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Geagea Says New Hegemony Would Lead to 'Countless Cedar Revolutions'

If the practices of the first tutelage authority had led to the Cedar Revolution, the mere signs of the emergence of another tutelage authority "will lead to countless Cedar Revolutions," Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea vowed Monday.

"They are trying once again to restore hegemony and we will confront them once more, but this time, we have learned from our mistakes and we will not fall into their trap again," Geagea added.

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New Cabinet Faces Obstacles of Distribution of Portfolios: Vetoes on Both Sides and Impossible Demands

The upcoming two days are expected to witness intense efforts to tackle the distribution of portfolios and the appointment of new ministers, even though Prime Minister-designate Najib Miqati still faces obstacles through “vetoes” from the March 8 and 14 political camps, as well as impossible demands by the new majority, informed political sources told the daily An Nahar Monday.

No new development has taken place in the ongoing negotiations between Miqati and the Christians in the new majority and the March 14 camp.

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Greek Police Arrest Suspected Fatah al-Islam Militant

Police in Greece have arrested a young Palestinian identified in reports as an alleged member of Fatah al-Islam, a police source said Sunday.

Ghaleb Taleb was arrested in Athens and will be deported for illegal entry into the country following questioning by police, the source told Agence France Presse.

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Miqati Extends his Hand but Refuses to Make Commitments to Any Side

Prime Minister-designate Najib Miqati reiterated that his hand was extended to the March 14 forces to form a national unity cabinet that serves Lebanon and its citizens.

“If we want our country to be united and stable … we should join hands,” Miqati told As Safir daily in remarks published Monday.

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Nasrallah to Miqati: STL Should Not be Mentioned in Policy Statement

Sources concerned with the government structure on Monday uncovered that the delay in forming a Cabinet is not only related to the issue of names and portfolios, but is due to differences between Prime Minister-designate Najib Miqati and Hizbullah.

The sources told pan-Arab daily Al-Hayat that Hizbullah has informed Miqati that the party rejects any mention of the international tribunal in the policy statement.

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U.S. Honors Rafik Hariri’s Memory by Backing International Tribunal

U.S. President Barack Obama marked the sixth anniversary of the assassination of ex-premier Rafik Hariri by reaffirming his support for the Special Tribunal for Lebanon.

For the past two years, a bitter political battle has revolved around the STL which is expected to implicate Hizbullah members in the Hariri murder.

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Berri Slams March 14: We're with Tribunal that'd Unveil Truth, Not Fabricate It

We are still with a tribunal that leads to unveiling the truth behind the murder of ex-PM Rafik Hariri "instead of fabricating it," Speaker Nabih Berri said Sunday.

At a graduation ceremony for AMAL students, Berri added: "We had reached an agreement on the Special Tribunal for Lebanon at the national dialogue table."

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Soaid: Hariri to Declare Monday Shift to Opposition

Outgoing premier Saad Hariri will announce on Monday, the sixth anniversary of the assassination of his father ex-PM Rafik Hariri, his transition to the opposition camp, March 14 General-Secretariat Coordinator Fares Soaid said Sunday.

"The speech that will be delivered by Saad Hariri in the conference held by the March 14 forces tomorrow (Monday) will define the political shift and the new headlines of the upcoming period," Soaid told Agence France Presse.

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Qabbani before Hariri’s Grave: Developments in Lebanon are Result of the Assassination

Grand Mufti Sheikh Mohammad Rashid Qabbani stressed on Sunday that the current developments in Lebanon are a result of the 2005 assassination of former Prime Minister Rafik Hariri.

He said after visiting the slain premier’s grave in downtown Beirut along with a representative of the Druze spiritual leader, Ghandi Makarem: “Hariri was not like other leaders. He is not a man for Lebanon alone or for the Arabs or Muslims of the world, but he was a man of the world.”

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Arslan Praises Egyptian Revolt against Arab Zionism: I Repeat My Nomination of Jumblat to Interior Ministry

The head of the Lebanese Democratic Party Talal Arslan criticized on Sunday the sectarian division of positions in the legislative authority saying it is “another blow against the concept of a state of law.”

He said during a press conference: “Lebanon has never witnessed in its history such sectarian division such as the one taking place today.”

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