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Ahmadinejad to the U.S., Israel: Lebanese Will Cut your Nasty Hand

President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on Wednesday warned Iran's arch foes Israel, the United States and some European nations to stop their "sedition" in Lebanon or the Lebanese people would "chop" their hands.

"You are on a rough downhill path that will take you into a deep valley and your actions show that your decline is on a fast track," Ahmadinejad, referring to the U.S., Israel and unspecified European nations, told a cheering crowd in the city of Yazd in a speech broadcast live on state television.

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March 14 Vows to Defend Lebanon Against Coup to Turn Lebanon into Iranian Base

The March 14 general-secretariat on Wednesday described the resignation of March 8 ministers as an "escape from their national responsibilities," and accused Hizbullah and its allies of seeking to turn Lebanon into an Iranian base.

In a statement following an extraordinary meeting, the general-secretariat said the resignations were proof that the opposition wasn't seeking for the success of the Syrian-Saudi initiative aimed at helping Lebanon contain the repercussions of the indictment of the Special Tribunal for Lebanon.

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Jumblat Doubts Credibility of Tribunal, Says Bellemare Underestimating the People

Progressive Socialist Party leader Walid Jumblat on Wednesday doubted the credibility of the international tribunal and said Prosecutor Daniel Bellemare's decision to launch a probe into the latest unauthorized broadcasts was an underestimation of the Lebanese.

"We wonder whether the tribunal is credible after the latest broadcasts" on al-Jadid TV of interviews conducted by international investigators with Caretaker PM Saad Hariri, said Jumblat.

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Riyadh Describes Lebanon Situation as 'Dangerous,' Announces End of Mediation

Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Saud al-Faisal said Wednesday that Riyadh has abandoned mediation efforts in Lebanon, where he described the situation as "dangerous."

Saudi King Abdullah and Syrian President Bashar Assad had been in contact "with commitment to end the whole Lebanon problem," said the foreign minister in an interview with Arab satellite TV network al-Arabiya.

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S&P Revises Lebanon Outlook to Stable

Global credit ratings agency Standard and Poor's on Tuesday revised its outlook for Lebanon to stable from positive despite a deepening political crisis in the Mediterranean country.

"The stable outlook reflects our view that while the government's control over the economic and political agenda has been diminished, outbreaks of civil unrest in the country will be avoided," the agency said in a statement.

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Najjar Expects Indictment to be Released Monday

Caretaker Justice Minister Ibrahim Najjar expected the prosecutor of the Special Tribunal for Lebanon to refer the indictment in ex-Premier Rafik Hariri's assassination case to the pre-trial judge on Monday.

"Prosecutor (Daniel) Bellemare could refer the indictment to Judge (Daniel) Fransen today," Najjar said following talks with Maronite Patriarch Nasrallah Sfeir in Bkirki.

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Berri: Connelly's Visit to Fattoush is 'Scandal' and 'Proves Battle is with U.S.'

U.S. Ambassador Maura Connelly's visit to MP Nicolas Fattoush in Zahle stirred criticism and accusations by March 8 forces of U.S. meddling in Lebanon's internal affairs on the eve of parliamentary consultations to name a new premier.

"They say there is no U.S. interference in the affairs of Lebanon and the region. On the contrary, they are interfering in everything from southern Sudan all the way to Zahle," Speaker Nabih Berri told An Nahar daily in remarks published Monday.

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Nasrallah: Opposition Unanimously Agreed Not to Name Hariri as Lebanon's Next PM

Hizbullah leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah on Sunday made his first public comments since the collapse of Prime Minister Saad Hariri's government.

He defended the decision to bring down the government, saying Hizbullah did so without resorting to violence and will not be intimidated by world reaction.

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Report: Hariri-Siddiq Conversation Leaked After Attack on Investigators in Beirut Southern Suburbs

Excerpts from a conversation between Caretaker Prime Minister Saad Hariri and false witness Mohammad Zuheir Siddiq broadcast on al-Jadid TV were reportedly leaked to the station after international investigators came under attack at a gynecologist's clinic in Beirut's southern suburbs in October.

An informed source told An Nahar daily that the attackers were able to snatch from the investigators a laptop that included Hariri's statements.

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U.S. Reiterates Support for Hariri, Says Cabinet Resignations Sign of Fear

Washington reiterated support for Caretaker Premier Saad Hariri and its call on all Lebanese parties to exercise restraint and coordinate in finding a solution to the Lebanese crisis.

"The United States reiterates its call to all political factions to maintain calm and exercise restraint at this critical time," U.S. Ambassador Maura Connelly said in a statement following talks with Hariri at Center House.

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