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Netanyahu Urges Caution as Virus Cases Spike

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu urged Israelis to continue wearing masks and respect social distancing measures, as confirmed novel coronavirus cases spiked following the easing of lockdown measures.

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Canada Extends Ban on Non-US Arrivals by another Month

Canada extended its entry ban for most foreigners by another month to July 31 and also prolonged its quarantine requirements in efforts to prevent imported cases of the coronavirus.

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Beijing Lifts Some Lockdowns as Virus Cases Drop

Beijing lifted several lockdowns imposed to control a fresh coronavirus outbreak and reported just three new cases in the city on Wednesday, raising hopes that the cluster had been brought under control.

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EU Bars Visitors from US Where Experts Warn of Potential Virus Surge

The European Union reopened its borders Wednesday to visitors from 15 countries -- but not the virus-stricken United States, where a top health official warned the country is headed in the "wrong direction" as cases spike in multiple states.

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Iran Says Still in First Wave of Virus Outbreak

Iran's coronavirus epidemic is still in its first wave, the health ministry said Tuesday, a day after reporting the highest single-day death toll since the country's outbreak began in February.

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Iraq Virus Spike Risks Pushing Strained Doctors over the Edge

Unpaid salaries, mask shortages, threats from patients' families -- doctors across Iraq are cracking under such conditions, just as they face a long-feared spike in coronavirus cases.

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Iran Reports Record 162 COVID-19 Single-Day Death Toll

Iran reported on Monday 162 more deaths from the novel coronavirus, the highest single-day toll since the outbreak began in the country in February.

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Half a Million in Lockdown as Beijing Fights New Virus Cluster

China imposed a strict lockdown on nearly half a million people near the capital to contain a fresh coronavirus outbreak on Sunday, as authorities warned it was soon to "relax" over the new cluster of cases.

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U.S. Tops 2.5 Million Virus Cases as Global Infections Surge

The United States has surpassed 2.5 million coronavirus cases, as efforts to reopen the world's economic powerhouse were dramatically set back by a surge of new infections in states such as Florida.

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Virus-Hit Iran to Make Masks Compulsory from Next Week

Iran's President Hassan Rouhani said on Sunday that mask-wearing will be mandatory in certain areas as of next week and gave virus-hit provinces the green light to reimpose restrictive measures.

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