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Syria Sees First Polio Cases in Three Years, Says WHO

Three new cases of polio have been recorded in Syria in the first outbreak of the virus in the country since 2014, the World Health Organization and a partner initiative said.

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'Moderate' Drinking Linked to Brain Damage

Even moderate drinking is linked to brain damage and a slight decline in mental skills, according to a study released Wednesday that calls into question many national alcohol guidelines.

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New App Helps Mali Skin Doctors Reach Out to Distant Patients

In Mali, where skin conditions are widespread and skin doctors are scarce, physicians have turned to technology to treat patients remotely.

From his Bamako office, Professor Ousmane Faye, one of a small number of dermatologists in Mali, examines photos of an arm and a torso afflicted by a skin pigmentation disorder.

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Targeted Therapy Slows Aggressive Lung Cancer

A new kind of targeted therapy slowed the advance of an aggressive form of lung cancer for about two years, or about three times as long as the standard treatment, researchers said Monday.

The Roche-made drug known as alectinib (Alecensa) could become a new tool in the fight against non small cell lung cancer.

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Hasbani Acts after Woman Dies of Lipo Complications as Jreissati Vows Accountability

Deputy PM and Health Minister Ghassan Hasbani announced Monday that he has taken a series of strict measures in connection with the case of the Iraqi woman who died of liposuction complications, Farah Qassab, as Justice Minister Salim Jreissati vowed accountability and stressed that there will be no political interference in the legal course.

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Quickly Reporting Cancer Complications May Boost Survival

If you're being treated for cancer, speak up about any side effects. A study that had patients use home computers to report symptoms like nausea and fatigue surprisingly improved survival — by almost half a year, longer than many new cancer drugs do.

The online tool was intended as a quick and easy way for people to regularly report complications rather than trying to call their doctors or waiting until the next appointment. Researchers had hoped to improve quality of life but got a bonus in longer survival.

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Promising Cancer Treatment Targets Rare Genetic Flaw

An experimental cancer medicine called larotrectinib has shown promise treating a diverse range of cancers in people young and old, researchers said at a major cancer conference in the United States.

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WHO: Tobacco Kills 7 Million a Year, Wreaks Environmental Havoc

Smoking and other tobacco use kills more than seven million people each year, the World Health Organization said Tuesday, also warning of the dire environmental impact of tobacco production, distribution and waste.

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Tobacco Kills 7 Million a Year, Wreaks Environmental Havoc

Smoking and other tobacco use kills more than seven million people each year, the World Health Organization said Tuesday, also warning of the dire environmental impact of tobacco production, distribution and waste.

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Stars Raise $20 Million at Cannes AIDS Gala

A galaxy of stars including Leonardo DiCaprio, Dustin Hoffman, Nicole Kidman and Will Smith raised more than $20 million (18 million euros) at the AIDS benefit that is the social highlight of the Cannes film festival, organizers said Friday.

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