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Miqati: We are Trying to Distance Lebanon from Developments in Syria

Prime Minister Najib Miqati stressed on Tuesday that Lebanon does not want to intervene in the developments in Syria “because we don’t want anyone to meddle in our affairs.”

He said while meeting with a delegation of Arab ambassadors in New York: “We don’t want to interfere in its affairs because we want to defend Lebanon from any potential repercussions on the country.”

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Ring Promoting Porn Films Arrested

A Lebanese-Syrian gang involved in promoting pornographic movies has been arrested by the Lebanese general security forces, reported the National News Agency on Wednesday.

The group, comprised of a Lebanese national and four Syrians, sold the films on DVDs in various regions in Lebanon, especially in the Jbeil district where it was uncovered.

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March 14: STL Cornerstone for Lebanon’s Civil Peace

The March 14 General Secretariat noted on Wednesday that Prime Minister Najib Miqati sought hard during his trip to New York to garner international support for his government through issuing verbal commitments to international resolutions.

It said in a statement after its weekly meeting: “The Special Tribunal for Lebanon is the cornerstone for Lebanon’s civil peace and the rise of a state capable of implementing the law equally among all citizens.”

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Maronite Bishops Appeal for Unity and Honest Dialogue to Renew Trust

The Council of Maronite Bishops on Wednesday appealed to Maronites to support the patriarch and urged the Lebanese to join hands and sit at the dialogue table to renew trust in each other.

Maronite Patriarch Beshara al-Rahi believes that “unity is force,” an appeal issued by the bishops following their monthly meeting said. “He calls everyone for dialogue and understanding and rejects the logic of war.”

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Hizbullah Lauds Spiritual Summit: Its Statement is Tantamount to National Document for Lebanese

Hizbullah praised on Wednesday the spiritual summit that was held at Dar al-Fatwa on Tuesday, saying that its concluding statement reflects national principles and protects Lebanon.

It said: “The summit statement is tantamount to a national document that reflects the Lebanese people’s expectations.”

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Photos Reveal Party Life of Hannibal Gadhafi, Lebanese Wife

Photographs obtained by Agence France Presse in Libya reveal how Moammar Gadhafi's son Hannibal and his lingerie model wife lived a high-flying party lifestyle during his father's brutal rule.

In the dozens of photographs, found on a laptop belonging to Gadhafi's son and made available by former Libyan rebels to AFP, Hannibal, 36, and his Lebanese wife Aline Skaff are shown partying in European capitals, on a private jet and on a yacht off the Egyptian coast.

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U.S. Lawmaker: Hizbullah Could Build Missile Sites in Cuba

A U.S. Republican lawmaker has warned that Hizbullah could build "missile sites" in Cuba and pose a threat to the United States.

"Why would you normalize trade with a country that sponsors terror?" Rep. Michele Bachmann asked an audience of supporters in Cedar Rapids, Iowa Monday, in response to a question about her position on trading with Cuba.

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Angola Expels 16 Lebanese over Terrorism, Money Laundering

Angola has expelled 140 foreign nationals, including 16 Lebanese, on suspicions of terrorism and money laundering, a government official told Agence France Presse

"These foreigners were expelled from Angola because of their illegal status and for money laundering and for terrorism," said Fretas Neto, who heads Angola's foreign migration office (SME).

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Bkirki Sources Deny Making Preparations for Nasrallah-Rahi Meeting

Bkirki sources have denied that the seat of the Maronite church was preparing for a meeting between Patriarch Beshara al-Rahi and Hizbullah leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah.

The sources told pan-Arab daily Asharq al-Awsat that “we don’t have (any information) about such a thing and we don’t know if any meeting is being prepared for unless the other side is making preparations.”

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Jumblat Returns from Libya with $25 Million Oil Deal

Progressive Socialist Party leader Walid Jumblat has struck a 25-million-dollar oil deal with the leaders of Libya's new ruling National Transitional Council (NTC), Ad-Diyar daily reported Wednesday.

The newspaper said the first phase of the deal involves the immediate payment of 7 million dollars.

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