EDL Contract Workers Hold Sit-in to Protest Urgent Draft-Law

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

Electricite du Liban contract workers staged yet a protest for the second week in a row near the company's headquarters in Mar Mikhael ahead of a legislative session.

The workers are demanding lawmakers to an urgent-draft law on their employment put on the agenda of a parliamentary session.

Protesters blocked the road near the company with burning tires, however the Internal Security Forces members reopened it swiftly,

The urgent draft-law was proposed by Change and Reform bloc MP Ibrahim Kanaan, which the workers argue that it contradicted the agreement they had reached with the government of Prime Minister Najib Miqati when they lifted their 95-day sit-in last year.

Comments 1
Thumb Roaring-FlameThrower 16 July 2013, 11:26

Wayneiyeh Dawleh....!!!