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Sri Lanka President to Probe Controversial Bond Sale

President Maithripala Sirisena ordered an investigation Monday into alleged insider trading at Sri Lanka's central bank that has heightened tensions between him and his prime minister.

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Nigeria's Aviation Sector Hits Turbulence

Nigeria may consider itself a regional aviation hub but years of mismanagement and now recession have blighted domestic airline operations, making delays and cancellations the norm.

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Singapore 2G Switchoff Highlights Digital Divide

When Singapore pulls the plug on its 2G mobile phone network this year, thousands of people could be stuck without a signal -- digital have-nots left behind by the relentless march of technology.

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Travel Sector Zooms in on Lucrative Gay Market

The travel sector is jazzing up its offer for gay tourists, who tend to spend more than most when away from home, taking it beyond parties in sunny hubs like Ibiza.

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Oil Producers Say Output Cut on Track

Oil producers said Sunday that their landmark December deal to slash output by almost two million barrels per day was on track, as they met to review progress.

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U.S. Stocks Cut Gains at Midday after Trump Speech

Wall Street stocks gave up some of their early gains around midday Friday after Donald Trump was inaugurated as the 45th president of the United States and Barack Obama left office.

Around 12:50 pm (1750 GMT), the Dow Jones Industrial Average was at 19,780.45, up 0.2 percent, but about 60 points below its session high.

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Trump Wants to Ditch 'Obamacare' but Keep the Gains

Health coverage for all: the promise of President-elect Donald Trump was also the vow of his predecessor Barack Obama, whose signature domestic achievement is now under serious threat of repeal.

Such is the paradox surrounding the first legislative push expected by the new Trump administration.

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May Vows 'Open' Britain as Banks Shift Jobs from London

Prime Minister Theresa May on Thursday told the world's elite that Britain would be open for business despite Brexit, but EU leaders warned of challenges ahead and banks said they would have to shift jobs.

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Russia's Gazprom Returns to Profit in 3rd Quarter

Russia's energy giant Gazprom returned to profit in the third quarter of 2016 thanks to record demand for Russian gas while prices for hydrocarbons were falling, it said Thursday.

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OPEC Oil Output to Come Down in January

Steeper cuts in OPEC oil production are likely this month as producers increasingly implement a recent landmark deal aimed at stabilising oil prices, the IEA said Thursday. 

"Initial indications are that a steeper (month-on-month) decline may be on the way in January," said the International Energy Agency, which analyses energy markets for major oil consuming nations.

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