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Ibrahim: Response to Terrorism Must Take Place through Global Coordination

General Security chief Abbas Ibrahim reassured on Monday the Lebanese people that the various security agencies have taken “serious” measures to preserve stability in the country, reported Voice of Lebanon radio (93.3).

He told the radio station: “Terrorism does not know boundaries and does not have geographic limits.”

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Report: U.S. Senate Approves Proposal Targeting Hizbullah Funding

The United States Senate approved over the weekend a bill that targets Hizbullah's finances, which includes institutions and people funding the party, reported the daily An Nahar on Monday.

The bill won the majority of votes of the Senate.

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Report: IS Threat against Holy Spirit University of Kaslik was Not Serious

The alleged threat issued by the Islamic State extremist group against the Holy Spirit University of Kaslik was “not serious”, security sources told the daily An Nahar on Monday.

They stressed that no security agency had confirmed the threat against the university.

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Report: Hariri to Meet Jumblat in Paris over Presidency after Mustaqbal Talks in Riyadh

Former premier Saad Hariri will meet Progressive Socialist Party leader MP Walid Jumblat in Paris after he held talks with senior officials of his al-Mustaqbal movement in the Saudi capital Riyadh, a media report said on Sunday.

“A meeting will be held in Paris in the coming hours between Hariri, Jumblat and (Health Minister Wael) Abou Faour -- who traveled to France at 4:00 pm on a private jet dispatched by Hariri,” LBCI television said.

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Alleged IS Supporters Hack Future TV's Website

Suspected supporters of the Islamic State group managed Sunday to hack into the website of Lebanon's Future TV and post messages supportive of the extremist group.

The website was briefly defaced with IS' trademark black and white jihadist flag and an Arabic-language message before its administrators managed to recover it.

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Independence Day Protesters Urge President Election, Voice Social Demands

Demos organized by syndical, political and civil society groups replaced Sunday the traditional Independence Day military march, which was not held for the second consecutive year due to the continued presidential void.

Kataeb Party's student department staged a march from the party's headquarters in Saifi to Beirut's Martyrs Square, where Kataeb's protesters passed by the rallies organized by the We Want Accountability and You Stink civil society campaigns.

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Civil Aviation Returns to Normal after Russia Ends Maneuvers

Transportation Minister Ghazi Zoaiter announced Sunday that Russia ended the naval maneuvers that have affected civil aviation in Lebanon, reported the National News Agency.

He said that civil aviation can now go back to normal after the conclusion of the maneuvers that took place in the Mediterranean.

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Report: IS Threatens Holy Spirit University of Kaslik

The Islamic State extremist group issued a threat against a number of world targets, including the Holy Spirit University of Kaslik, reported An Nahar daily on Sunday.

The threat prompted the university administration to cancel an academic event that was scheduled at the campus on Sunday.

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Report: Security Measures Tightened at Places of Worship

Security forces have heightened their measures at places of worship ahead of upcoming religious occasions, reported the daily An Nahar on Sunday.

It said that security measures will intensify their surveillance of mosques and churches on Fridays and Sundays respectively.

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Salam Marks Independence Day, Urges End to Vacuum

Prime Minister Tammam stated on Saturday that the challenges facing the country have reached a stage that no longer allow a slowdown in finding solutions for deadlocks, calling an end to the presidential vacuum, the National News Agency said.

“Electing a new president restores a structural constitutional fault,” Salam said marking Lebanon's 72nd Independence Day in the absence of a president.

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