Salam Says No Cabinet Formation Progress, Cites Option of Stepping Down

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Prime Minister-designate Tammam Salam said Monday that there was still no progress in the formation of a new government and that a decision to step down was one of the available options.

“There is still no progress in the cabinet formation but this will not stop me” from exerting further efforts, Salam said following talks with President Michel Suleiman at Baabda palace.

“I will not stand idle,” he said, adding he will not wait indefinitely.

Salam cited several options, including the decision to step down. But said: “I hope we would be able to take the best option for the sake of the country.”

The premier-designate reiterated that the rotation of portfolios in the new cabinet was essential and stressed that he continued to reject giving veto power to any side.

This means Salam is holding onto his proposal for a 24-member government divided equally among the March 8 and March 14 alliances and the centrists.

He denied in response to a question that he had received from the political parties the names of their candidates for the government.

Salam met on Sunday with caretaker Social Affairs Minister Wael Abu Faour, who is loyal to Progressive Socialist Party leader Walid Jumblat, to discuss the cabinet formation.

The PM-designate told reporters in Baabda that he appreciated the role played by Jumblat in trying to facilitate his mission.

The PSP chief is part of the centrist camp that includes Suleiman and Salam.

Comments 16
Default-user-icon Shoshando Zingavou (Guest) 08 July 2013, 12:09

Salam better hurry up and decide because the two-week ultimatum given to him by Dr. Arreet 7akeh, the prominent arreet 7akeh, will expire the end of this week. And we all know that when Dr. Arreet 7akeh says something his words prove to be... well... umm... duh... meaningless, worthless and nothing more than art 7akeh. wlak min addak ya 7ak...awati sat7i?

Thumb mckinl 08 July 2013, 12:11

There is only one option for Salam to get a cabinet ... marginalize Mustaqbal and use seats to break apart the M14 coalition to even get a vote.

Only in this way will there be a quorum in Parliament to approve his proposed cabinet. It is obvious that Mustaqbal intends to cripple the government.

Missing beirutbastard 08 July 2013, 15:14

Musta2bal learned all this from M8. Don't forget who's the best at crippling a government.

Missing beirutbastard00 08 July 2013, 23:39

I don't think we need to go ever everything, but lets just say what's the point of elections, when the opposition gets veto power... But this only applies when M8 is the opposition.

And I understand the 1001 reasons behind this, no need to explain em to me, but what's the point of elections? Lets just split the power between M8-14. In stable countries, when a side loses, they wait n campaign for the next elections. Here the winner tries to eliminate the other.

Missing --karim_m2 08 July 2013, 12:32

Can we get a prime minister that is not an Al Qaeda sympathizer? Or is that too hard to find?

Missing greatpierro 08 July 2013, 13:02

You are right Salam is a salafist Quaeda supporter.

Missing helicopter 09 July 2013, 03:26

The easiest to find is an Iran Sympathizer.
The hardest to find is a Lebanon Sympathizer. And when you find the rare Lebanon Sympathizer, then the Ayatollah Sympathizers insist on the veto power.

Thumb mckinl 08 July 2013, 12:34

One question: What does Mustaqbal hope to accomplish by crippling the governance and security of Lebanon?

Missing beirutbastard 08 July 2013, 15:16

Nothing. But y should they go along with what hizballah and aoun want?

Y? So we can have a quick formation of a hizballah veto government? What's the point.

Missing helicopter 09 July 2013, 03:24

What do you hope to accomplish mc by crippling the Constitution? Answer that first ..... look at that bridge in your eye man. scroll down for the answer:

Welayat elfaqih.

Default-user-icon Amir (Guest) 08 July 2013, 14:50

Technocrat government is a must.
De facto technocrats with ministers who work and do not give nonsense speeches.
Revive the is collapsing

Missing beirutbastard00 08 July 2013, 23:53

C'mon u serious?... U wana compare musta2bal to the ishtarakiyi, owet, Amal, owmiyi, and tell me they're the reason were in this mess?

Future was never about weapons. Everyone knows that. The only party without blood on its hands... Up till a few years ago of course. What happened in the middle that caused this change?

Anyway, i just think we can finally say the 80's are over now. It's time we just take a look around and be objective about what we see. Hizballah is the strongest force here, and it's on them to make the first move towards disarming... I kno I kno, I'm just saying ideally, because there can never be a state with a militia as strong as that.

Missing helicopter 09 July 2013, 03:28

And then your Government brought them all back (and added to them).
No wait they decided not to bring them back because they had the geniuses Mansour, and Haj Hussein, and God I am about to vomit..... I can't go through this mental anguish recalling such superb nationals.

Missing beirutbastard 08 July 2013, 15:20

I don't get it. He was already chosen to form a cabinet, that is his job, why is he still consulting with them??? Just form a gov like u were tasked to do, and lets see what happens.

Whoever doesn't like it, can put u to a confidence vote in parliament... But until then u have one job, and only one job. Stop going around having coffee and dinners, form a cabinet already Mr. Prime minister!

Missing beirutbastard00 08 July 2013, 23:41

Yea I know.

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