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Jumblat after his Return from Damascus: Assad Sent 'Friendly Signals' to Hariri

Druze leader Walid Jumblat discussed with Syrian President Bashar Assad efforts to defuse Lebanon tensions and consolidate unity, the state-run National News Agency said.

It said the meeting on Sunday dealt with "the latest developments on the Lebanese arena and the importance of concerted efforts of all Lebanese parties to maintain calm and consolidate national unity so as to face the challenges that may confront it in the future."

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Berri: Cabinet this Week Should Decide on False Witnesses

Speaker Nabih Berri said a Cabinet session scheduled for this week should be decisive regarding the issue of false witnesses.

"This issue can no longer tolerate any delay," Berri said in remarks published Monday by the daily As-Safir.

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Geagea Responding to Otari: The Carton Structure Toppled Syria's Hegemony over Lebanon

Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea criticized on Saturday Syrian Prime Minister Mohammed Naji Otari's recent statements against the March 14 forces, saying that this "carton structure" overthrew Syria's hegemony over Lebanon in 2005 and forcing it to withdraw from the country.

On Friday, Otari had described the March 14 coalition as a carton structure.

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Suleiman's Representative at Francophone Summit: Suleiman Elected as its Vice President

President Michel Suleiman has been elected vice president of the 13th Francophone Summit currently underway in Switzerland, said his representative at the summit Khalil Karam to MTV on Saturday.

He added that the president is scheduled to sign a language agreement in Lebanon's name, "the first treaty signed at the summit, which holds great significance to us."

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Hariri: Hizbullah will Reject Any Indictment Accusing it of Crime, Campaign Responding to Aoun Begins Monday

Prime Minister Saad Hariri noted on Friday that Hizbullah will reject any indictment that accuses it of being behind the assassination of former Premier Rafik Hariri, reported As Safir on Saturday.

MP Ammar Houri revealed Hariri's position to the paper after the Mustaqbal bloc meeting Friday.

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International Condemnation of Israel's Violation of Lebanon's Telecommunications Sector

The International Telecommunication Union conference in Mexico condemned on Friday Israel's violation of Lebanon's telecommunications sector, saying that the sector has and is still being subject to Israeli interference, reported As Safir on Saturday.

It said that Lebanon's "mobile phone and land lines are being subject to Israeli piracy, interference, and obstruction."

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Saqr: Hariri-Nasrallah Meeting Soon, False Witnesses File May Blow up in Faces of those Who Recklessly Deal with it

MP Oqab Saqr warned on Saturday against recklessly dealing with the false witnesses file as doing so may backfire against those handling the matter.

He told the Kuwaiti al-Seyasah: "We are handling it with diligence because if an internal or foreign side is harmed, then the harm will only affect us indirectly."

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Hizbullah: We will Confront Indictment through All Means Except Escalation on the Ground

A political source from Hizbullah revealed that the party will prevent the implementation of indictment in the assassination of former Prime Minister Rafik Hariri through "refusing to hand over any of its accused members or any accused from the opposition."

It told the daily Asharq al-Awsat Saturday: "Hizbullah and the opposition have several means to confront the indictment with political and constitutional methods through the institutions."

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Sarkozy Hosts Berri: Should Thwart Attempts to Transform Lebanon into an Iranian Base

House Speaker Nabih Berri is expected to head to Paris on Tuesday to hold talks with a number of French officials on the situation in Lebanon, bilateral ties, and regional matters, reported the daily An Nahar Saturday.

Spokesperson for the French Foreign Minister, Bernard Valero, said in a statement that the visit "is a new opportunity for France to voice its support for the Lebanese government and Lebanon's unity and independence."

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Saudi Informs Syria that Indictment Postponed Until March

Semi-official Saudi Arabian sources recently informed Syria that Prosecutor in the Special Tribunal for Lebanon, Daniel Bellemare, is expected to postpone issuing the indictment in the investigation into the assassination of former Prime Minister Rafik Hariri until March, reported Al-Akhbar Saturday from informed sources.

They added that prominent Lebanese sides have also been informed of this in recent days.

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