Syrian Pro-Regime Figure Killed in Southern Lebanon

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

Gunmen have assassinated a prominent Syrian pro-government figure at his home in southern Lebanon, state-run media in Damascus and Lebanese security officials said Wednesday.

The SANA news agency said Mohammed Darrar Jammo was gunned down by "terrorists" outside his home in the southern coastal town of Sarafand.

A Lebanese security official said Jammo was killed in the early hours of Wednesday.

"Mr. Jammo was shot dead by armed men at about two in the morning as he was about to enter his home in Sarafand where he lives with his Lebanese wife," the official told Agence France Presse.

"They shot him with 20 bullets in different parts of his body," he said.

His daughter was with him at the time of the attack and was later rushed to hospital suffering from shock, security officials said.

They said a Lebanese man was detained near Jammo's house shortly after the shooting and was being questioned.

Jammo, a political analyst who often appeared on Arab TV stations, was one of Syrian President Bashar Assad's strongest defenders.

Assassinations of politicians, army officers and journalists are not uncommon in Syria but the killing in Lebanon of a Syrian figure is a rare incident.

The shooting is the latest spillover from Syria's civil war, now in its third year, into Lebanon, where people are divided between Assad supporters and opponents.

Comments 46
Missing helicopter 17 July 2013, 09:08

To use M8 logic, the Zionists killed him ......

Missing phillipo 17 July 2013, 09:12

What would you do if you didn't have the Zionists to blame? Who would it be? Someone must be guilty

Thumb _mowaten_ 17 July 2013, 10:40

they are wolves in sheep's clothes ma ;)
they play victims all the time and would have us cry over their terrible fate, but in reality they're the worst torturers and murderers ever

Thumb _mowaten_ 17 July 2013, 13:01

are the 4 thumbs down from 4 israelis or from israel-lovers? :D

Thumb Roaring-FlameThrower 17 July 2013, 18:24

Hizbullah: The heinous assassination crime that targeted the struggler Jammo highlights the approach of elimination that governs the behavior of the groups of violence and terrorism.


Missing beirutbastard00 18 July 2013, 04:47

Oh Phillipo. Why does naharnet allow this propaganda? ...

(Dont say freedom of speech, a citizen of an enemy country does not have the right to spread his propaganda)

Missing spirit 18 July 2013, 07:17

Go & stuff yourself you Jewish Zionist troll ! You state has more problems than ours , better solve your solution than worrying about ours yah Mossad terrorists !

Thumb general_puppet 17 July 2013, 10:05

No I don't think so, the Zionists would have paid one of the jihadist cannibals to kill and digest the evidence... most likely a dispute between two car dealers trying to sell him a used car.

Thumb Roaring-FlameThrower 17 July 2013, 10:18

May his pure and innocent soul rest in peace. What crimes did he commit? What? ..... Now, being a Pro-Syrian government mouthpiece has become a crime!!!!!! This is disgusting..... This Talibani-Israeli alliance is up to no good. Waynieh Ldawlyeeh.....

Thumb shab 17 July 2013, 10:46

Loool or exploding gas canister inside a faulty Mercedes

Thumb _mowaten_ 17 July 2013, 10:41

now observe the silence, and see how they will abstain from crying that the rebels are bringing the syrian war to lebanon.
they'll find a way to blame HA and the LAF for that.

Thumb _mowaten_ 17 July 2013, 13:02

oh really? werent the M14 gang on a campaign against the LAF? such bad faith is laughable.

Missing helicopter 17 July 2013, 18:03

No need to find a way to blame HA, even with eyes closed shut you can still still smell, feel, and sense how HA is stoking the fires inside and outside Lebanon.
As far as the LAF, they are as much a victim of HA practices as the Lebanese citizens themselves.

Default-user-icon Ron in LA (Guest) 17 July 2013, 10:42

One billion followers of the Muslim faith. 7 million Jews in Israel. It's comical to watch 1 billion people blame the Jews for everything bad that happens to any Muslim in the Middle East. The truth is that Muslims are a violent people. Look at EVERY on going conflict in the world. Philippines, Indonesia, Thailand, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Myanmar, Iran, Iraq, Bahrain, Yemen, UAE, Egypt, Lybia, Syria, Algeria, Mali, Sudan, Somalia, etc etc etc. Every one of them involves Muslims. You can blame the Jews for starting the problems, but a bit of reflection may just allow you for a moment to possibly think your issues are from within. I doubt anyone here will ever see that. You should count how many murders you blame on the may discover that there can't be that many Jews to do all that

Thumb _mowaten_ 17 July 2013, 13:04

one billion muslims are not involved, only a handful are, mainly part of the palestinians, syrians, and lebanese are still involved in the fight against zionism.
on the other hand israel has tens of millions of jews worldwide supporting and funding it, plus the US totally backing it with funds and arms and political stonewall, and most of the EU countries trapped in a guilt trip over WWII.
so no, the balance of forces is definitely not the one you pictured.

Thumb _mowaten_ 17 July 2013, 14:13

rofl, i personally know over 14 million jews, your statistics are comical.

Thumb arzak-ya-libnan 17 July 2013, 18:08

mowaten, every source i checked shows the world's jewish population to be LESS than 14 million. so i am not sure which source you are checking.

Thumb _mowaten_ 17 July 2013, 18:38

yea that's the figure they give, and they prevent censuses so you cannot have other sources, but everyone knows it is highly underestimated.

Missing beirutbastard00 18 July 2013, 04:55

Fine only 14 million... How is it that they are always in positions of financial power? Such a small group wiith such an uneven amount of power, n ur telling me it no conspiracy? They just happen to controll most of the money in the world?

Missing michel_tannous 17 July 2013, 14:16

All the countries you mentioned also have members of other religions involved so whats your point and why did you only mention those countries and not the rest where there are wars and violence? This is typical gog and magog tactics, simplifying things with lies and distortions to make a point. Satan taught you well. I guess when you jews attacked jeaus, it was muslims fault? And when you bombed children and adults alike to pieces, it was the muslims fault? And when you got the US to send its mostly christian soldiers to kill mostly muslims and get killed by muslims, its the muslims fault and never your fault?

Thumb ado.australia 17 July 2013, 18:21

ron in la... believe it or not, its not about 1 billion muslims v 7 or 14 million jews... its about apartheid style racism that the Zionist promote. 35% of palestinians in the 1940s were christian. most of the world that objects to this injustice are christians from latin america and europe. only european government guilt from the nazis holocaust is allowing Zionist israel to continue their anti human practices. china does not have zionist politicians and when they become the super power, israel will be forced to change just like south africa.

as for this article... its a shame that lebanon is now the playground or chessboard for these battles.

Thumb Senescence 17 July 2013, 23:27

Why would anyone thumb down ado.australia's post ? Zionists(i.e. zealots of zionism) are the scum of the earth.

Missing beirutbastard00 18 July 2013, 04:57

Starsky, ur clueless bro.

Thumb shab 17 July 2013, 10:46

The winds of change is welcomed

Thumb extramildcake 17 July 2013, 10:59

Is this really surprising? I don't suspect Hezbollah is surprised by this. War has no borders.

Thumb geha 17 July 2013, 11:05

this is obviously the work of the FSA, and it is no surprise as I expect a lot more to come.

Default-user-icon Bass (Guest) 17 July 2013, 11:26

I hope hassan is next what do you expect when you sit on TV and make jokes about people getting murderd by you govermnt

Thumb benzona 17 July 2013, 11:42

This man probably disrespected the 100+ thousands Bachar had murdered.... Allah ma3o.

Thumb _mowaten_ 17 July 2013, 13:06

yea the salafis and takfiris and FSA didnt kill anyone of those 100,000. bashar is fighting against himself eh?

Thumb benzona 17 July 2013, 18:20

Movaten of Isfahan: he's the one responsible for the 100.000 death. His Syrian/Lebanese Chabiha are just his tools. Are you an Alzheimer patient? It all started with kids in Deraa chanting ir7al ir7al ya Bachar.... Thy got massacred. So yes, he's is the number one responsible for triggering something that went out of control. He's responsible for creating the Al Nusra answer, and eveything evil occurring in Syria.

Thumb _mowaten_ 17 July 2013, 18:34

man you need to move on, you're still stuck at propaganda that is 3 year old
the initial protests were legitimate, but they were used as pretext by the saudis and qataris to send weapons and mercenaries in collaboration with dozens of countries. not surrendering to foreign powers does not make him responsible for the crimes of their foreign fighters.

Thumb benzona 17 July 2013, 19:57

Yes, Akeed, the kids were paid by the Kings and Emirs in person.... Khalas ya 3amme, you're talking nonsense.... And all readers of naharnet worldwide can see through you. Crystal clear for that matter.... You're an agent of Bachar...

Missing spirit 17 July 2013, 12:59

The Israeli Mossad are the worst of the worst terrorist killing machine that are sanctioned by a state ! One example is the assassination of a high profile activist in Abu Dhabi . They used fake Australian Passports to kill in cold blood all caught on internal CCTV at a 6 star hotel ! The Australian Govt. has filed a complaint at the UN against the Israelis , to cover up their crimes they even "killed" prisoner "x" who had all the info of these unforgivable crimes..

Missing beirutbastard00 18 July 2013, 05:02


Missing spirit 18 July 2013, 07:21

I'm with you yah true Patriot Lebanese ! Who is BB00 !!!

Missing helicopter 17 July 2013, 18:43

Do you think President Obama is the choice of AIPAC? They are influential, but no invincible.
Also the Jews are united because:
1) They do not have someone like HA threatening and assassinating their Jewish opponents.
2) They do not have foreign allegiances like HA and Salafists and SSNP and Baathists and Franjieh, and Wahhab. They all work for the betterment of the State of Israel.
HA squandered an opportunity to help give rise to the State in a meaningful way in 2005. That was a time when there wass almost total unity and admiration for them. Instead they chose to further the goals of their sect/Baath/Khameni. All actions to further that end was permitted (assassinations, kidnapping, extortion, weakening the State and the LAF, and so on.

Missing idris_gray 17 July 2013, 19:47

One less filthy terrorist on this earth...more please...

Missing spirit 17 July 2013, 20:14

Chopper, you are trying to convince us that the Jews do not Threaten , Assassinate, Kidnap, extort, or weakening the Israeli State ? Ok then
1) who assassinated the only Lebanese Witness to an up coming international court against Arial Sharon charged with murders' of Sabra & Chatila in Lebanon ?
2) who assassinated Abu Nidal in Jordan in the mid 1990's?
3) who assassinated a high profile Palestinian in Abu Dhabi was it not the Mossads using fake Australian Passports ?
4)who assassinated all members' of the so called palestinians who attacked the the so called Israeli Olympic team back in the 1970' s on foreign soil in with total disregard to local authorities in 5 different countries?
5) how many kidnappings were the Israelis' directly involved in against so called " Nazi " collaborators on foreign soil & brought back to Israel without any cooperation with the local authorities of a sovereign country?

Missing spirit 17 July 2013, 20:24

Continue ...
I sorry chopper but the Israelis are above the international law when it comes to threats, assassinations , kidnappings , & extortion my friend regardless which ever country they might operate in ...they are sanctioned by their Govt. to commit murder !!
Now tell the difference between Israel & terrorist ? There are no differences both are exactly the same !

Missing helicopter 17 July 2013, 22:18

I agree with your 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 points.
But you mis-understood my comment.
I said they do not do to their Jewish co-patriots what HA does to the Lebanese.
They do not do to the IDF and to the state of Israel what HA does to the LAF, ISF and the Lebanese state.
They do everything to further the goals of the state of Israel. HA does everything it can to weaken the Lebanese state and further the goal of the welayat elfaqih.

Missing spirit 17 July 2013, 20:32

Starsky ,
Who killed most Iranian scientists in Iran ? The Israelis right ? Of course they run the world when ever they want they can murder someone at an instant , they control the worlds Media such as Naharnet for example , you expose anything against Israel you will automatically be deleted or banned !

Missing spirit 17 July 2013, 22:31

Take a closer look at the Orthodox Jews chopper ......what they doing to the IDF & the mainstream Jewish population ! Not to mention the treatment of Arabs in the region !

Missing spirit 17 July 2013, 22:44

Or by the way , was it not a Jew who assassinated their Prme Minister as well ?

Missing helicopter 18 July 2013, 03:35

OK, you got a point. So can we agree then that the Orthodox Jews and HA are similar? Except in the case of the O.J the state and the IDF are the strong elements while in HA case they happen to have the upper hand over the state and the LAF.

Missing cedars 18 July 2013, 04:48

This Operation was executed by HA. True pro-regime supporters live in around their Baath communities.

Missing spirit 18 July 2013, 07:22

Go & have a Iftar !