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FARC Says Army Attacks Put Colombia Peace at Risk

The FARC guerrilla group warned Tuesday that army attacks have resulted in 20 deaths since a unilateral rebel ceasefire went into effect last month, putting peace talks in jeopardy.

The Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, or FARC, accused "war-mongering sectors" of seeking to sabotage the one-sided truce, and said the attacks were making the rebels' decision to halt offensive operations increasingly unsustainable.

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Colombia Police Capture Crime Boss over Asprilla Threats

Colombian police said Monday they have captured a notorious local crime boss accused of threatening former international striker Faustino "Tino" Asprilla.

Andres Felipe Marin, alias "Pipe," allegedly demanded payment from Asprilla and his family last month, saying they would be harmed if they did not cough up the cash.

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Colombia's Paulina Vega Wins Miss Universe Title

Colombia's Paulina Vega was crowned Miss Universe Sunday, beating out contenders from the United States, Ukraine, Jamaica and The Netherlands at the world's top beauty pageant in Florida.

The 22-year-old model and business student triumphed over 87 other women from around the world, and is only the second beauty queen from Colombia to take home the prize. 

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Woman Officer Killed in Bogota Police HQ Shooting

A Colombian policewoman was killed and two other officers wounded in a shooting inside the Bogota police headquarters Wednesday, apparently following an argument between lovers, officials said.

The shooter was himself a police officer and he used his service weapon to open fire on a woman officer inside the building, the national police said in a statement.

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FARC Ceasefire Holds One Month on

A month-long ceasefire by FARC guerrillas is holding in Colombia, officials said Tuesday, as the two sides continue to seek a negotiated end to a half-century of civil war.

"We haven't confirmed any offensive armed action by the FARC in that time that could be seen as a breach or violation of the ceasefire," the office of the Colombian government ombudsman.

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Colombia, FARC Have 'Considerable Differences' on Post-Conflict Justice

Colombia and the FARC have "considerable differences" about what kind of justice should be meted out to rebels who lay down their arms as part of a peace agreement, a top negotiator acknowledged Monday.

"These issues are very complex," said Humberto la Calle,  Bogota's chief negotiator in talks with the Marxist guerrilla group. 

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Colombian Army Denies FARC Claim of Eight Dead

Colombia's military denied a claim by the FARC rebel group that eight soldiers were killed this week in a counter-insurgency operation.

Military sources disclosed, however, that a soldier was killed in a separate engagement on January 9 in the southern department of Caqueta.

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FARC Says Will Stick to Colombia Truce

A top FARC negotiator Tuesday reaffirmed the Colombian rebel group's intention to observe a unilateral ceasefire so long as its forces do not come under attack.

In comments published in the newspaper El Espectator, Pastor Alape said the indefinite ceasefire that the FARC declared on December 20 was "a serious step toward the agreement of an armistice."

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Protesters Across Americas Rally behind 'I am Charlie'

Hundreds in Washington, New York and Canada rallied Wednesday night in the frigid cold proclaiming "I am Charlie" in solidarity with those killed in a deadly attack on French magazine Charlie Hebdo.

Some 200 to 300 French and American protesters gathered in the nation's capital in front of the Newseum, a museum dedicated to news, waving signs and French flags emblazoned with the now ubiquitous rallying cry "Je suis Charlie."

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Colombia's Number Two Rebel Group Agrees to Peace Talks

Colombia's second largest leftist guerrilla group announced Wednesday it is prepared to enter into formal peace negotiations with the government aimed at ending a half century old insurgency.

The National Liberation Front, or ELN by its Spanish acronym, would be following in the footsteps of the larger Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, which has been in peace talks with the government for more than two years.

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