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Report: Lebanese parties to be invited to dialogue in Riyadh

France, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Egypt are mulling the idea of inviting all Lebanese parties, topped by Hezbollah, to a dialogue table that will be held in Riyadh, after Paris, Doha and Cairo were ruled out as locations, informed sources said.

“The French envoy (Jean-Yves Le Drian) will discuss the idea with the Iranians and will propose it to the Lebanese parties after Eid al-Adha, seeing as his current tour is exploratory,” the sources told ad-Diyar newspaper in remarks published Thursday.

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Report: Qatar, Egypt to push for 'mini Doha' leading Aoun to presidency

Qatari and Egyptian diplomats have stressed in a major capital that there will be efforts to search for a “third and serious” Lebanese presidential candidate who would “enjoy the consent of Washington and Riyadh and would not provoke Tehran,” a media report said.

“The Qataris and Egyptians said the nomination and election will likely go in the direction of Army Commander General Joseph Aoun should the current status quo remain the same,” the Nidaa al-Watan newspaper reported on Thursday.

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Geagea meets Le Drian, says solution in hands of Lebanon's MPs, not France

Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea considered Thursday that despite France's efforts to break the presidential impasse, the problem is "inside Lebanon."

Geagea said, after meeting France's new special envoy for Lebanon Jean-Yves Le Drian, that the presidential crisis could only be resolved inside Lebanon's parliament.

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Frem says he is qualified to rescue country as president

MP Neemat Frem has stressed that the priority today is “rescuing” the country.

“I consider myself qualified to manage this process as a president, in light of the experience I possess in the fields of managing change,” Frem said in an interview with Tele Liban.

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US Ambassador urges MPs to reach presidential consensus, maintain quorum

U.S. Ambassador to Lebanon Dorothy Shea has urged Parliament to perform its sovereign duty by reaching consensus, maintaining a quorum, and electing a president.

"We look forward to partnership with your future president, someone on whom we will count to put the interests of the country first, someone not tainted by corruption or subject to outside influence," Shea said Wednesday night on the 247th Anniversary of the U.S. Independence.

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UNRWA calls for sustainable funding, warns of service cuts at meeting in Beirut

The Advisory Commission (AdCom) on the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) convened in Beirut on Wednesday and Thursday, amid immense concern over the alarming financial situation of the Agency.

In the two-day session, chaired by Dr. Bassel El Hassan, Chairman of the Lebanese Palestinian Dialogue Committee (LPDC), AdCom members actively engaged the UNRWA senior management on key issues related to the survival of the Agency and its services to Palestine Refugees.  

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Le Drian meets with key Lebanese figures on 'consultative' mission

French President Emmanuel Macron's envoy for Lebanon, Jean-Yves Le Drian met Thursday with caretaker Prime Minister Najib Mikati, Maronite Patriarch Beshara al-Rahi, and Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea.

Le Drian had arrived Wednesday in Beirut to end a political impasse that has left the country without a president for more than seven months.

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Geagea blames 'defiance' camp for nonurgent govt. session, presidential crisis

Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea criticized Wednesday a cabinet session that he said discussed items that a caretaker government should not be tackling.

Geagea dubbed the session as "unconstitutional" although it discussed some urgent matters, but also contained other items "far from being urgent."

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Report: MBS told Paris presidential vote is 'sovereign Lebanese affair'

Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman has told the French that the presidential vote in Lebanon is a “sovereign Lebanese affair,” the Nidaa al-Watan newspaper reported on Wednesday.

“The page has been turned on the candidate of (the Axis of) Defiance, Suleiman Franjieh, in light of the results of the June 14 electoral session,” the daily added.

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Le Drian in Beirut to convince parties to 'talk to each other'

French President Emmanuel Macron's envoy for Lebanon, Jean-Yves Le Drian arrived in Beirut on Wednesday to end a political impasse that has left the country without a president for more than seven months.

Le Drian is a political heavyweight who served as foreign minister throughout Macron's first mandate and previously as defense minister.

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