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Geagea Suggests Cabinet Vote on Proportional Representation

Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea on Monday called for a vote in Cabinet on the proportional representation electoral system.

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Aoun, Macron Stress Keenness on Lebanese-French Ties in Phone Talks

President Michel Aoun on Monday called French President Emmanuel Macron, congratulating him in the name of the Lebanese people on his election as France's new leader and wishing him success, Lebanon's National News Agency said.

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Raad Says 'Chaos' Eyes Lebanon if Vote Law Isn't Devised By June 20

Hizbullah MP Mohammed Raad warned that failure to agree on a new vote system before the constitutional deadline will trigger vacuum at the legislative and executive authorities, the National News Agency reported on Monday.

Head of the Loyalty to the Resistance MP said political parties better agree on a new electoral law before June 20, “vacuum (at the legislative authority) is inadmissible in this country because it would mean the termination of the country, state and institutions.”

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Hariri, Saudi Deputy Crown Prince Hold Talks in Riyadh

Prime Minister Saad Hariri held talks on Monday in Riyadh with Saudi Deputy Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, a statement issued by Hariri's media office said.

Discussions between the two men focused on the Lebanese-Saudi ties and the latest developments in the region, it added.

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Ibrahim: Battle against Takfiris Didn't Stop Us from Chasing Spies

General Security chief Maj. Gen. Abbas Ibrahim stressed that the agency's strenuous efforts against terror groups entrenched on Lebanon's porous border, have not stop it from pursuing the battle against Israeli spies, Ad Diyar daily reported on Monday.

The agency is increasingly vigilant in “monitoring and arresting Israeli agents,” said Ibrahim stressing that “the battle with Takfiri terrorism did not stop us from pursuing and dismantling networks dealing with the Israeli enemy,” he told the daily in an interview.

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Bassil Says Lebanese Delegation Was 'Unaware' of Summit Statement

Foreign Minister Jebran Bassil said after the Arab Islamic American Summit in Riyadh Sunday that Lebanon adheres to President Michel Aoun's oath of office and to the ministerial statement distancing the country from foreign turmoil.

“We were not aware of the Riyadh announcement and believed that no statement would be issued at the end of the summit. It was a surprise to know about its issuance and content when we were flying back to Lebanon,” said Bassil in a tweet.

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Family Gunfight Leaves Three Syrians Dead in Arsal

A gunfight that erupted overnight between two Syrian families in the outskirts of border town of Arsal, left three killed and several others injured, the National News Agency reported on Monday.

A family dispute escalated into a machine gun fight between two Syrian families, one hailing from the Syrian town of Yabroud and another from Ras al-Maara, NNA said.

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Trump Likens Hizbullah to IS, Qaida, Lauds Lebanon and Lebanese Army

U.S. President Donald Trump compared Hizbullah in a landmark speech on Sunday to extremist organizations such as Islamic State and al-Qaida, as he lauded the Lebanese army for fighting IS and Lebanon for hosting a huge number of Syrian refugees.

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Fayyad: Domestic Balances Stronger than Foreign Influence on Electoral Law

MP Ali Fayyad of Hizbullah's Loyalty to Resistance parliamentary bloc announced Sunday that foreign forces have little influence over the issue of Lebanon's electoral law.

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Report: U.S. Not in Favor of Israeli War on Hizbullah

As speculation grows about a possible Israeli strike against Hizbullah, analysts and experts believe that the Trump administration is not in favor of an Israeli war on Lebanon aimed at destroying Hizbullah, Kuwaiti daily al-Anbaa reported on Sunday.

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