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Moussawi: Other Camp Seeking to Prevent Miqati from Forming Government

Hizbullah MP Nawwaf Moussawi accused the March 14 camp of seeking to thwart Prime Minister-designate from forming a new government, stressing that the Resistance is keen on establishing a strong and just state.

He said: “The March 14 forces’ current campaign is aimed at removing Miqati from his position, which is why they are inciting strife while world powers, headed by the U.S., are exerting direct pressure to prevent the formation of the government.”

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Hamadeh Denies 2006 Remarks on Hizbullah, Shiites

MP Marwan Hamadeh denied on Monday that he had made remarks against Hizbullah during the 2006 war, stressing that he was keen at that period to consolidate Lebanese sovereignty on all territories.

His remarks were carried by al-Akhbar newspaper in alleged WikiLeaks cables.

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WikiLeaks: Saniora Predicted that Hizbullah Would Vanish from South

Former Premier Fouad Saniora expected Hizbullah to disappear from the south, saying it couldn’t lie “in the same bed with the Lebanese army and UNIIFL,” said a WikiLeaks cable published by al-Akhbar daily on Monday.

According to the cable, Saniora told ambassadors of the permanent members of the U.N. Security Council on August 14, 2006 that he had given Hizbullah a chance “to disarm immediately or after the Israeli withdrawal or hand over its arms to the Lebanese army.”

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WikiLeaks: Jumblat and Hamadeh Lamented Israel’s Weakness in 2006 War

Progressive Socialist Party leader Walid Jumblat and MP Marwan Hamadeh have reportedly warned that Hizbullah would continue to attack Israel even if both parties reached a ceasefire.

According to a WikiLeaks cable published by al-Akhbar daily, Jumblat and Hamadeh told U.S. diplomats during a dinner on August 6, 2006 that Speaker Nabih Berri and Hizbullah should be pressured into accepting a ceasefire.

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Decisive Week on Cabinet as Hizbullah Seeks Only to Find Common Ground on Aoun’s Demands

The delay in the formation of the government does not amount to a political crisis, well-informed sources told As Safir daily as sources close to Premier-designate Najib Miqati and Speaker Nabih Berri confirmed that this week will be decisive.

The sources of Miqati and Berri told pan-Arab daily al-Hayat in remarks published Monday that optimism on a possible cabinet formation this week was linked to the level of mediation by Miqati’s allies to solve the deadlock created by Free Patriotic Movement leader Michel Aoun’s demands.

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Report: No Regional Green Light Yet on Cabinet Formation

Free Patriotic Movement leader Michel Aoun continued over the weekend to hold onto his demands for 12 ministries, including the interior ministry portfolio, in a 30-member cabinet, Premier-designate Najib Miqati’s circles told An Nahar daily in remarks published Sunday.

Aoun’s demands have further delayed the formation of the government, the circles said.

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WikiLeaks: Elias Murr Believes Hizbullah Cannot Launch Rockets from Downtown Beirut

A leaked U.S. Embassy cable published exclusively in Al-Akhbar Saturday revealed that Defense Minister Elias Murr believed that the Lebanese army would be able to swiftly deploy its troops in southern Lebanon.

The WikiLeaks cable, dated August 8, 2006, said that Murr informed then U.S. Ambassador to Lebanon Jeffery Feltman that 15,000 soldiers would be able to deploy in the South within 12 hours if they are ordered to do so.

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WikiLeaks: March 14 Christians Supported Extending July War to Allow Israel to 'Finish the Job'

Christian officials in the March 14 camp feared during the July 2006 war that the conflict would empower Hizbullah more than ever before, revealed a leaked U.S. Embassy cable published exclusively in Al-Akhbar on Saturday.

The WikiLeaks cable, dated August 5, 2006, reported on a meeting between then U.S. Ambassador to Lebanon Jeffrey Feltman, then assistant to the U.S. Secretary of State David Welsh, Phalange Party leader Amin Gemayel, his slain son former minister Pierre, National Liberal party leader Dory Chamoun, National bloc leader Carlos Edde, March 14 general secretariat coordinator Fares Soaid, MPs Georges Adwan, Nayla Mouwad, Nassib Lahoud, and minister Butros Harb.

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American Official Denies Report that U.S. Prepared to Open Dialogue with Hizbullah

A prominent U.S. State Department official denied to An Nahar in remarks published on Saturday recent reports that the American administration is considering opening dialogue Washington has labeled as terrorist, including Hizbullah.

He said that on the political level, there can be no dialogue with Hizbullah because it is a terrorist organization creating instability in the Middle East.

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Jumblat Takes Responsibility for WikiLeaks Report: I Made those Statements When I Was Still Part of March 14 Camp

Progressive Socialist Party leader MP Walid Jumblat did not deny on Friday the recent WikiLeaks report that quoted him as saying he hoped Israel would continue its assault on Lebanon during the July 2006 war in order to weaken Hizbullah militarily.

The MP said: “I take full responsibility for these statements that are a dark mark in my political career and I hope my position today would eliminate any harm I may have caused the Resistance, Syria, and the noble resistance fighters.”

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