Lebanon UNIFIL vehicle torched as Hezbollah supporters block airport road anew A vehicle emblazoned with the logo of the U.N. peacekeeping force in Lebanon was torched late Friday as supporters of Hezbollah again blocked the r... 1
Lebanon Hariri hints at return to politics, urges Shiite Duo not to be 'obstruction force' In a speech to a crowd of supporters at his father's tomb on Friday, ex-PM Saad Hariri stopped short of announcing a return to politics, but did ...
Hizbullah Deputy Secretary General Sheikh Naim Qassem stressed on Thursday that a solution to the crisis in the country starts in Lebanon through the cooperation of all concerned sides.
He said after holding talks with Tawheed Movement leader Wiam Wahhab: "Opening the false witnesses file is a priority that would fortify the internal Lebanese scene against foreign meddling and wrongful accusations."
Full StoryAn army major and a sergeant were killed Thursday when their vehicle came under gunfire during an operation against an army deserter in eastern Lebanon, an army spokesman said.
"A major was martyred during a raid in the town of Majdal Anjar (in the Bekaa Valley) in an attempt to find a deserter who had sought refuge there," the spokesman told AFP, declining to disclose his name.

The Syrian al-Watan newspaper reported on Thursday that revealing the truth in the assassination of former Prime Minister Rafik Hariri will serve to end the negative repercussions accusing it of the crime has had on Lebanese-Syrian relations.
It said that claims that the truth will result in unrest in Lebanon "is misleading as the truth will instill trust among the Lebanese political powers."

Commander of the Galilee unit in the Israeli army Yossi Bachar revealed on Thursday that that the Israeli army has prepared a plan to invade southern Lebanon and "destroy Hizbullah."
He told the Israeli Yediot Ahronoth newspaper that the Jewish state is now convinced that defeating the party lies in destroying it, adding that such a party should be removed from existence.

Prime Minister Saad Hariri arrived in Cyprus Thursday for talks with President Dimitris Christofias.
An official welcoming ceremony will be held at the presidential palace for Hariri and the accompanying delegation -- Foreign Minister Ali al-Shami, Information Minister Tareq Mitri and advisor Hani Hammoud.
Full StoryHouse Speaker Nabih Berri stressed on Thursday the ongoing cooperation between Saudi Arabia and Syria, voicing his concern however with claims that contacts between the two sides had subsided.
He told the daily An Nahar Thursday that he is comforted with the efforts of Saudi King Abdullah and Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, saying that they wish Lebanon well.

Phalange Party leader Amin Gemayel met late Wednesday Iranian Ambassador Ghadanfar Roken Abadi at the Iranian embassy in Beirut.
Local media on Thursday said Gemayel discussed with Abadi outcome of Iranian leader President Mahmoud Ahhmadinejad's Lebanon visit.

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton backed Lebanon's independence and stability as she voiced concern about tension there when she spoke Wednesday to Lebanese President Michel Suleiman, the State Department said.
Tension has been rising in Lebanon over the U.N.-backed tribunal, which is probing the 2005 assassination of Lebanese ex-premier Rafik Hariri, amid unconfirmed reports the court will indict members of Hizbullah.

Army troops beat up police Col. Hussein Saleh late Wednesday and arrested his son over traffic priority, media reports said.
They said a Lebanese army patrol that happened to be passing by when the colonel's son pulled his gun on a motorist over traffic priority arrested the young man.

Four women were injured when a rocket smashed into a building in north Lebanon's main city of Tripoli, the army said.
"A rocket hit the roof of a building in Jabal Mohsen, wounding four women," an army spokesman said, without elaborating.