Reports: STL Indictment to Name 5 Hizbullah Members in Next Few Days

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The Special Tribunal for Lebanon is expected to make a request to Lebanese authorities to question five Hizbullah members in the next few days after Lebanese judges traveled to The Hague ahead of the expected release of the indictment in ex-Premier Rafik Hariri’s assassination case, informed sources said.

The sources told pan-Arab daily Asharq al-Awsat in remarks published Monday that the names of the five people would remain confidential for a short period.

A source in Paris confirmed to al-Hayat newspaper that the Lebanese judiciary will be informed on Monday or Tuesday about the indictment.

The last batch of Lebanese judges who are members of the international court has left Beirut through European airports to The Hague where the tribunal is based, al-Hayat said.

Well informed sources told As Safir daily that the judges were summoned three days ago in an effort to protect them ahead of the release of the indictment and in its aftermath.

Despite reports that Lebanese authorities had received a copy of the indictment, General Prospector Saeed Mirza denied, telling al-Joumhouria newspaper that he “will announce it” when he receives it.

The Memorandum of Understanding signed between the STL and the Lebanese government says that a copy of the indictment would be delivered to the general prosecutor without passing through the foreign and justice ministries first.

Comments 28
Default-user-icon Joe (Guest) 27 June 2011, 08:42

The day of judgement of these thugs is near. They can run but they can't hide. Hizbullah real nightmare is about to start, and their boss, the fat bozo, will have to find a deeper underground shelter and rot in it. Like what a Greek proverb says, the fish starts rotting from the head, precisely whats happening to this blood thirsty terrorist Iranian thugs.

Default-user-icon Le Phenicien (Guest) 27 June 2011, 08:46

The so called indictment , if there is one , will have to be delivered to the minister of Foreign affairs and to the minster of Justice , and not directly to the general prosecuter , as they think !

This MOU is illegal . Lebanon is a member of the United Nation , and as a sovereign and independant country , it should be respected by the UN .

They should stop dreaming and stop waiting for a miracle to come and save them . There is a new government and that's it .

Missing mansour 27 June 2011, 08:50

very interesting few days and weeks ahead to see if the new illegal government honors and produces the 5 people in question over.however i believe it to be alot more than just 5 it should be the entire HA members and the sheep followers.Thank you

Default-user-icon Bashir (Guest) 27 June 2011, 10:06

Apprently when the Memorandum of Understanding was signed between the STL and the Lebanese government agreeing that the indictment would be delivered to the general prosecutor without passing through the foreign and justice ministries they forgot to consult Le Phenicien.

Nassrallah's fate will be the same as Bin Laden's, 'pop,pop' and then a splash into the Med.

Default-user-icon Lebanese (Guest) 27 June 2011, 10:35

It's incredible how much hate there is in Lebanon.... i've been reading people's comments for a few weeks now, making some of my own now and then, with the exception of a few people, most peoples' comments are filled with hate and anger. I think this is what happens when people become blinded and follow politicians full heartedly.
Bashir, i hope what you said about Nasrallah never happens not for my love of the man but because one needs to see the repercussions of such a move; let alone who will come after him. Nasrallah is a blessing & extremely smart. i can't say the same about Na3im Kassem

Missing MyNigga 27 June 2011, 11:38

Although I do not agree that Hassan Nasralla doesn't deserve the same fate as Osama, Lebanese has a point, I admit, Hassan is a smart guy but whoever comes after him may be a very trigger happy "leader".

Thumb shab 27 June 2011, 11:40

Tired of hearing about STL. Get it over and hang the guilty. Whatever happens the fat mafia rat leader will stay in his hole

Default-user-icon hanna (Guest) 27 June 2011, 12:49

Bachir , you make a huge mistake....the Mediterranean has is no dumpster....The dead sea is more appropriate.....

Default-user-icon hanna (Guest) 27 June 2011, 12:51

anthony.... there will be no one after him....

Default-user-icon Huang (Guest) 27 June 2011, 13:41

Regardless of who they name and regardless of who actually killed Rafic, those who did it deserve the highest form of appreciation from the Lebanese people and must be given the ultimate medal of honor. A Master's Stroke! BRAVO.

Thumb Marc 27 June 2011, 14:02

Watch these 5 be Israeli agents.... Then HA will say they had nothing to do with it!

Default-user-icon Adonis (Guest) 27 June 2011, 15:18

All these comments against resistance and nasrallah that i see today are the works of CIA and Mossad. You cannot explain such hatred towards those who made the biggest sacrifice for freedom against the worst enemy. It's amazing how some people, even if they are Lebanese stick to the enemy propaganda and continue to repeat it. It is a de facto treason but you can say "it's freedom of speach". However, when someone says "illegal goverment" after 100% constitution procedure, than it is a treason de jure and should be treated as such because you don't recognize legal goverment.

Missing lebanswer 27 June 2011, 16:10

You are right Adonis but unfortunately, it's more of a sectarian issue. Common sense implies HA and Syria are the biggest losers from Hariri's murder. Syria had to withdraw its troops thus losing most of its influence, and HA has been widely on the radar ever since. The "divide and rule" concept by the Americans is working in Lebanon, but will have no effect because the opposition is too weak.

Default-user-icon Mirror (Guest) 27 June 2011, 16:51

writing poetically about treason and sacrifice, you fail to see the other point of view.
There's no point in taking part of a discussion if at least you don't try to find out what's the others are talking about.
Does it occur to you that the "traitors" see Hizbullah as a militia?
Does it occur to you that they see them as traitors when they went in arms against the decisions of the government (democratically elected, and as you say 100% constitutional) in 2008.
Does going to the streets in arms in 2011 to change the opinion of Jumblat (something that even the allies of Hizbullah nor himself did deny) a 100% constitutional process?

One has to see clearly before branding people.
The Israel excuse has been exhaustively used for false pretenses.
Reminds me of "the animal farm" by George Orwell.

The presence of enforcers outside of the control of the government has always been assiociated through history to opressive regimes.

We all wish to build a state, let's keep that in mind.

Default-user-icon Mirror (Guest) 27 June 2011, 17:09


Syria has never been the poor laughed at person, and wouldn't have stayed in Lebanon past its two-year mandate, if it hasn't pressured and threatened people and politicians.

So let's not pretend that it was a plot against syria, and it was fooled, you're talking as if it has the right to remain in Lebanon.
It wasn't the first time there was an assassination in Lebanon under Syrian rule, and it wasn't the first time the crime scene was altered immediately after the act, so one cannot be wrong to assume that if the syrians were responsible of the crime, they would've thought that it would pass like the other crimes before

And I say "if", out of conviction that it's futile to further discuss this and talk about conspiracies and logic before examining the results of the investigation and the evidence; logic could explain both theories but proves nothing.

Let's shake out the conspiracy theories we've been hearing for 40 years or at least prove them with tangible evidence!

Missing peace 27 June 2011, 17:14

may i remind you that 2 presidents have been murdered, numerous others were assassinated and everyone pointed their fingers to the syrian regime! everybody agreed on that even GMA...
so if the syrians killed hariri, they did it because they thought that as usual they wouldn t be worried! but it didn t happen. so now they have to find a way to get out...
towel head prepared himself by acknowledging that "cia spies" infiltrated the hizb so that in a near future he will be able to say that cia infiltrated agents did the killing to accuse the hizb... smart move but no one is blind!
strange he announced that only a few days or weeks before the indictement , no?

Missing allouchi 27 June 2011, 17:23

The guilty SHOULD pay the price. Hizballa will now blame it on CIA and Israeli spies within its ranks....Hizballa should now be called hassaballa...bunch of criminals.

Default-user-icon An independent thinker (Guest) 27 June 2011, 17:43

Le Phenicien: You may have read my other post yesterday... You don't seem to know much about international law either. Lebanon as a member of the united nations must fully respect international law and honor its international obligations and commitments. My recommendation to you is simply: be careful what you wish for because you may get it...

The international community has for the moment spared lebanon from sanctions. The lebanese banking system has been quite resilient so far. If destroyed it will be "freefall lebanon"...

I don't know who you are, and maybe this is what you wish for (although your pseudonym suggests otherwise) - or maybe you are very simple minded and unable to understand the complexity of the world you live in.

I only hope that your mind will not deceive you soon...

Default-user-icon Adonis (Guest) 27 June 2011, 21:17


i accuse you as a traitor. You lie, and than you lie more and than when i think it's not possible, you lie even more.
1. goverment in 2008 was not legal, check constitution
2. you can see resistance as a militia but that's your personal problem and you should not bother us with it. Lebanese parliament made a decision in 1991 that this resistance is legal until the fullfillment of the agenda.
3. they went out on the streets to prevent treasonous decision about telecom network, airport security and to crush down mercenaries from Saudi Arabia and Jordan that were holding arms on the streets and inciting civil strife. There were even some domestic retards on their side. If they wanted to crush the goverment, they would have do it, but they didn't. Their move was heroic and i aplaud them, and i hope next time they will crush the organizers also. Furthermore, ask yourself how much millions march 14 used to make jumblatt's initial change.

Missing lebanswer 27 June 2011, 21:41

I won't bother with Slash, he's probably on Haaretz' payroll. To anwer your claims Mirror, I'm against the Syrian occupation and they shouldn't have been here to begin with. We did invite them in, yet we didn't expect this hostility; I'm not surprised though considering most of their soldiers were illiterate at best. To stay on point though, all I was saying is that they were a loser from his assisssination, they didn't gain anything. What did HA gain? Hariri was always on good terms with Nasrallah, they might've had some differences but as much as the ones with Saad, I highly doubt. HA and Syria didn't win, the indictment will only serve a more severe division in Lebanon which only serves Israel's interest. If you want more hate in Lebanon, you're a free man, if you're going to counter this statement by "I want justice" then did we get any justice from Israel's massacres? (cluster-bombs,bio-bombs used). The International Community serves interests, not ours. Adonis explained the rest.

Default-user-icon TITUS (Guest) 27 June 2011, 22:21

Time for the Guilty Iranian Criminal Terrorist Gang Hezb Ebola and its criminal masters in Damscus and Tehran to pay the price for the very many crimes they have committed against Lebanon, its people, its economy and the whole Middle East's stability for the past three decades, which left 100's of thousands dead in endless brainless wars that served only the interest of the fat rat Nasrallah and his criminal masters.

Missing peace 28 June 2011, 00:38

if i follow the logic of adonis then if the new opposition is against a law that they judge as illegal they would have the right to take arms and go in the streets and kill people!
as the hezb did in may!

or does this apply only to one party in lebanon, the hezb?

it seems in his logic that the hezb can do whatever they want, and are above the lebanese laws...
(because if i still follow your logic, if there were saudi and jordanian armed people in lebanon in may as you write , isn t it the role of the police forces or the army to arrest them? it is certainly not the role of a political party to do justice in the name of the state!!!)

how fascinating!

Default-user-icon John from Koura (Guest) 28 June 2011, 02:58

The killing of Rafiq Hariri is a Lebanese INTERNAL issue, like the killing of many Lebanese (and non-Lebanese) in Lebanon. Non- Lebanese Organizations do not have any real role to play. Worse things have happened than the Hariri murder where the UN was never involved in, and when the UN was involved ...the UN rulings did nothing and was never enforced.

Unless, some think that the UN will invade Lebanon and arrest the alleged persons? Or maybe some think this will hurt HA and its M8 allies in elections? Neither will happen. Today, the killing of Hariri is not the number one topic of the majority of Lebanese. And, those who think that the pro- Israeli western backed STL verdict will help the M14 politically are very much mistaken. We have a long history of Lebanese killing each other in the past to even some score. I do not think it is in the interest of M14 to bring the situation to the past where there will be a civil war, and today, we all know who will be the biggest losers.

Default-user-icon John from Koura (Guest) 28 June 2011, 03:36

Let me ask those who are knowledgeable about international events...What has happened to the Sudanese leader who was charged with "genocide" by a western UN judge in responsibility for killing 400,000 people in Sudan?

Default-user-icon Jimbo (Guest) 28 June 2011, 04:28

TITUS, your parents are in the Asfourieh, paying the ultimate price for bringing such a retard to this world. I even saw you listed in the Guinness Book of Records under the Retards section. Nobody comes close to you, not even Fares Soaid.

Default-user-icon Lebanese Christian (Guest) 28 June 2011, 06:17

Lebanese Christian read your Bibles and you will find the whole truth. Jesus Christ is coming back and each day is sooner than yesterday. Most of the prophesies in the Bible have been fulfilled so what makes you think that the end time prophesies will not take place?

"And in that day His feet will stand on the Mount of Olives, Which faces Jerusalem on the east. And the Mount of Olives shall be split in two, From east to west, Makinga very large valley; Half of the mountain shall move toward the north. And half of it toward the south." (Zechariah 14:4)

"Behold, He is coming with clouds, and every eye will see Him, even they who pierced Him. And all the tribes of the earth will mourn because of Him. Even so, Amen." (Revelation 1:7)

P.S: The Lord Jesus Christ was crucified for all the sins of the world, to be saved all you have to do is confess that you are a sinner and accept Him into your life. (John 3:16)

Default-user-icon An independent thinker (Guest) 28 June 2011, 20:08

John from Koura: You may be right. Lebanon has a long history of killings and political assassinations. The killing of Hariri is not the first (and unfortunately was not the last). You are making my argument that Lebanon was unable to stop that and hence needs an international tribunal... Maybe it is time to seek justice and start building our institutions. It is outrageously obvious to me that the international tribunal is the only way to bring some form of justice and has a tremendous value if only it reduces "moral hazard" of criminals.

I fundamentally disagree with you when you say that the UN has no role to play. Who truly believes that lebanon is able to bring to justice those criminals, particularly if they are non-lebanese?

Finally your reading of history is biased and shortsighted.Yes Omar al-bashir is still the president of Sudan while indicted by the ICC - but it ain't over untill it's over. What about Yougoslavia, Rwanda, and even the khmer more recently?

Default-user-icon John from Koura (Guest) 29 June 2011, 05:26

"What about Yougoslavia, Rwanda, and even the khmer more recently". Good question independent thinker. What is the differance between Sudan, the Taliban (also Israel, USA, ETC)? The countries you mentioned were defeated by powers inside or by an invasion ( Khmers invaded by Vietnam which overthrew Khmer Rouge). In Afghanistan, the Taliban were invaded and the leader Omar mullah was never found (ulike Bin Laden). It does not matter. As soon as the US leave, the Taliban will take over most sunni areas, and it does not matter if the current leader of the Taliban is alive or dead. Now who do you compare Lebanon to?