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Roche Says Gets U.S. Green Light to Sell Diabetes Eye Drug

Swiss pharma giant Roche said Monday it will sell in the United States a drug that treats a diabetes-related illness linked to blindness after getting the regulatory green light.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration's (FDA) decision means that Roche can take Lucentis to the U.S. to treat diabetic macular oedema (DME), a condition that causes swelling, blurred vision and blindness in people with diabetes.

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Uganda Health Minister: Ebola outbreak ‘under control’

A recent outbreak of the deadly Ebola virus is "under control" but has not yet been fully eradicated, a Ugandan health official said Monday.

Two suspicious cases were admitted to a hospital close to the scene of the outbreak over the weekend, bringing to nine the total number of people currently in isolation, the official said.

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Tourists in Nepal Warned Over Cholera Outbreak

Nepal on Monday urged foreign travellers to take precautions against cholera after 13 people died in an outbreak in the remote west of the country.

Visitors were urged by GD Thakur, director of the Himalayan nation's epidemiology and disease control department, to drink boiled or mineral water and "pay attention to their personal care and hygiene".

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Study: Junk Food Laws May Help Curb Kids' Obesity

U.S. laws strictly curbing school sales of junk food and sweetened drinks may play a role in slowing childhood obesity, according to a study that seems to offer the first evidence such efforts could pay off.

The results come from the first large U.S. look at the effectiveness of the state laws over time.

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Bird Flu Claims 9th Victim in Indonesia This Year

The Health Ministry says bird flu has killed a 37-year-old man in central Indonesia, marking the country's ninth fatality this year.

The Ministry's website said Monday that the man died July 30 in Yogyakarta province after being hospitalized for five days.

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In Europe, Defenses Rise Against Asian Mosquito Peril

Behind air-tight doors in a lab in a southern French city, scientists in protective coveralls wage war against a fingernail-sized danger.

Lurking in net cages is their foe: the Asian tiger mosquito, capable of spreading dengue fever and other tropical diseases in temperate Europe.

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CDC: 158 Cases of New Swine Flu Strain From Pigs

That's the message state and county fair visitors got Thursday from health officials who reported a five-fold increase of cases of a new strain of swine flu that spreads from pigs to people. Most of the cases are linked to the fairs, where visitors are in close contact with infected pigs.

This flu has mild symptoms and it's not really spreading from person to person.

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HIV Prevention Pill For Heterosexuals at Risk Too

U.S. health officials are telling doctors they should consider an AIDS prevention pill for women and heterosexual men at high risk for getting the virus.

The government previously advised doctors to give the once-a-day pill Truvada to high-risk gay and bisexual men only. However, there are an estimated 140,000 heterosexual couples in which one person is infected with HIV.

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Cholera Outbreak in Guinea Worsens

An outbreak of cholera in Guinea has killed 60 people since February and is showing no signs of letting up, the country's health ministry said Thursday.

Officials have registered 2,054 cases, with the capital Conakry and the south-western city of Forecariah worst affected.

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Vietnam, U.S. Begin Historic Agent Orange Cleanup

From deformed infants to grandparents with cancer, families near Vietnam's Danang Airbase have long blamed the toxic legacy of war for their ills. Now after a decades-long wait, a historic "Agent Orange" clean-up is finally beginning.

The base was a key site in the U.S. defoliant program during the Vietnam War, and much of the 80 million liters (21 million gallons) of Agent Orange used during "Operation Ranch Hand" was mixed, stored and loaded onto planes there.

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