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Two Experimental Ebola Vaccines Appear Safe Says U.S. Agency

Two experimental Ebola vaccines, tested in Liberia on more than 600 people in a phase 2 clinical trial appear to be safe, the U.S. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) said Thursday. 

The results confirm two clinical trials, each with some 20 people, that were carried out earlier in the United States. 

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Study: Ebola Virus has Mutated Less than Scientists Feared

The Ebola virus is not mutating as quickly as scientists had feared, which is good news for treating the disease and preventing its spread, a study showed Thursday.

Previous research based on limited data had suggested that Ebola was mutating twice as quickly as in the past, researchers said in the journal Science.

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Superbugs Could Kill a Million Chinese a Year

In China-health-medicine-antibiotics-economy moved on March 26 please read in 7th par that cancer kills 8.2 million people a year now, sted projected to do so in 2050. Here is a corrected repetition

China faces a million deaths a year from antibiotic-resistant superbugs and a loss of $20 trillion by 2050, an economist and former top Goldman Sachs executive said Thursday.

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New Tool to Foretell Heart Attack/Stroke Risk

Over the age of 40? Want to know your risk of suffering a fatal heart attack or stroke in the next 10 years? Read on.

A new instrument dubbed Globorisk, unveiled Thursday, will allow you to determine your risk simply by inputting your age, gender, blood pressure and cholesterol numbers, whether you have diabetes or smoke, and which country you live in, its developers say.

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Liberia Says First Ebola Patient in a Month is Isolated Case

A Liberian woman who last week became the country's first Ebola patient in more than one month has not passed on the infection to anyone else, a senior official said Wednesday.

The case was a setback to hopes that Liberia, once the worst Ebola-hit country, would soon be officially declared free of the deadly disease.

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Time to Control Online Sales of Breastmilk, Say Experts

Health watchdogs should regulate online sales of breast milk, so prone to contamination that babies may be placed at risk, the BMJ medical journal said in an editorial on Wednesday.

New mums face mounting social pressure to provide breast milk, given its famous nutritional benefits, and more and more are turning to the Internet if they are unable to provide the milk themselves.

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Study: Kids Eat More Veggies when Tasty

Children just hate all vegetables, no matter how tasty you make them, right?

Wrong, says an influential study out Monday that found U.S. children in Massachusetts ate up to 30 percent more vegetables when school dinners were made more palatable with the help of a professional chef.

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Giant Rats Sniff out TB in Mozambique

Giant rats may strike fear and disgust into the hearts of homeowners worldwide, but researchers in impoverished Mozambique are improbably turning some of them into heroes.

At Eduardo Mondlane University in the capital Maputo, nine giant rats are busy at work -- sniffing out tuberculosis-causing bacteria from rows of sputum samples.

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Mastectomies on the Rise in Venezuela amid Economic Crisis

Oncologist Gabriel Romero performs hundreds of life-saving surgeries a year, but he no longer takes pleasure in his work.

That's because he believes that many of the mastectomies he does on some of Venezuela's poorest women wouldn't be needed in a normally functioning country. Doctors say they are being forced to return to outdated treatments because the socialist country's economic problems make it impossible to ensure the proper running of radiation machines in public hospitals, where patients receive free treatment under Venezuela's universal health care.

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Journal Article: India Failing to Tackle 'Massive TB Crisis'

India is failing to tackle a tuberculosis epidemic because of chronic shortages of funds and the government's inability to regulate an "exploitive" private health sector, an article in the British Medical Journal said.

The article, published ahead of World Tuberculosis Day on Tuesday, called for a massive investment in public health infrastructure to diagnose and treat what it called India's biggest health crisis.

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