India's top court on Wednesday allowed a 13-year-old rape survivor to have a late abortion after lawyers said carrying the baby to full term would cause her trauma and agony.
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The Louvre Abu Dhabi will finally open to the public on November 11, a decade after the project was launched, France's culture minister said Wednesday.
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Same-sex marriage advocates launched legal action in Australia's highest court Tuesday against a controversial government plan for a postal vote on the issue, calling it divisive and harmful.
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Reza from Iran is torn between the joy of taking part in this year's annual hajj pilgrimage to Islam's holiest sites and bitter memories of the 2015 stampede that killed hundreds of his compatriots.
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More than two million Muslims from around the world began the hajj pilgrimage at Islam's holiest sites Wednesday, a religious duty and an epic multi-stage journey.
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Palestinian officials are embarking on a project to transform a presidential palace into a national library near the city of Ramallah in the occupied West Bank, the culture minister said Sunday.
Full StoryCanada's top military official on Sunday for the first time took part in the Gay Pride parade in Ottawa, with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau also on hand.
Army General Jonathan Vance, the chief of the defence staff of the Canadian Armed Forces, became the highest ranking military official to join people celebrating in Canada's federal capital.
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India's Supreme Court ruled Thursday that citizens have a constitutional right to privacy, a landmark decision that could jeopardize a government with biometric data on over a billion people.
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Iran's new communications minister said Tuesday that negotiations were underway with Twitter to unblock the service, which has been banned for years despite being used even by the country's supreme leader.
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India's top court on Tuesday banned a controversial Islamic practice that allows men to divorce their wives instantly, ending a long tradition that many Muslim women had fiercely opposed.
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