Assad Visits Daraya near Capital as he Pledges Victory against Rebels

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

Syrian President Bashar Assad made a visit on Thursday to the town of Daraya outside Damascus, a former rebel bastion now mainly under government control, state television reported.

The broadcaster aired no immediate footage to accompany its report.

It was one of the few occasions that Assad had been reported to have traveled outside the capital since an uprising against his rule erupted in March 2011.

It came as he sent an Army Day message to troops telling them he was "sure of victory" over the rebels.

"If we in Syria were not sure of victory, we would not have had the will to resist nor been able to persevere in the face of more than two years of aggression," he said.

"I have great faith in you and confidence in your ability to... fulfill the national mission that has been assigned to you," Assad told troops in the message.

"You have shown rare courage in the battle against terrorism and you have impressed the whole world with your resistance... in one of the most brutal and ferocious wars of modern history," he said.

His comments came after troops recaptured a key neighborhood of the strategic central city of Homs on Monday in the biggest gain so far of a month-long assault.

The army has also been on the offensive in the eastern suburbs of the capital and west of the main northern city of Aleppo.

The 28-month conflict has killed more than 100,000 people, according to the United Nations, but U.N. efforts to convene a Russian- and U.S.-backed peace conference have stalled.

Comments 24
Missing formerlebaniz 01 August 2013, 11:27

Over a hundred thousand recorded deaths, millions in refugee camps displaced, country lies in ruins ALL of this for you to remain in power. All the death your people are inflicting for you and your family to remain in control.

You give the word "patriotic" a new meaning. Why the charades these people are not fighting for Syria they are fighting for a man YOU. You are an insult to any definition of humanity and to mankind in general.

Thumb _mowaten_ 01 August 2013, 14:06

no not for him to "remain in power", nobody cares about that, and I wouldn't support him if it were the only cause. the reason for this war is to resist the takfiri takeover and ethnic cleansing (which was an intention from the start "alawites in the grave and christians in beirut" remember?) and preserve one of the last Arab secular country and one of the last Arab country that is still resisting israel.

Default-user-icon mustapha o. ghalayini (Guest) 01 August 2013, 17:56

the new religious sykes picot is being drawn,i dont see anything else.

Thumb Bandoul 01 August 2013, 19:33

I cannot for the life of me figure out how any self-respecting human being would deny the Syrian regime used its full military arsenal on unarmed civilians long before any foreign terrorists joined the fight and committed any atrocities. Neither side is excused but for the sake of history and clarity, the atrocities committed by the Syrian regime came a full 6 to 9 months before those committed by the foreign terrorists.

Missing karim74 01 August 2013, 13:06

indeed.... so sure of victory ASSad was that he had to call on hizbullah to retake and lay siege a couple of weeks before he could retake one small village

Thumb _mowaten_ 01 August 2013, 14:11

qusayr a small village? hehehe you sure are an expert :)
oh and btw, HA volunteered, assad didnt ask them to come in. the point was to clean out the 20,000 fighters massing up above the bekaa, attacking border villages, firing rockets on the hermel and threatening to invade.
since they completed that mission they came back, there are no more HA fighters involved in combat operations (beaides a few dozens defending the Saydet Zainab shrine)

Missing people-power 01 August 2013, 16:58

Momo, you are a lying propagandist.

You keep trying to convince everyone that 20,000 fighters were amassing at the border. Do you think that just because you write this lie 20 times that people will believe you?

Stop this BS. The population of Qusayr was 20,000 people total.

The opposition rebels were by far outnumbered by Hezbollah and Assad troops. Plus the regime used jets, tanks, rockets, and missiles, all weapons that the opposition did not have in Qusayr.

Stop lying!

Thumb _mowaten_ 01 August 2013, 17:39

people-power: the population has nothing to do with the number of fighters which were there, that must be the lamest argument I ever heard from you.

regarding who outnumbered who I disagree with you, but it doesnt matter much

Thumb _mowaten_ 01 August 2013, 17:42

ps: if there were so few fighters in quseyr, how come you guys claim the regime needed HA to clean it up, yet now it doesnt need HA to fight the tens of thousands in homs or deraa or aleppo? hmmm... inconsistent much?

Thumb _mowaten_ 01 August 2013, 17:43

the_roar: no i think he didnt get his goats, that's why he sounds so aggressive and frustrated ;)

Thumb cedre 01 August 2013, 13:14

dont be naive, bashar and his dad have always been part of the NWO and new middle east plan. Otherwise rebels would get weapons like libyans did, and cia would not be at turkish and jordanian borders, blocking ammo from entering syria. West wants him to destroy syria and create alawitstan. Remember, its the west that gave a blanc-seing to hafez to destroy lebanon...

Thumb Senescence 01 August 2013, 20:55

The US/Israel want the Bachar regime to fall have you no doubt. With Syria out of the way they can easily isolate Iran for attack and invasion. The problem here is Russia. Rarely would a sane person try to tackle The Bear.

Missing helicopter 01 August 2013, 22:29

I think the US only wants to weaken Bashar enough so when Iran is attacked it will not be able to count on any Syrian or HA support. They give the opposition only enough to keep Bashar and HA bleeding but not enough to cause him to collapse (they need him to keep the Golan frontier quiet).

Missing beirutbastard00 02 August 2013, 11:24

The west doesn't care who the hell is in charge, as long as Israel is safe! Assad's woulda never stayed in power had they not kept Israel safe... But plz don't forget, the Islamist/jihadists aren't attacking them either! In 60years Saudi didn't lift a finger in Palestine, but Syria is flooded with fighters and destroyed in two years. Why??

One day when America's debt becomes too big to bear, they will turn on the "Israelis".

Thumb dust 01 August 2013, 13:27

Don't be so sure, everything has an end...

Default-user-icon Rahman Shikshakshok (Guest) 01 August 2013, 18:59

Have you noticed that GabbyMarch14 refrained (so far, perhaps because he is in shock over this exciting news of the fall of the "ASSad" regime) from commenting on this story? Between you and me, why should gabbaguybo comment now that the "ASSad" regime fell yesterday, Wednesday, as promised, and today, "ASSad" is... well... umm... duh... surrendering? in person in Daraya? Long live al-Nusra and their universal struggle for democracy, freedom and human rights with the support of the mothers of all terrorists, Saudi Arabia and Qatar, ya friggin 3ein! You go, crazies and lunatics. With al-Nusra, aka Dr. Arreet 7akeh's "minnina" te3oulo, al nasrou atin ya Farts 14 and Sanni First. takbir.

Thumb Bandoul 01 August 2013, 19:43

No civilized Lebanese supports terrorism regardless if the terrorists are heart eating Nusra cannibals or Iranian funded mercenaries. Both groups are devil worshipers claiming to be messengers of God, both to be avoided and exterminated like the vermin that they are. A few elements will always cheer for terrorists with depraved indifference towards human life and the loss thereof because they are ignorant cave dwellers who belong in a tent without food and water in the desert heat.

Thumb Senescence 01 August 2013, 20:58

Unless he wins the elections that is.

Missing helicopter 01 August 2013, 22:26

I am happy you are so proud of your president. I wish all Lebanese are just as proud of theirs. You are Syrian, right? That is a patriotic position of yours.

Missing helicopter 01 August 2013, 22:26

I am happy you are so proud of your president. I wish all Lebanese are just as proud of theirs. You are Syrian, right? That is a patriotic position of yours.

Missing helicopter 01 August 2013, 22:29

I look at your avatar and shake my head, chadoor is missing.

Missing helicopter 01 August 2013, 22:30

God help us from Nusra and from HA shi3a. Amen.

Missing helicopter 01 August 2013, 22:33

Keep the Assad (lions) busy fighting a pack of wolves until they both are exhausted. Then when the Lion's benefactor )Iran) is attacked it will be alone fighting in its den. They are just softening the enemy in preparation for the blow.

Missing youssefhaddad 01 August 2013, 23:58

No Regime is worth so much death or destruction. "Victory" what victory could any ruler have over his own people?