Arrest Warrants Issued against 3 Syrians over Attempt to Fire Rockets from Aramoun to Dahieh

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

Arrest warrants were issued on Wednesday against Syrians over their involvement in an attempt to fire rockets from the Aramoun region to Beirut's southern suburbs, reported the National News Agency.

Military Examining Magistrate Fadi Sawan issued three arrest warrants against Mohammed and Ghayyath Qarhathan and Omar al-Dirani.

Mohammed and Ghayyath Qarhathan were interrogated and charged with belonging to an armed terrorist group and attempting to fire the rockets from Aramoun to Dahieh.

Dirani was meanwhile questioned and charged with harboring the two other Syrians.

On May 26, four people were wounded in a rocket attack on Beirut's southern suburbs.

The Lebanese army said in a statement that a rocket was fired at a car dealership near the Mar Mikhael church and another landed in the Maroun Misk neighborhood.

On August 1, two rockets fired from an area near the town of Aramoun in Aley struck locations near the presidential palace and the Defense Ministry in Baabda.

Comments 3
Thumb Roaring-FlameThrower 18 September 2013, 13:27

Thank you Judge Fadi Sawan, the judge of all judges for arresting these takfiri syrian rebels who come to our country disguised as meek refugees only to cause sedition and trouble. Only yesterday in Halat, another blue sponsored takfiri was caught setting up an explosive devise, but fortunately blew himself up in the process. His wife who is after his big inheritance later was co-erced into claiming he had documents to prove her husband was working for the syrian intelligence. These cheap attempts to distort the truth by well known propagandists and suppliers of milk bottles and nylon blankets will not succeed to sway public opinion. We, the lebanese know the truth; we know who supports minorities; we know who cares about christians; and we also know "those" who are against peace and stability in our beloved country. Bless these and those who support the Islamic Iranian Resistance and its fearless leader, may God give him very very long life.

Thumb _mowaten_ 18 September 2013, 17:41

we protest! it should not be a crime to fire rockets on the party of satan! and if it falls on syrian refugees we should consider they died for the cause against assad!!!

Missing karim_m3- 18 September 2013, 21:08

Hang these terrorists.