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Nasrallah, Jumblat Meet, Review Efforts to Contain Crises

Hizbullah chief Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah discussed the latest local and regional developments with Druze leader Walid Jumblat Druze.

A statement issued by Hizbullah on Monday said Nasrallah and Jumblat also reviewed efforts to contain crises and challenges facing Lebanon.

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Feltman in Sudden Visit to Lebanon: STL Should Be Allowed to Complete Its Work without Interference

Jeffrey Feltman, U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs, on Sunday arrived in Lebanon on a sudden visit.

Feltman held talks with President Michel Suleiman in Amshit, the president's hometown.

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LF Sources: Hariri and Geagea Agreed on Need to Keep Lebanon Away from Any Axis

Sources from the Lebanese Forces revealed on Saturday that Prime Minister Saad Hariri and LF leader Samir Geagea's meeting on Friday night focused on Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's visit to Lebanon, according to the Central News Agency.

The sources said that the two leaders stressed that "Lebanon will not become linked to any axis and it will stand by Arab consensus on pending issues."

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"New Taif" Fends Off Strife in Lebanon

Political quarters have been discussing possible solutions for the crisis in Lebanon based on averting internal strife, which some sides have accused the international community and American administration of promoting, reported the Central News Agency Saturday.

The solution would be supported by sides concerned with the situation in Lebanon, mainly the U.S., Syria, Saudi Arabia, and Iran.

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Nasrallah and Aoun Stress Importance of Ahmadinejad's Historic Visit to Lebanon

Hizbullah Secretary General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah and Free Patriotic Movement leader MP Michel Aoun stressed on Friday the importance of Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's historic visit to Lebanon.

A statement from Hizbullah's media relations office said on Saturday that the two leaders held a meeting on Friday on current political, regional, and local developments.

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Qassem Holds Talks with Pietton on STL and Indictment: Hizbullah has the Right to Defend Itself

Hizbullah Deputy Secretary General Sheikh Naim Qassem stressed on Friday the party's right to defend itself regarding an indictment that may accuse some of its members of being involved in the assassination of former Prime Minister Rafik Hariri.

He made his stand after holding talks with French Ambassador to Lebanon Denis Pietton on the Special Tribunal for Lebanon and current developments, reported As Safir Saturday.

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Maalouf: Information of the Arming of Some Sides has been Presented to Security and Legal Authorities

Lebanese Forces MP Joseph Maalouf revealed on Saturday that security and legal authorities in Lebanon have been informed that some groups have been arming themselves.

He told Free Lebanon radio that clarifications should be made on this matter.

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Hizbullah and Jamaa Islamiya Condemn Kalam al-Nas Episode, Accuse it of Provoking Strife

Hizbullah condemned on Saturday the latest episode of LBC's Kalam al-Nas, which it said provoked internal strife in Lebanon.

It said in a statement: "We strongly condemn what LBC has done and we consider it a deliberate encouragement of internal strife in Lebanon, especially between Shittes and Sunnis."

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Bellemare's Office: Evidence Alone can Lead to an Accusation

The office of the prosecutor in the investigation into the assassination of former Prime Minister Rafik Hariri, Daniel Bellemare, stressed that there are no political links to the ongoing investigations.

It said in an email to Al-Akhbar newspaper: "Evidence alone will lead to an accusation in Hariri's assassination."

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Ahmadinejad from Tehran: The Sons of Southern Lebanon will Determine Future of the Region

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad stressed on Friday his support for the "Lebanese people's courageous resistance."

He said upon his return from his trip to Lebanon: "Iran supports the rest of the peoples in the area … and the sons of southern Lebanon will determine the future of the region."

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