Aoun Sticks to Understanding with Resistance and to Hizbullah Choice in Cabinet Participation
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Free Patriotic Movement leader Michel Aoun said Saturday that the “strategic understanding” with the resistance hasn't changed despite disagreements on local issues, adding the FPM and Hizbullah would have similar stances on their participation in the new government.
“The strategic understanding with the resistance will not change but there are some local issues that there should be leniency in dealing with,” Aoun told Hizbullah's al-Nour radio in an interview.
He accused Premier-designate Tammam Salam of putting conditions that were “impossible” to implement.
Salam wants a 24-member cabinet, in which the March 8 and 14 alliances, and the centrists would get 8 ministers each.
But March 8 wants veto power, which Salam opposes.
The FPM wouldn't participate in the cabinet if Hizbullah refused to do so as well, Aoun said.
His remark appeared to corroborate a report in al-Akhbar daily on Friday that Hizbullah officials have contacted Aoun to confirm that the party was committed to having a united stance with Speaker Nabih Berri's Amal movement and the FPM in the decision on whether to participate or not in the government.
The report came after Berri said that the March 8 alliance of Hizbullah, Amal and the FPM was finished on issues linked to their shares in the new cabinet.
Differences between the FPM on one hand and Hizbullah and Amal began emerging late May over the extension of parliament’s term, which Aoun opposed, and more recently over the extension of Army chief Gen. Jean Qahwaji's mandate.
Aoun did not make a final stance on whether lawmakers from his Change and Reform bloc would attend a session set by Berri for Tuesday or boycott it.
Their attendance is linked to the session’s agenda, he said.
Aoun told his interviewer that sometimes he agreed with Berri and at other times he disagreed with him.
The FPM chief said his ties with him were limited to the meetings held between the speaker and the Change and Reform MPs.
Asked about a report in al-Akhbar daily on Saturday about a rapprochement between him and al-Mustaqbal movement leader Saad Hariri, Aoun welcomed any such move among the Lebanese parties.
“Rapprochement and stability are for all the Lebanese,” he said without confirming the report.
“The Saudis are seeking for rapprochement among the Lebanese for the sake of stability,” the MP added.
Aoun and Hariri have recently had “indirect contacts,” FPM sources told al-Akhbar.
The development in the relations between the foes came in the aftermath of a visit that Saudi Ambassador Ali Awadh Asiri made to Aoun earlier in the month, they said.

God Bless general Aoun for re-affirming his "strategic" alliance with the "Islamic" secular resistance regarding its fair and just war in Syria, and for its protection of minorities in the levant ( Alawi, Shia, and Christian). Unlike others, the general looks at the "forest" and not the "tree". He always steps back and thinks out of the box. His wisdom and poise might look unconventional to some, but that is because he is "unique" in his approach. In my eyes, he will always be mon général:)

Roaring-FlameThrower your mistake is that you are so lazy that you need people to think for you, so you end up needing to trust someone to make the right judgement on your behalf.
Maybe it is time you start to use your own judgement and think a little bit outside the box to realise how you and the other "mon general" followers are manipulated and what happened to you and your country over the last few years.
I am not saying that the ennemies of your "mon general" are more clever but maybe it is time to realise how stupid we all have been.

Roaring-Flame Thrower: Sorry dude; I don't want an islamic or christian militia to protect me. No, but thank you !

Roaring: Maybe to you Aoun thinks out of the box. To many others he should be inside the box. Are you paid by the FPM to post here. You people have no shame. Your leader has been accusing the saudis of wahabbism, extremism, supporting terrorism for months, and you have the audacity to come in here and justify his actions. Sick.....

how did you know it's the bikini girl if you have never posted here before:? Grow up:)) you are too obvious

oh my precious:)) welcome back! Last time I saw you, you were going to the gym before you got banned... what happened? You came back with your new friends above and pifpaf/pafpif/freemind etc etc..... you are all welcome:))

He is a traitor, how could he accept the resistance, an armed terrorist militia working for their own goals and achievments and he used to be a soldier.
Partition please.

The FPM wouldn't participate in the cabinet if Hizbullah refused to do so as well, Aoun said..............
Does that mean he and HA will allow a cabinet to be formed without them?
No way he said that, unless Asiri offered him in cash more than what he would have made being in the Cabinet.

Umm I think ur misreading what he said... U think if aoun, berri, and HA don't participate, we can have a cabinet?
The constitution says all sects must be included... Can't they find any non-HA Shias??? :/

“The Saudis are seeking for rapprochement among the Lebanese for the sake of stability,” the MP added.........
Now I am sure Asiri made him an offer he can not refuse.
If Asiri's offer was doubled Aoun might have even accused Iran of supporting takfiris.

Jumblatt can oscillate well also, not just turns. Sometimes he even hangs around the center.

Aoun's actions are as transparent as his comb-over, he will take the money but he will side with Nasrallah when it counts. At the end of the day no-one is going to give Aoun what he truly wants.

Jumblatt is smother and diplomatic, he is the better twister. I think Jumblat changes course more out of necessity then guile.

Yea it's like the random checks at airports... Totally random. No foul play.

Lol the other day they deleted a post of mine, cause it included a joke about the moderators being biased... I thought that was rather funny. I think maybe they should hire ppl that can remove ALL personal feelings, n just enforce a fair battlefield for discussion.

Anyways this page has become such a joke. There are like 4 ppl on here that have a hundred names between them, and they've tuned it into troll-fest.
Is it possible to limit ppl to one username per IP address?

It is possible to associate IP address to login names for STATIC IPs only. Most people have dynamic IPs assigned to them by their service provider and change every week or two or can be forced to change by the user if he/she is knowledgable enough to renew the IP lease very so often. Only servers usually employ the fixed static IPs.

There's only one goal, and it's to achieve veto power in cabinet. Plz make no mistakes about it, anything they do know is for this reason.
They're keeping the strategic understanding... But isn't that what made them M8 in the first place??

nah--missed the point. he just doesn't want to be on the 'next to be assisinated' list. the ex-general may not be current with all the issues but he understands how many anti hizb iran figures have been assassinated.

and we have yet to see a corruption accusion by the der generaral unless it involves others not in M8.
I am thinking that if he had actual proof, Berri would have been in jail long ago, but uses the corruption card against his enembies, not everyone who is guilty of it.

We have Gibran Bassil annoucing that the FPM is not part of March 8th and now Aoun contradicting him.
Is this bad poilitics or Hizballah twisted Aoun's arm to keep him in check?

If you have nothing good to say don't say anything. If you can't debate, refrain from involving yourself in this discussion.
Yorgo is short for Yorgos which is George in Greek(George is my real name). Yorgo is not a Jewish name. With your little Hizballahi brain, you accuse the people that do not see eye to eye with you to being Israelis. You are obssessed with the Israelis. Pathetic to say the least!
The majority of the Lebanese do not support Hizballah's policies. You need to get out from your cocoon in Dahyeh and engage the other Lebanese side in fruitful discussions instead of accusing us of being Israelis. It is the only way to bring our Lebanon forward.