Moody's ratings agency downgraded China's credit score for the first time since 1989 on Wednesday on fears that the country will struggle to tame its rising debt as economic growth slows down over the coming years.
The agency lowered China's long-term local currency and foreign currency issuer ratings to A1 from Aa3, but said its outlook changed from "negative" to "stable".

Prime Minister Saad Hariri has given his official support to the 22nd edition of Project Lebanon, confirming the exhibition’s position as the largest business event in the country.

Under the patronage of President Michel Aoun, the 10th edition of Beirut Boat 2017 has been officially inaugurated at Beirut Marina by Tourism Minister Avedis Guidanian, on behalf of the President and in the presence of VIP delegates and members of the diplomatic community.

The deadlock in eurozone-IMF talks over Greek debt relief will not affect a vital loan payment needed to avert a July default, Athens said Tuesday.

Oil producers inside and outside the OPEC cartel have little choice but to extend their deal from late 2016 curbing output when they meet in Vienna on Thursday, analysts say.

French President Emmanuel Macron told Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras in a call on Monday that he backed debt relief for Greece, a statement from the presidency said.

China said it will further open up its oil and gas sector to private investment as it seeks to overhaul an industry still dominated by a handful of state-run firms.
The plan comes as China, the world's biggest energy guzzler, attempts to ramp up domestic oil and gas production to boost its supply of the vital resources.

Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates have pledged $100 million to a women's business fund supported by Ivanka Trump, daughter of the president who Monday wound up a visit to Riyadh.

Mining magnate Andrew "Twiggy" Forrest Monday made the biggest single philanthropic donation in Australian history, giving away Aus$400 million (US$298 million) to a variety of social and scientific causes.

Asia-Pacific trade ministers agreed Sunday to attempt to resuscitate a massive free trade pact thrown into doubt by a Donald Trump-inspired U.S. pullout, as fears rumble of a new global era of protectionism.