صالح يدعو حلفاءه الحوثيين الى التقيد بقرارات الامم المتحدة
Read this story in Englishدعا الرئيس اليمني السابق علي عبدالله صالح الجمعة حلفاءه الحوثيين الى التقيد بقرارات الامم المتحدة، لوقف غارات التحالف العربي الذي تقوده السعودية.
وقال صالح في بيان نقله تلفزيون اليمن اليوم الذي يملكه "ادعو انصار الله (المتمردون الحوثيون الشيعة) الى القبول بقرارات مجلس الامن وتنفيذها مقابل وقف العدوان لقوى التحالف".
What a sick state of affairs. Rather than work to allow a smooth transition of power and be a catalyst for democracy, his greed allowed him to ally with a retrograde faction (Huthi) to try and reclaim power. I met the man in Ottawa during an official visit 1999/2000. I accompanied Dr. Asfour, then the president of the Canadian Arab Federation. After a meeting, I told Dr. Asfour: the man act and talks like an 'abad' (tough and thugish person). He told me 'did you expect anything else?' God bless your soul Dr. Asfour.
I also talked to one of the minister who accompanied him. I told him at the time that they need to make investments in IT and Software development training since this will be an area of explosive growth in the next 10-20 years and especially in the Middle East. They could position themselves to be a destination of choice for the development of Internet related products and portals for the Arab Market. He understood nothing!!! Dr. Asfour later jokingly (or may be not) told me: you can speak for the whole day and he will not understand.