Report: Rockets in Western Attack against Syria May Cross Lebanese Airspace
إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية
Rockets launched in a western-led attack against Syrian regime targets may pass through Lebanese airspace, reported As Safir newspaper on Saturday.
French military sources told the daily that the attack will place Lebanon at the forefront of the war against Syria, seeing as American warships have started to head to the Mediterranean.
Other military sources voiced their fears however that a French-backed attack against Syria will provoke a retaliation against French interests in Lebanon, namely its unit in the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon.
The United States has been leading efforts to garner support for a brief military strike against the Syrian regime in light of reports that it had launched a chemical attack in the Ghouta region near Damascus last week.
France has been a main supporter of these efforts.

As long as they are only crossing, so what. Satellites are also crossing Lebanese air space all the time as well.
We will be like the meat in a burger in the middle w allah yestour

The Israeli-US-Takfiri alliance against doctor Bashar and our glorious Islamic Iranian Resistance aka HA (Hussain Army) is waning as evident by the the hundreds of millions of protesters in New York and London. People in the West have started to see the just cause of our resistance let alone Bashar's own charisma and popularity among Westerners. U.S military strategists are wary of the military capabilities of the resistance and are drawing out military contingencies to limit their casualties in the event the Islamic Iranian Resistance decides to intervene and tip the balance of the confrontation. The US cruise missiles will be shot down, intercepted by the HID (Hussain Iron Dome) and come tumbling down like flies over the Hermel and Bekaa. Mark my words!

They don't care about the middle east? Let them remove the jewish Danube peasants they placed in Palestine. They can't afford to not care before they clean up their mess.

Like removing the Jews from Palestine will bring peace amongst the Arabs/Muslims.

I might even add, other countries, civilizations, people, groups, businesses or social organizations to do eat, drink and smoke religion. Civilized people do not need Takfiri, Makfiri, Hezeb Allah, Hezeb this, Hezeb that to do what right and leave peacefully together. You people are stuck and spinning circles inside the hatred, fears and insecurity that grows in hour minds.

No missile will breach our airspace, Mansour already ordered the installation of REOVAC Line of battery along the coast....
Shu battariytak?

be ready then... he is packing he "2 pieces" for a long swim (without return !) he will enjoy your company
I really can't imagine how a single Lebanese can still support him after all what is going on whether in Syria or in Lebanon.
Smaha failed to detonate the bombs.. no problem, he sent others to do it.
whether in Dahyeh or Tripoli, yes, same hands have done it... the investigation in Tripoli showed that the 2 Cars were sent from Syria...
what the Hezb are still waiting for ???
I really don't know how they consider themselves Lebanese if they will not react. Assad is playing with all people in Lebanon, and still they are blind to see that...
Really Sad..

it's an easy call for mansour--since they are only violating airspace, not allied with the farsi's and not bombing our towns and cities, he will complain to UN.

The minute the first rocket lands in Syria, you can be certain that Assad own regime members will leave him. You really thought that Al-Qaida stole his chemical weapons and destroyed their own religion? this is the same song HA and Syria told the world for 10 yrs about the Assassinations in Lebanon and that Israel did it. If the takfiris had those chemical weapons then why they did not unleash them once uncle Bin-Laden was wiped out? Oh wait a minute Al-Qaida is Zionist and won't do that to America. The fact of the matter Iran and Saudi Arabia war in the middle east is going to serve one entity only, Israel, since it is called Divide and Conquer.