The Internal Security Forces on Wednesday arrested a Syrian man who had been purchasing weapons in Lebanon with the aim of smuggling them into Syria, which he intended to enter via Shebaa's mountains.
“A patrol from the Marjeyoun bureau apprehended the Syrian A. Kh. on charges of conducting suspicious activities in the Hasbaya region,” state-run National News Agency reported.

Four people were killed Thursday in two traffic accidents in the Hasbaya and Ashrafieh areas, including three members of the same family.
"A green Mercedes cab, which was being driven by Nawwaf Younis, fell off an eight-meter-high cliff on the Mimis public road in Hasbaya and landed on its roof, which resulted in the death of Nawwaf, his wife Taljeh Younis and his sister Layla,” state-run National News Agency reported.

A Lebanese woman was killed and her two children injured after their car collided with a truck transporting cement in the Hasbaya region, the state-run National News Agency reported on Monday.
NNA said Yumna Nayef al-Qadi, who was driving a BMW, died and her children Rabiaa and Bassel suffered injuries, in the crash on the Mimes-Kfeir road in Hasbaya.

The Army Command announced on Monday that it discovered two rockets, which were set up to be fired against Israel, in southern Lebanon.
It said in a statement that an army patrol discovered the two 107mm Grad rockets between the towns of Halta and al-Mari in the Hasbaya district.