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Ex-Argentine Leader Tells Court Son Was Killed by Hizbullah

Former Argentine President Carlos Menem said Friday he believes his son was killed by Hizbullah, which prosecutors also suspect was behind two 1990s bombings in Buenos Aires.

In testimony to a judge overseeing the investigation of his son's death 21 years ago, Menem said that then-Foreign Minister Guido Di Tella had told him he heard through foreign embassies of Hizbullah's alleged involvement.

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U.N. Envoy Warns that Hizbullah Expansion Can Threaten Lebanon

Hizbullah's involvement in the conflicts in Syria and more recently Iraq risks a spillover of sectarian tensions into Lebanon where the Islamic State extremist group and the al-Qaida-linked Nusra Front are reported to be expanding, a U.N. envoy warned Friday.

Terje Roed-Larsen expressed serious concern that not only have Hizbullah and other militias continued their activities since the Security Council ordered them to disband in 2004 "but if anything they have expanded." He also expressed concern at the reported expansion of extremist groups, mostly in Palestinian refugee camps.

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A Look at Past Killings of Hizbullah Figures

Top military commander Mustafa Badreddine, who died in a mysterious blast in Damascus, is the latest of a number of senior figures from Hizbullah to be killed in past years.

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U.S. Says Coalition Jets Did Not Overfly Area where Badreddine was Killed

The United States announced Friday that U.S.-led aircraft did not overly the Syrian area where Hizbullah's top military commander Mustafa Badreddine was killed in a mysterious blast.

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Badreddine: A Hizbullah Chief Mysterious in Life and Death

The killing of the enigmatic military chief of Hizbullah remained shrouded in mystery Friday, with his powerful party giving out no information.

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Qassem Says Hizbullah to Announce How Badreddine was Killed 'within Hours'

Hizbullah will announce the results of its investigation into the assassination of the party's top military commander Mustafa Badreddine “within hours,” Hizbullah deputy chief Sheikh Naim Qassem said on Friday afternoon.

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STL Says Won't Comment on Badreddine's Death before 'Judicial Determination'

The U.N.-backed Special Tribunal for Lebanon said Friday that it “took note” of media reports announcing the death of Hizbullah's top military commander Mustafa Badreddine, whom the STL has charged with involvement in ex-PM Rafik Hariri's assassination along with four other Hizbullah operatives.

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Italian President Meets Lebanese Leaders, Inspects Italian UNIFIL Force

Italian President Sergio Mattarella began Friday a one-day visit to Lebanon by inspecting Italian peacekeepers in the South and holding talks with several top officials.

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Lebanon Fetes Michel Temer's his Success

In his ancestral village in Lebanon, Michel Temer's rise to power in Brazil is a source of both pride and amusement in a country with no president of its own due to political deadlock.

Near the entrance to Btaaboura in northern Lebanon, a street sign carries Temer's name with his former rank of Brazilian vice president.

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Geagea Slams those 'Attempting to Destabilize Economy because it Abides by Int'l Policies'

Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea defended on Friday Central Bank Governor Riad Salameh in wake of the decisions of two Lebanese banks to suspend the accounts of two Hizbullah MPs.

He said in a statement: “Lebanon should be spared from those attempting to destabilize the economy simply because it is committed to international policies.”

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