Salam Meets Suleiman, Eyes National Interest in Cabinet Formation

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

Prime Minister-designate Tammam Salam denied on Wednesday that he will be forming a de facto cabinet, stressing that he supports “a council of ministers that serves the national interest.”

"A cabinet will be formed and everything that has been said in the past few days on the government's formation is not correct,” Salam said after holding talks with President Michel Suleiman at Baabda Palace.

He stressed: "There will not be a de facto cabinet.”

The premier-designate elaborated saying that he is “committed to forming a national unity cabinet that serves Lebanon's interests.”

He noted : “We will work on forming a cabinet that satisfies the Lebanese people and we encourage cooperation and the support of President Suleiman.”

"All cabinets are political cabinets but factions like to label them and all I see is a government that serves the national interest. A neutral cabinet means that its ministers are not partisans and do not have a political affiliation but they want the national interest.”

Salam continued: "I have been at the same distance from all political factions since being named to form a cabinet. I have my own independence and freedom because I was named to form the cabinet by 124 MPs and my goal is the national interest.”

“Political factions have the right to ask for what they see as satisfying their interests and it is my right to perceive the national interest before any personal gains,” he remarked.

Comments 3
Thumb beiruti 14 August 2013, 19:45

So, why don't you get off your back side and form a cabinet. If 124 Deputies voted for you then they will vote for your cabinet line up. Do something!!!

Missing ___-wolf-___ 14 August 2013, 21:09

Come on boys , Salam just arrived from an exhausting holiday in Switzerland !
Give him some time to recover at least .
Now on a serious note why won't the two PM's & the President sign an executive order to the LAF for full & complete control of our country due to lack of governing & to kick start our elections ASAP.
Isn't that part of our constitution ? Or do they want to protect their income for another 17 months ?
Dissolve parliament place the Military as our only & sole protector of our country , if need be re- write a new constitution tear up the old one it is rendered ineffective , then put it up for referendum , then once that has been accomplished then have our elections which then the LAF will hand the power back to the " rightful " people elected by the people for the people !
Signed Wolf ......

Missing helicopter 14 August 2013, 21:21

Did you ask why SHN went to Tehran few months ago?