Salam: Formation of Cabinet Critical Demand to Comfort People
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Prime Minister-designate Tammam Salam stressed on Saturday that the formation of a new government can't endure further delay.
“The formation of a new cabinet has become a pressing issue given the people's concerns over their country's future,” Salam said via twitter.
Earlier on Saturday, Salam held talks with President Michel Suleiman at the Baabda palace.
He left without making any statement.
Voice of Lebanon radio (100.5) reported that the two officials discussed the formation of the government as the March 8 and 14 alliances are holding onto their stances.
Salam had said on Thursday that government formation discussions were still focusing on the first stage of the division of seats among the March 8 alliance, March 14 coalition, and centrists.
He stressed that he holds on to his decision not to grant veto power to any side.
Hizbullah and the March 8 alliance insist on getting veto power in the cabinet but the March 14 coalition prefers a neutral government.

"the formation of a new government can't endure further delay."
Tell it to the Saudis. They have vetoed every proposal that Lebanese politicians have brought to Riyadh ...
And since M14 belongs to the KSA there will not be the formation of a new government anytime soon ...
Since the Saudis are tasting their bitter defeat in Syria then Lebanon too must taste the poison fruit of Saudi hatred and spite.

Mckinl. You are right in a way. M14 are only saying no and boycotting everything, and this is crippling the country.
But on the other hand, you cannot negotiate and work with a bully like HA who is 10 times more armed than you and is able and willing to crush you with his weapons if you disagree with him. One cannot be with HA without loosing their self respect.

It is the Saudis that are behind the M14 destruction of Lebanon. And it looks like it will be Hariri that loses credibility since he did not back the uprising he promoted in Sidon, taking the side of the Army.
The weapons of HA have never been pointed at the Army only at armed gangs ... Given the rhetoric of Future and LF the HA would be crazy to disarm at this time. From what I can see it is not HA that is threatening Lebanon but Future and the LF.

the new cabinet will be formed even it is going to cost the country an all out civil war.
the shia do not have the right to legislate without a cabinet headed by a sunni. they do not have the right to take over the country.
we do have a constitution.
nasrallah = hitler.

@ Geha
"nasrallah = hitler" ... You have a vivid imagination dear Geha ... and as far as the government surely a Sunni that is not a traitor to Lebanon will be found ...

all the reports I have seen so far on the actions of hizbushaitan in saida prove that yes: nasrallah = hitler.
grow up and live with the truth.

dream on
this time round hizbushaitan will not be able to impose once more their prime minister.
it is a sunni post that belongs to sunnis to decide who represents them.
by the way, hizbsushaitan has informed mustaqbal through back doors that they wuld welcome back saad Hariri :)
maybe are they starting to realize their mistakes?
the days to come will show us what will happen in our country, but we are at a decisive junction, and things can go either way at this stage.

Tell it to the Saudis. They have vetoed every proposal that Lebanese politicians have brought to Riyadh ...
MC, at least be honest in airing your views. The only proposal you have in mind is NOT Lebanese at all (It is Hezb proposal). This proposal grants veto power to M8 (replay of the past) and yes it is rejected by Mr. Salam, by myself, and by 50% of the Lebanese. I do not want M8 in the Government at all. They had their Government and they failed. We have not had a pure M14 Government yet, so I like to see then have the chance without the threat of arms by Hezb and see how well they can do.

In the mean time.... Lebanon's M8 government stopped measuring inflation.
It has never been done before, not even during the civil war!

All governments have stopped measuring inflation ... they do not want their people to see how bad the situation really is especially the increase of prices for food and fuel.
When it comes to corruption all major countries are guilty. China, US, EU, India, Pakistan, Egypt, Japan ... They need to hide the fact that all the wealth is headed to the top 1/10th of 1 percent.

Just do it. And stop hiding under the truth of who is blocking everything.

Mr Salam, you should have tried to formed your technical government at the start. Now you are just another character in the show.