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Saudi Informs Syria that Indictment Postponed Until March

Semi-official Saudi Arabian sources recently informed Syria that Prosecutor in the Special Tribunal for Lebanon, Daniel Bellemare, is expected to postpone issuing the indictment in the investigation into the assassination of former Prime Minister Rafik Hariri until March, reported Al-Akhbar Saturday from informed sources.

They added that prominent Lebanese sides have also been informed of this in recent days.

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Geagea: Indictment Won't Ruin the Country, Those Saying That Intend to Wreak Havoc

It is not the indictment to be issued by the prosecutor of the Special Tribunal for Lebanon that will ruin the country, Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea has said, noting that "those who are claiming that have the intention to wreak havoc" in Lebanon.

Geagea played down "threats" in that regard, stressing that the State has the capability to prevent any Lebanese group from using force to oppress any other Lebanese group.

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Suleiman Headed to Switzerland to Take Part in Francophone Summit

President Michel Suleiman headed to Switzerland on Friday to take part in the 13th Francophone summit to be held in the Lake Geneva town of Montreux despite an upset over the Nov 29 Swiss ban on minaret construction.

Suleiman was accompanied by Defense Minister Elias Murr, Foreign Minister Ali Shami and Education Minister Salim Warde.

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Wahhab Calls on Hariri to Resign: Feltman Main Instigator of Strife

Tawheed Movement leader former minister Wiam Wahhab called on Prime Minister Saad Hariri to resign and for the establishment of a transition government.

He told LBC: "Hariri is hanging on to his power and I challenge him to resign. He is incapable of managing a government under the admission of the majority of government officials including his own ministers."

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Feltman: Instability is Hizbullah's Choice

U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs Jeffrey Feltman affirmed that he did not visit Damascus during his recent trip that took him to Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Morocco and France.

He said the reason he did not visit Damascus was because he was on a specific mission in which he, along with the new U.S. Ambassador Maura Connell, was scheduled to convey a message to President Michel Suleiman from Obama.

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Reports about Confidentiality of Hariri Murder Indictment 'Not True'

It is not true that the German trial team commander in the Office of Special Tribunal for Lebanon Prosecutor Daniel Bellemare has said that the Hariri murder indictment is going to be confidential.

It seems that some journalists taking part in the International Media Forum in The Hague were caught in a cloud of confusion.

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Hariri from Cyprus: EU Has Moral Responsibility to Dissuade Israel from Escalating Racist Policies

Prime Minister Saad Hariri arrived in Cyprus Thursday for talks with President Dimitris Christofias.

An official welcoming ceremony was held at the presidential palace for Hariri and the accompanying delegation -- Foreign Minister Ali al-Shami, Information Minister Tareq Mitri and advisor Hani Hammoud.

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Nasrallah-Hariri Meeting Only Hours Away, Report

Well-informed sources have told the Central News Agency that the anticipated meeting between Hizbullah chief Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah and Premier Saad Hariri has become a matter of a few hours away after all the requirements for such a meeting have been provided.

The sources noted that "the delay resulted from Hariri's current presence in Cyprus on an official visit."

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Qassem after Meeting Wahhab: Tackling False Witnesses File Fortifies Internal Scene against External Accusations

Hizbullah Deputy Secretary General Sheikh Naim Qassem stressed on Thursday that a solution to the crisis in the country starts in Lebanon through the cooperation of all concerned sides.

He said after holding talks with Tawheed Movement leader Wiam Wahhab: "Opening the false witnesses file is a priority that would fortify the internal Lebanese scene against foreign meddling and wrongful accusations."

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Army Officer and a Sergeant Killed in Operation against Deserter

An army major and a sergeant were killed Thursday when their vehicle came under gunfire during an operation against an army deserter in eastern Lebanon, an army spokesman said.

"A major was martyred during a raid in the town of Majdal Anjar (in the Bekaa Valley) in an attempt to find a deserter who had sought refuge there," the spokesman told AFP, declining to disclose his name.

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