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Suleiman Expects Parliament to Assume its Responsibility and Elect President before May 25

President Michel Suleiman hoped on Tuesday that parliament will respect the constitutional deadline to elect a president, saying that this remains one of the greatest challenges facing Lebanon.

He said in a statement: “I expect parliament to assume its national responsibility and elect a new president that the Lebanese people deserve before May 25.”

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Hizbullah Official in Lassa Killed in Car Crash

The Hizbullah official in the town of Lassa in Jbeil was killed on Tuesday in a car crash, reported Voice of Lebanon radio (100.5).

Sheikh Youssef Ghazi al-Muqdad was killed when his Toyota jeep veered off the Yanouh-Lassa main road in Jbeil, said the National News Agency.

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Trucks Deliver Aid to Besieged Tufail

Aid trucks delivered on Tuesday food packages and fuel oil to the residents of Tufail on the Lebanese-Syrian border through the backing of armed forces.

Tufail, which lies in eastern Lebanon in an area surrounded by Syrian territory, was isolated after the only road that leads to the town came under the control of Syrian government troops.

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Two Soldiers Charged with Dereliction of Duty over Prisoner's Death

The military prosecutor charged on Tuesday two soldiers with negligence and dereliction of duty that caused the death of an inmate at Lebanon’s largest prison.

The state-run National News Agency said that Judge Saqr Saqr, the state commissioner the military court, issued the charges against the soldiers over the death of Hussein Abdullah Sbaity at Roumieh prison earlier this month.

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Salam Hopes for Election of President, Says Differences Lie on Internal Use of Resistance Arms

Prime Minister Tammam Salam hoped that the parliament would elect a new president on Wednesday and stressed that the differences between the rival parties were not on the concept of resistance but on the use of its arms in Lebanon.

In an interview with Sky News Arabia, Salam said: “Nothing prevents an agreement on the name of the president if the political parties had the intention and will.”

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Kataeb Calls for Preserving 'March 14 Unity' in Presidential Vote

The Kataeb Party called Monday for preserving “the unity and solidarity of the March 14 forces” and for choosing a March 14 presidential candidate who can garner “the broadest national support.”

“Kataeb's politburo convened this evening and evaluated the outcome of the contacts made by its members regarding the nomination of party leader Amin Gemayel for the presidency of the Lebanese republic,” a statement said.

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Judiciary Orders Arrest of Two Teens for Raping Minors in Tripoli

Judicial authorities ordered the arrest of two teenaged boys for sexually harassing minors in the northern city of Tripoli, the Internal Security Forces announced on Monday.

"A father reported to the Abi Samra police department on April 20, 2014, that his five year old twin boys were raped by 16 year old Lebanese national N. A. S.,” the ISF communique said.

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High-Level FPM Delegation Meets Jumblat over Presidential Vote

A high-level Free Patriotic Movement delegation visited MP Walid Jumblat on Monday at his Clemenceau residence, on the eve of the first round of the presidential election.

The delegation comprised Foreign Minister Jebran Bassil, Education Minister Elias Bou Saab and MP Naji Gharios. The envoys declined to make a statement after the meeting.

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2 Syrians Held for Murdering Compatriot, Chopping Up Body

The Internal Security Forces on Monday announced the arrest of two Syrians who had killed their compatriot and thrown his chopped up body parts in a garbage container in Ouzai, south of Beirut.

“Following precise measures that were taken by the units of the Dahieh police department, in addition to intensive investigations by the Intelligence Bureau, the aforementioned units managed to arrest several suspects in connection with the murder of Syrian national Mustafa al-Saad,” the ISF said in a statement.

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Mustaqbal Announces 'Full Support' to Geagea as LF Delegates Continue Presidential Tours

Al-Mustaqbal bloc announced on Monday its “full support” to the leader of the Lebanese Forces in his presidential bid, as LF delegates continued their visits to parties and parliamentary blocs over Samir Geagea's run for office.

“We announce our full support to Samir Geagea in his run for presidency,” al-Mustaqbal bloc MP Ahmed Fatfat stated after talks with LF delegates.

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