رجل يجرح خمسة أشخاص في هجوم بالسيف داخل مدرسة في السويد
Read this story in Englishأعلنت الشرطة ان رجلا ملثما يحمل سيفا أصاب خمسة اشخاص بجروح من بينهم اربعة تلاميذ الخميس داخل مدرسة في ترولهاتان بجنوب غرب السويد.
وتابعت الشرطة انها اطلقت النار على المهاجم لكن دون ان تعلق على الفور على وضعه.
الا ان وسائل الاعلام السويدية قالت ان الرجل يتلقى العلاج في احد المستشفيات.
وجاء في بيان صدر عن الشرطة ان "هناك الكثير من البلبلة في المدرسة فالبالغون والتلاميذ يحاولون الخروج منها على عجل، بحسب المعلومات المتوفرة من المكان".
وبحسب موقع "كرونان" فان لديها قرابة 400 تلميذ وان صفوفها تتراوح من الحضانة الى الصف التاسع.
وترولهاتن مدينة صناعية يبلغ عدد سكانها 57 الف نسمة.
Swedish Secret Service (SSS) has just released the name of the assailant; a Shia Lebanese by the name of Jaafar Ali Hajj Hassan.
Mr. Hajj Hassan was quickly apprehended after attempting to slaughter innocent blonde Swedish children at their kindergarten school. The assailant confessed to belonging to the global terror network known as the Lebanese Hezbollah. Mr. Hajj Hassan was apparently ordered by the terror's party leader to terrorize Western societies and deter them from accepting Syrian refugees.
Hezbollah is a known terrorist organizations with links to organized crime, money laundering, political assassinations, and drug trafficking. The leader of the group has publicly ordered his fanatical followers to use, trade and export drugs to finance terrorist activities in many parts of the world.
Source: Agence France Presse
My guess is its a radical Islamist (Wahabi) or a crazed white man. Most likely, an Islamist since they are the ones who use the sword in 2015.
I suggest you watch a live feed of ashoura rituals in nabatiyeh or najaf this weekend and enlighten yourself with the sword.
VDL (100.5): The trial of former Minister Michel Samaha was postponed to November 26.
the terror party's judges seem to hold their hands over Iranian terrorist Samaha.
Good for him his "resistance" Iranian friends protect him.
the same people, who dont want the facts to emerge.
something is cooking there!
anyway, the end result would be a stinking Samaha hanged or released!
hope the hanging will be public, i'd love to hear his last "squeal" lol
strange southern, when you say the exact same words, they make sense and do not show sectarian hate.
something is cooking there!
anyway, the end result would be a stinking Asir hanged or released!"
lol @eagle
people like southern will deny and deny even if the are caught lying red handed ;)
Hizbollah, Israel, Iran and Michel Aoun are the only 4 countries working for Lebanon's interests at the moment..... the rest pfffft.