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Teen Girls Charged in France over 'Concert Hall Attack Plot'

Two teenage girls have been charged in France with allegedly plotting to assault a Paris concert hall some four months after the nation's deadliest terror attacks, legal sources said Saturday.

The girls, 15 and 17 years old, exchanged messages on Facebook in which they claimed they wanted to launch an attack similar to those in November that targeted the Bataclan concert venue as well as bars, restaurants and a football stadium, police said.

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Presidential Vacuum at Center of Talks between Jumblat, Hollande in Paris

Progressive Socialist Party leader MP Walid Jumblat held talks in Paris on Friday with French President Francois Hollande and Foreign Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault, reported An Nahar daily on Saturday.

Discussions tackled the latest developments in Lebanon with French officials stressing their support for the Lebanese army and institutions, as well as the need to elect a president “without delay.”

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Jumblat to Meet Hollande in Paris Friday

Progressive Socialist Party leader MP Walid Jumblat traveled to France earlier this week where he is expected to hold talks with French President Francois Hollande on Friday, reported LBCI television.

Foreign Minister Jean-March Ayrault is also expected to be present at the meeting.

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France Denies 'Automatic' Recognition of Palestinian State if Talks Fail

France will not "automatically" recognize a Palestinian state if a Paris initiative to host an international conference to revive Israel-Palestinian peace talks fails, French Foreign Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault said Wednesday.

His predecessor, Laurent Fabius, had stirred Israeli anger in January by proposing such a conference and saying France would "recognize a Palestinian state" if peace talks failed.

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France Defends Legion d'Honneur for Saudi Prince

France's foreign minister on Monday defended the awarding of the Legion d'Honneur, the country's highest honor, to Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Nayef, after it sparked harsh criticism on social media.

"It's a diplomatic tradition and I could tell you about many Legions d'Honneur that have been given," Jean-Marc Ayrault, the newly appointed foreign minister, told France Inter radio.

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Egypt, France in Joint Mediterranean Military Exercise

Egypt and France began Sunday joint maneuvers in the Mediterranean in which French Rafale warplanes purchased by Cairo last year are taking part, the Egyptian army said.

The "Ramses 2016" military and naval exercise is being held off the coast of the Mediterranean city of Alexandria and are expected to last for several days, the army said on its Facebook page.

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'Air Cocaine' Drug Case is Delayed in Dominican Republic

A Dominican judge Saturday pushed back a preliminary hearing for Frenchman Christophe Naudin, who was extradited by Egypt over an alleged role in the escape of two pilots jailed in a drugs case dubbed "Air Cocaine."

The postponement until Tuesday was granted so that Naudin can appear before the judge with both an attorney and a translator. His attorney failed to appear on Saturday.

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French PM Vows to Press ahead on Divisive Labor Reform

French Prime Minister Manuel Valls said Sunday he would push ahead with a controversial labor reform bill, but promised "improvements" to the proposed text after meetings with union and business leaders.

Unveiled in mid-February and greeted with howls of protest from trade unions, the plans would make it easier for companies to lay off workers.

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Saudi Crown Prince to French Officials: Riyadh Fears Army Grant Could Land in Hizbullah's Hands

Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Nayef paid a visit earlier this week to France where he defended to French officials the kingdom's decision to halt its grant to the Lebanese army, accusing Iran of extending its influence in the region to Lebanon, reported the pan-Arab daily al-Hayat on Sunday.

A high-ranking official told the daily that the kingdom fears that arms grant would land in the hands of Hizbullah “given that the party's control over the military is increasing day by day.”

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Jumblat to Meet Hollande Wednesday in Wake of Saudi Measures against Lebanon

Progressive Socialist Party leader MP Walid Jumblat is expected to travel to France in the upcoming days where he is set to meet President Francois Hollande, reported the pan-Arab daily al-Hayat on Sunday.

It said that he is scheduled to hold talks with the French leader on Wednesday at the Elysee Palace in Paris.

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