India's new Prime Minister Narendra Modi toured the ancient Japanese city of Kyoto on Sunday, the second day of a visit intended to strengthen security and economic relations and counter a increasingly assertive China.
Modi was accompanied by Prime Minister Shinzo Abe on his visit to a historic temple a day after he had a private dinner with Abe.
Full StoryAs the first phase of the Kyoto Protocol draws to a close, the world will dissect its record for successes to emulate in the fight against global warming -- and pitfalls to avoid.
If all goes well, Kyoto will eventually be superseded by a new worldwide treaty, whose design is being negotiated at U.N. talks in Doha, Qatar.
Full StoryA major exhibition of work by Yohji Yamamoto, one of the world's most influential fashion designers, opens in London Saturday with a showcase of his innovative use of fabric and form.
The retrospective at the Victoria and Albert Museum traces three decades of work by the Japanese designer and highlights the timeless appeal of his clothes, his use of space around the body and his fascination with textiles.
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