Aoun: Policy Statement Will Be Finalized this Week, Including STL Clause

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Free Patriotic Movement leader MP Michel Aoun stated on Tuesday that the committee drafting a government policy statement will likely complete its work this week.

He revealed after the Change and Reform’s weekly meeting: “It will be finalized this week and the clause on the Special Tribunal for Lebanon will be the final issue of discussion.”

On some MPs’ statements that failing to address the tribunal in the policy statement would be a crime, he responded: “The existence of the March 14 camp was a crime against Lebanon.”

“We will soon inform them of their crimes,” he added.

Aoun asked: “Will the STL’s functioning cease if the policy statement did not address it?”

“The indictment will not affect anything in Lebanon,” he stressed.

The ongoing debate over the policy statement has not yet created animosity, as the differences in opinion will only improve the statement, the MP noted.

Addressing the developments in Syria, he said that the situation appears to be heading towards a resolution, hoping that this will mark an end to the country’s unrest.

  • 28 June 2011, 17:14

    MP Aoun: Israel always threatens to launch a war, but it will only wage one if it feels cornered. After the July 2006 war, it will fail in any assault.

  • 28 June 2011, 17:11

    MP Aoun: The U.S. blessed the opposition meeting in Syria and the attacks on the security forces violate the rules of peaceful protests.

  • 28 June 2011, 17:09

    MP Aoun: If it weren’t for the differences in opinion, the work of the committee drafting the policy statement wouldn’t improve.

  • 28 June 2011, 17:08

    MP Aoun: The political dispute is not getting out of control and no animosity is being created.

  • 28 June 2011, 17:07

    MP Aoun: The indictment will not affect anything on the ground.

  • 28 June 2011, 17:06

    MP Aoun: We want the truth and justice and the STL’s functioning will not stop so why blow things out of proportion?

  • 28 June 2011, 17:05

    MP Aoun: We hope to finalize the cabinet policy statement this week and prepare the clause on the STL.

  • 28 June 2011, 17:04

    MP Aoun: We discussed the Azhar document, which is valuable because it talks about respecting women and says there is no such thing as a religious state in Islam.

  • 28 June 2011, 17:02

    FPM leader MP Michel Aoun after movement’s weekly meeting: The situation in Syria looks to be resolved and we hope that this will mark an end to the unrest.

Comments 12
Default-user-icon down with dictators (Guest) 28 June 2011, 17:56

"MP Michel Aoun after movement’s weekly meeting: The situation in Syria looks to be resolved and we hope that this will mark an end to the unrest.
MP Aoun: The U.S. blessed the opposition meeting in Syria and the attacks on the security forces violate the rules of peaceful protests. "

I don't know why Aoun thinks he can tell who are the opposition and who are not in Syria, as far as I could see only the regime's allowed figures were present yesterday at the meeting in Damascus, and no one there dared declare that they are opposition. The videos on you tube shows that they made sure no real opposition is there.
As for the US Blessing, same as in Egypt, no one in the opposition cares what the US blesses or wants, the people want freedom and dignity, not a US sponsored dictator. The US was unable to protect Mubarak in Egypt, I don't see how it can protect Assad in Syria. In the mean time, only the people of Syria decide their future, and Bashar does not look like part of that future.

Default-user-icon Arrogon (Guest) 28 June 2011, 18:21

March 14 a crime against Lebanon? Michel Aoun is a crime against Humanity, ethics, sanity, and simple good taste. The day this psychopath who is dragging the country down to hell a second time is eradicated like the pest that he is from this world, the country may finally start rebuilding. He's worse than Hizb-Nasrallah: at least Nasrallah THINKS what he is doing is for some good.

Default-user-icon affable fable (Guest) 28 June 2011, 18:40

I guess Aoun didn't listen when Patriarch Ra3i told him to "stop behaving like and idiot" but then again you can't ask a scorpion not to behave like a scorpion it's its nature..

Default-user-icon Nadim Lteif (Guest) 28 June 2011, 18:46

"attacks on the security forces violate the rules of peaceful protests" and killing unarmed civilian like Bashar has admired his security forces did is OK, Aoun'll say anything to please his master or the senile fool just forgot what they did to his demonstrators in 2000-2002.

Missing peace 28 June 2011, 18:56

you have forgotten what you said to the americans in 2003 m. aoun, let me remind you and your supporters here:
"widespread corruption of enormous magnitude has devastated the Lebanese economy. Syria's puppet regime and proxies in Lebanon have excessively abused their power. They unnecessarily built a national debt currently exceeding two hundred percent of GDP while simultaneously amassing gigantic personal fortunes at the expense and welfare of the average Lebanese citizens."

who were the proxies at the time? not only hariri but also lots of your friends!
are you going to inform them of their crimes too????????

Default-user-icon Joe (Guest) 28 June 2011, 19:04

Aoun has accustomed the public his arrogant obnoxious remarks. Forgive him because he is a senile living in his imaginary castle.

Default-user-icon Beiruti (Guest) 28 June 2011, 23:29

In the same press conference where Aoun declares that the revolt in Syria is over (a statement that no one in the world, not even Assad believes to be true) Aoun declared that the committee will finalize a policy statement including the provision on the STL.

His statement regarding conditions in Syria rob this fool of credibility with regard to his prediction on the policy statement and its eventual completion this week.

Aoun never changes. He does not have demands, he has rights. If he has a position and someone has an equally valid or a more valid position, then Aoun disregards the opposition position and declares that there are no disputes, because he has spoken and no one dare speak a contrary word.

It is the mind of the delusionist to think as this one's mind operates. Of course, I give Aoun faint praise: that he thinks and that he has a mind.

Missing aounophobia 29 June 2011, 01:23

aoun giving positive updates on the situation in syria is like pablo escobar warning against the harm caused by cocaine.


Default-user-icon Muhsin (Guest) 29 June 2011, 05:07

I wish people stop saying what Aoun said many years ago. Why don't say what Rafiq Hariri said about Syria many years ago. Or what Rafiq Hariri said about the LF, or what the LF said about Hariri, and so on. Alliances changes in lebanon all the time.

Missing peace 29 June 2011, 16:16

muhsin: but the big difference is that aoun kept saying that for YEARS and suddenly in ONE year he spoke the total opposite!

don t you find that strange for a politician to change his policy so abruptly?

that would mean that aoun was a liar for years!!! so in that case how can people trust a liar????

Missing lebanswer 29 June 2011, 17:15

"Peace" you lost monkey, every politician in Lebanon changed his stances at one point except of course, SHN. What he says, he does and his stances never change. GMA figured that out and obviously worked in his favor. Why don't you speak of Jumblat, or the LF-Hariri mishaps in the past. Zip it Peace, you belong in a cage you traitor.

Missing peace 29 June 2011, 18:13

lebanwser , your answer shows clearly that you cannot assume nor explain why your puppet accused syria, accused the hezb accused many m8 politicians of corruption....

so, if he changed his mind it clearly means that you are following a liar, a man who doesn t know what he is talking about!

i m sure you have forgotten how much he licked the shoes of georges bush which it seems again you acknowledge! so why for aoun it was good but the others now you treat them as traitors you little fascist??

aoun even said that there was NOTHING WRONG about asking the help of the americans....

but now it is wrong? now it s treason? but before you called it patriotism!!!

poor little aoun dog better see a doctor to treat your alzheimer disease! ....