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U.S. Approves New Multiple Sclerosis Capsules

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration said Wednesday it approved a new drug from Biogen Idec to control multiple sclerosis in adults with hard-to-treat forms of the disease.

The twice-a-day capsules, called Tecfidera, offer a new option for multiple sclerosis, a debilitating disease in which the body attacks its own nervous system. U.S. -based Biogen Idec already sells two other drugs for the disease, but both require injections.

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Scientists Pinpoint Gene Coding Errors for Cancer

The biggest-ever trawl of the human genome for cancer-causing DNA errors has netted more than 80 tiny mutations, a finding that could help people at high risk, researchers said Wednesday.

The results, which double the number of known genetic alterations linked to breast, ovarian and prostate cancer, were unveiled in a dozen scientific papers published in journals in Europe and the United States.

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Number of U.S. Cancer Survivors Is on the Rise

The number of Americans who have survived cancer is on the rise and is expected to reach 18 million people in the next decade, according to a report released Wednesday.

That would be a 30 percent increase over the latest figures in January 2012, which showed 13.7 million people in the United States had survived some form of cancer, according to the American Association for Cancer Research.

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Health Gap in Europe Wider than Ever

Life expectancy in Russia has marked time since the collapse of the Soviet Union but risen in its former eastern-bloc allies, The Lancet reported on Wednesday.

Alcohol, tobacco and road accidents head a list of problems that lie behind premature death in the former Communist eastern Europe but remain chronic in many of the ex-Soviet republics, it said.

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Britain Launches DRC Medical Program

Britain is to launch a £179 million five-year healthcare program in the Democratic Republic of Congo which it hopes will reach six million people, Foreign Secretary William Hague announced on Tuesday.

The £179 million ($271 million, 211 million euros) fund will provide essential healthcare in an effort to bring peace, Hague said during a visit to the conflict-riven east of the country.

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Europe's Financial Crisis Leads to Suicide Surge

The harsh spending cuts introduced by European governments to tackle their crippling debt problems have not only pitched the region into recession — they are also being partly blamed for outbreaks of diseases not normally seen in Europe and a spike in suicides, according to new research.

Since the crisis first struck in 2008, state-run welfare and health services across Europe have seen their budgets cut, medical treatments rationed and unpopular measures such as hospital user fees introduced.

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U.S. Investigation Highlights Risks in Bioterror Research Labs

U.S. labs that research bioterror germs such as anthrax are at risk for accidents because they do not have uniform building and operation standards, a Congressional investigative group said on Monday.

A lack of oversight has persisted despite a 2009 report by the Government Accountability Office on the same topic, leaving no single agency in charge of safety or research goals at bioterror labs, the GAO said in its report.

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French Health Estimates Delve into Pill Risk

A French drug watchdog on Tuesday released estimates for blood clots linked to birth control pills in the wake of fears that so-called third- and fourth-generation oral contraceptives boost a small risk of dangerous thrombosis.

Between 2000 and 2011, contraceptive pills were linked on average to 2,529 annual cases of blood clots, the National Agency for the Safety of Drugs and Health Products (ANSM) said.

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J&J Recalls all OneTouch Verio Blood Sugar Meters

Health products giant Johnson & Johnson on Monday issued yet another product recall, this one for OneTouch VerioIQ blood glucose meters sold in the U.S. and other countries.

They're being recalled because when a diabetic's blood sugar level is dangerously high, they do not provide a warning and instead turn off or they display an inaccurate reading.

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Brazil Supermarkets to Keep Amazon Meat off Shelves

A group representing Brazilian supermarkets has committed to keeping beef from cattle raised in the Amazon rainforest off the shelves, officials said.

The main objective of an agreement signed Monday by the Brazilian Association of Supermarkets is to reject meat from regions that are being deforested or from ranches that use slave labor or carry out other illegal practices, prosecutors said.

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