Berri Warns Hizbullah's Isolation Leads to Lebanon's Destruction

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Speaker Nabih Berri has warned that preventing Hizbullah from participating in the new government would be dangerous, saying the exclusion would be considered directed at him.

“Those calling for Hizbullah's isolation are pushing towards Lebanon’s destruction,” Berri told As Safir newspaper on Tuesday.

“Let it be clear that the cabinet cannot be formed without Hizbullah,” he said. “I consider the rejection to give it portfolios as directed at me personally.”

Berri stressed that he has informed Prime Minister-designate Tammam Salam that the current delicate stage requires an all-embracing government.

“If I reject Hizbullah's exclusion, I also reject the exclusion of (FPM chief Michel) Aoun or al-Mustaqbal movement or any other party,” he said.

Conditions and counter-conditions set by the March 8 and March 14 alliances have so far prevented Salam from putting together a government.

March 8 wants a national unity cabinet that includes major political figures and is asking for the representation of its parties based on their parliamentary weight. March 14 on the other hand is calling for keeping Hizbullah away from it over the party's participation in the war in Syria alongside President Bashar Assad's troops against rebels seeking to topple him.

Berri reiterated that he disagreed with Aoun on several local issues but agreed with him on their support for the resistance and the army-people-resistance formula.

“There is no longer such thing as veto power even if Aoun gets five, six or seven ministers” in the new cabinet, Berri said.

“So there won't be any possibility for (the March 8 alliance) to have veto power or to act as a single ministerial bloc,” he added.

Berri said last week that the alliance, which brings together Hizbullah, the FPM and his Amal movement, was over and that Aoun would negotiate with Salam separately from the two Shiite parties.

Comments 19
Thumb Roaring-FlameThrower 16 July 2013, 08:39

“Those calling for Hizbullah's isolation are pushing towards Lebanon’s destruction,”.... Yislam Timmak Esteeez Berri. Yes, exclusion or inclusion of our "islamic" secular resistance from any government is tantamount to a declaration of war; the difference is only where that war takes place. Including it, the war takes place in Syria while excluding it the war takes place in Lebanon and Syria.

Thumb mckinl 16 July 2013, 09:09

M14 is clearly pushing Lebanon into chaos ... They will regret their strategy if they succeed ... Lebanon will be forced into the arms of the IMF and austerity will be forced upon Lebanon destroying the economy as it has in Greece, Cyprus, Portugal and many others.

Thumb _mowaten_ 16 July 2013, 10:50

trying to exclude a party that represents a sizable portion of the Lebanese population is not acceptable.

Thumb geha 16 July 2013, 10:55

yeah, but it was OK to exclude the whole m14 :)
really funny comment mowaten.
and please do not say they refused to participate as we all know they were given unacceptable conditions.

Missing helicopter 16 July 2013, 19:18

Destroying our economy is impossible, it is like falling off the floor, simply impossible. M8 Government already destroyed what little was there.

Missing helicopter 16 July 2013, 19:24

trying to exclude a party that represents a sizable portion of the Lebanese population is not acceptable. ...........
@mowaten, the constitution does not guarantee representation of any party, only sects. Then the Parliament gets to vote up or down. Ignoring the constitution is what should be unacceptable to you.

Thumb mckinl 16 July 2013, 08:54

The M14 agenda is clearly the destruction of Lebanon. First it was the boycott, followed by lies, deceit and slander of M8 and HA. Finally and most despicably they have attacked the Army with malicious gossip and blatant lies even in the face of irrefutable evidence that the Army is performing its duties in good faith, with valor and honor ...

Default-user-icon dddd (Guest) 16 July 2013, 08:55

Hizbo has already destroyed Lebanon ya Berro!

Thumb general_puppet 16 July 2013, 09:35

“Those calling for Hizbullah's isolation are pushing towards Lebanon’s destruction,”... always the threats, the Glorious militia has isolated itself by pledging allegiance to the Axis instead of Lebanon... it takes orders from Iran, fights for Assad and does not care what the consequences of its actions have on Lebanon or the Lebanese.

Thumb geha 16 July 2013, 10:04

as expected: threats of war :)
if anyone still calls this filthy militia as 'resistance' then he would be a fool and a liar.
this is only an Iranian militia.

Thumb Lebanon4life 16 July 2013, 10:17

I am for the complete isolation of all political parties and armed groups !!!

Thumb Roaring-FlameThrower 16 July 2013, 11:07

Isn't amazing how one's command of the English language improves 100 folds overnight. Now, that is what I call consistency in writing style!

Thumb Roaring-FlameThrower 16 July 2013, 11:22

Sorry, but excuse me for asking: what does B.S mean... Born Salafi ??

Missing helicopter 16 July 2013, 19:13

Berri Warns Hizbullah's Isolation Leads to Lebanon's Destruction............
Threats, threats and then more threats.

Missing helicopter 16 July 2013, 19:14

“Let it be clear that the cabinet cannot be formed without Hizbullah,” he said. “I consider the rejection to give it portfolios as directed at me personally.”..........
Amal, the political arm of HA

Missing helicopter 16 July 2013, 19:16

“If I reject Hizbullah's exclusion, I also reject the exclusion of (FPM chief Michel) Aoun or al-Mustaqbal movement or any other party,” he said.............
We the proud people of Lebanon reject the inclusion of all of you. We demand a Technocrat Government that excludes all of you filthy people.

Missing helicopter 16 July 2013, 19:31

Now my point is if you discount HA just because of their strong lobby influence from outside.................
we discount HA not JUST because of their strong lobby influence, but because they are a criminal organization that has a strategic plot to deliver Lebanon to Iran as a province of welayat elfaqih. Its actions and declarations are testament to that. And they are willing to resort to all forms of land buying, terrorizing, assassinations, kidnapping, steeping on the constitution/flag/and LAF. They got to be stopped.

Missing helicopter 16 July 2013, 19:36

We had a hybrid M14/M8 with M14 being the two thirds majority in it. However the equalizer to the M14 majority in Government was HA arms and their occupation of Downtown, and then igniting the war with Israel. So I can support your argument that M14 did not have green light to govern.
Regardless, when you have polarized groups as we do now, Technocrat Government excluding all is the best choice (so I am with phoenix on this)

Default-user-icon Chadia (Guest) 19 July 2013, 03:03

First, no one is thinking about Lebanon, if you are sick you can go to a Hospital? You have eletricity, you have water??? We all muslims, christians druze...anyone..we have to think about being together....for people....because the government....its not working for people....while you are competing between 8 and 14, we have nothing to win....for me, I think....we must have a government that think about people....who will win 8 or 14? We should force the government to give us our rights....14 or 8. Because while people are in bad situation in this country...the ministers...are just relaxing in their rich houses or in their can we accept the ideia of WASTA in this country???? And many other things....???? Haram ia Lubnen!