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Lebanon Files Complaint with U.N. over Israeli Spying Device

Lebanon filed a complaint with the U.N. Security Council on Saturday over an Israeli device found in south Lebanon to spy on Hizbullah’s private telecommunications network.

Hizbullah said Friday that it discovered the device which exploded after apparently being detonated remotely by the Israelis near the village of Majdel Selem, about 8 kilometers from the border with Israel.

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Report: Syrian Interference in Lebanon, Arms Transfer Prompted Israel to Mull Attack on Weapons Depot

Syria's alleged interference in Lebanon and its increasingly sophisticated weapons shipments to Hizbullah have alarmed U.S. officials and prompted Israel's military to consider a strike against a Syrian arms depot, U.S. and Israeli officials told The Washington Post.

But Israel has so far hesitated to take military action out of concern that such a strike could touch off a conflict even bloodier than the 2006 war, said an Israeli military official.

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Suleiman Continues Consultations, Arslan for Practical Measures to Solve Crisis

President Michel Suleiman held talks with Lebanese Democratic Party leader Talal Arslan on Saturday as part of consultations aimed at ending the political deadlock.

Arslan said he told Suleiman that the cabinet should be responsible and play its role. A solution should also be found to the issue of false witnesses, the MP told reporters in Baabda palace.

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Baroud: ISF should Not Fall in Political Rhetoric Trap

Interior Minister Ziad Baroud denied on Saturday that he had problems with the general directorate of the Internal Security Forces, but said the institution should not fall in the trap of political rhetoric and should abide by rules and regulations.

“I was surprised to see that (ISF chief) Ashraf Rifi’s answer was published in one of the newspapers,” Baroud told LBC TV network.

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Syrian Ambassador: Lebanese Capable of Working in Country’s Interest

Syrian Ambassador Ali Abdel Karim Ali said Syria backs Lebanese leaders in efforts to find a consensus solution to the Lebanese crisis.

He expressed optimism on the success of the Saudi-Syrian initiative and said the Lebanese “are capable of agreeing and working in Lebanon’s interest.”

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Qassem Optimistic about Success of Syrian-Saudi Initiative before Indictment

Hizbullah deputy Secretary-General Sheikh Naim Qassem expressed optimism that the Syrian-Saudi initiative would solve the Lebanese crisis before the international tribunal issues its indictment in ex-Premier Rafik Hariri’s assassination case.

“There is still an opportunity to find a solution but the door will not remain open forever,” Qassem told As Safir newspaper in remarks published Saturday.

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Berri: Issue of False Witnesses Should be Solved Through Consensus or Voting

Speaker Nabih Berri has told his visitors that he is keen on solving the issue of false witnesses either through consensus or voting, the National News Agency reported.

Among Berri’s visitors on Friday, was State Minister Adnan Qassar who said he discussed with the speaker false witnesses and the international tribunal.

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National Dialogue to Be Re-launched Soon as Suleiman Awaits Success of Saudi-Syrian Initiative

All-party talks will be re-launched soon following a success in consultations carried out by President Michel Suleiman at Baabda palace, An Nahar newspaper reported Saturday.

The daily quoted Baabda palace visitors as saying that Suleiman did not ask Lebanese officials with whom he held consultations about their opinion on putting the issue of false witnesses on the agenda of the national dialogue.

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Sfeir Urges Lebanese to Unify Ranks, Stresses Only Justice Guarantees Stability

Maronite Patriarch Nasrallah Sfeir hoped on Friday that Lebanese leaders would unify ranks and consult with President Michel Suleiman on ways to take Lebanon out of its crisis.

"Lebanon is going through a critical situation," Sfeir told a delegation from Voice of Lebanon radio station that moved to Dbayeh.

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Experts: Hizbullah Image at Stake in Hariri Assassination Case

An indictment of Hizbullah members in connection with the murder of ex-premier Rafik Hariri could forever tarnish the party's image as a resistance movement and threaten its raison d'etre, analysts say.

"Whether one single member or 100 are implicated makes absolutely no difference, Hizbullah won't accept it" said Amal Saad-Ghorayeb, a political analyst at the Doha-based Arab Institute for Research and Policy Studies.

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