Al-Rahi Urges Reconciliation Dialogue Based on Suleiman's Army Day Speech
إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربيةMaronite Patriarch Beshara al-Rahi called on Monday for taking President Michel Suleiman's Army Day speech as a basis of reconciliation talks among Lebanese leaders.
“It's about time for political parties to sit at the table of frankness and reconciliation” and discuss the local situation, al-Rahi said in his sermon during a mass in his summer residence of Diman.
“The president's speech on Army Day should be on the agenda” of the all-party talks, he said.
Al-Rahi also said it was the duty of the Lebanese people and mainly civil society “to urge politicians to find a solution to the political crisis.”
The solution comes through the revival of a capable state that gets strong through its constitutional institutions and the loyalty of the people, he said.
On Thursday, Suleiman said Hizbullah’s fighting in Syria alongside troops loyal to President Bashar Assad underlined the need for a review and approval of a national defense strategy.
He said it was time for the Lebanese state and the army to be the sole decision-makers on the use of the nation's capabilities.
“The army's role would be difficult if a party or more get involved in conflicts outside Lebanon,” he said.

Patriarch al-Rahi is for the dialogue. Unfortunately for the patriarch, the head of the Sanni Church in Lebanon, Dr. Arreet 7akeh, sees no point in it, and we all know that when the Grand Doc of Art 7akleh says something, his words are basically... well... umm... duh... meaningless, dumb and nothing but a big load of bull that please his avid followers, Drs. Arteena Satleh, to the point of bouncing and clapping like the retards that they are. wlak min addak ya 7ak...awati ya arreet 7akeh numero uno ya bou la2a?

Your Eminence , reonciliation has zero value for the country and future generations. Justice first, then reconciliation. Only justice can bring peace. Reconciliation is an invitation to do more of the same. Wissam El Hassan is a clear example of that. The killing machine is still mowing down the best breed of lebanese politicians. The Hizb should be judged and punished the way the nazis were after second world war. Reconciliation with Germany only took place after Nuremberg.

According to some, Sulaiman was paid to make his patriotic speech.. now M8, who held Al-Rahi high when he was making statements that fell in line with their agenda, will say that he was paid as well.
everybody is getting paid if they say one word against the resistance.. if they are "with" the resistance, they are patriotic statesmen..
How pathetic.

oh so his talks are for the good of Lebanon.. but Sulaiman's speech was paid for by Qatar... and he works against the country and resistance.. but Al-Rahi, who enforced Sulaiman's speech is patriotic.. go figure people.. it depends on the person.. not the words and deeds..
no wonder we have Aounis.. it depends on the person.. NOT the words and beliefs.. those can change... but HE is still Aoun.

FT, i for one do not believe at all that HA fired those rockets.. i mean yes i absolutely hate them but they are not stupid to make such a move so soon after his speech.
And regardless if Qatar paid or did not, (which is what comes out after anybody talks against the resistance) the content of his speech should be supported still.

this filthy traitor terrorist Iranian militia has to understand they are not welcome in Lebanon.
if they will not go on their own, then thy will be forced to.
look around, is there anyone in the region that will help you if Israel finally decided to attack you? where will you run? is there a single Lebanese that will accept your families as refugees?

education, not indoctrination.
good luck with your paid messages
and while you are at, PAY YOUR ELECTRIC BILL