their sons and searching for them in hospitals and refrigerators and these demands are aimed at preventing strife,” Hammoud noted.
The fighting in Abra outside Sidon was among the worst in Lebanon since the outbreak of conflict in neighboring Syria 27 months ago deepened sectarian tensions.
It highlighted widespread Sunni resentment against the army, accused of siding with Hizbullah and being selective in its crackdown on armed groups.
On Thursday, the army handed over to the military police soldiers suspected of humiliating and beating a man suspected of ties to al-Asir.
A military source told Agence France Presse: "We do not accept this kind of behavior."

josh-bustany, your post might have been deleted because of the hate you spew towards Sunnis. Show some respect and tolerance and knowledge. To quote Nasrallah, the extremist takfiris have killed more Sunnis and caused them more suffering than any other group. Afghanistan, Syria, and now Saida are example of that.

Guys let's not make a general statement like this about the Sunnis.... It will not be fair.. Although I have to say the statements by josh-bustany, benzona and haile.selassie had humors to them... Look there are Sunnis terrorist such as Al Qaida and Nusra Front... There are Shia terrorists such as Hizbullah... I am sure there are also Christian and Jews who are also terrorists (I am not excluding this either).

Zahle, I'm just going to simplify my demands.... Which are very basic.
I beleive that no human being is allowed to take the life of another one under any circumstance. And if you do it, you need to be judged for it.... It comes down to justice.... At least to me.
Other M14ers may have different visions and demands... And i'd like to add that I am not married to my political faction, I'm against clientelism and corruption.

Are you kidding me?
The centralization of data is the number one threat.... By governments worldwide and googe, FB, etc...
America may be the pioneer but that's about it.
My liege lord Haile,
Assir lost my support the day he armed himself.... I said this months ago. Nevethless, his polticial message demanding the end of an era of impunity and injustice was 1OOO.OOO% right.

how about the numbering system to mention one of many contributions to the world...what did you contribute?

Call us fanatics or what ever you want.
I used to be against salafi groups.....media told me they were bad.
However i have come to realize they are being demonized by everyone.
Enemies have united against them for the sole reason that they want to follow a pure form of the religion. Let me tell you this.
Saudi and Iran and Israel are on the same boat as Russia and America and turkey.
Give false images of cia training.Saudi and Qatar money.
All lies.
The world is at war with Islam......and the followers of asalaf asaliheen are the black banners from the east prophesied.
La Allah illaAllah.
Thank you guys for opening my eyes and showing me your hatred.
It lead me to the truth.
You will kill alot of us......but ultimately your fighting god.
Just wait and see Jesus will return soon......bashar how's it feel to be fuel for the fire.

and what about hezbis who humiliated civilians by forcing them out of their homes and crawl in the streets? LOL....

And I'm sure if the JI or asir's dogs captures a soldier they would have treated him with dignity and respect. Come on people, you're fighting terrorists and terrorists need to be treated like the dogs they are. Actually dogs are too smart.