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Malaysia Releases Preliminary Report on MH370

Malaysia on Thursday made public a preliminary report on Flight MH370 and other data that marks its most extensive release of information on the missing airliner to date, nearly two months after its mysterious disappearance.

The brief five-page report, which was submitted earlier to the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), was essentially a recap of information that has already been released over time, and did not immediately appear to contain any major new revelations.

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Malaysian Protesters Denounce Government in May Day Rally

Thousands gathered in Malaysia's capital on Thursday to protest against a planned new tax, but they also took shots at the government's prosecution of opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim and handling of missing flight MH370.

The demonstration was held to coincide with International Labor Day, and the primary target of the red-clad, vuvuzela-blowing protesters was the goods and services tax (GST) taking effect in April 2015.

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Malaysia to Lead Probe into Ill-fated MH70

A former head of Malaysia's civil aviation department will lead an investigation into a missing jet that will also include members of the U.S. National Transportation Safety Board and other agencies, authorities said Tuesday.

Hishammuddin Hussein, Malaysia's acting transport minister, said Kok Soo Chon would head the team probing the disappearance of Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 with 239 people on board.

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Reports: Fresh Arrest in Malaysia Police Terror Raid

Malaysian police on Tuesday arrested a woman believed to be part of a radical Islamic terror group, reports said, bringing the total number of those detained this week to 10.

Police arrested nine Malaysians Monday in raids near the capital Kuala Lumpur and the northern state of Kedah on suspicion of being involved in a militant group.

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Malaysia Holds Nine for Suspected Terror Links

Malaysian police said they arrested nine people Monday under a security law on suspicion of involvement in a terror group with overseas links.

National police chief Khalid Abu Bakar said the nine, aged from 22 to 55, were arrested near the capital Kuala Lumpur and in the northern state of Kedah bordering Thailand.

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Australia: Undersea Search for MH370 to Expand

Australia's prime minister Monday announced an expanded search across a huge swathe of seabed where Flight MH370 might have crashed seven weeks ago, admitting it is now "highly unlikely" any surface wreckage will be found.

A massive hunt for the Malaysia Airlines Boeing 777 in the southern Indian Ocean has so far yielded nothing either on the surface or below, baffling authorities who are struggling to explain the loss of the aircraft.

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Obama Courts Malaysia while Nudging on Rights

President Barack Obama nudged Malaysia on Sunday over its controversial handling of dissent but made clear Washington intended to deepen its friendship with a country it considers vital to U.S. objectives in the Asia-Pacific.

Obama also offered continued U.S. support in the search for missing flight MH370 as he held talks with Prime Minister Najib Razak, after which the two leaders declared the start of a warmer new era in relations.

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Obama Voices Solidarity on MH370 in Malaysia Visit

Barack Obama on Saturday became the first sitting U.S. president in nearly a half-century to visit Malaysia, where an official said he immediately expressed solidarity over the frustrating effort to find missing flight MH370.

Obama is on a four-nation tour through Asia intended to underscore his "rebalance" of U.S. attention towards the strategic Asia-Pacific and to push stalled negotiations on a regional trade pact that would cement his legacy in the region.

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Australia Plans to Widen Fruitless MH370 Search

Australian authorities said Friday they would widen the underwater hunt for missing flight MH370, as the deep-sea search for wreckage at the suspected crash site neared completion with no results.

Mini-submarine Bluefin-21 has scanned 95 percent of its initial search area in the Indian Ocean, far off western Australia, without making any "contacts of interest" the Perth-based search coordination center said Friday.

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Obama to Meet Malaysia Government Critics

U.S. President Barack Obama will meet representatives of a range of civil-society groups -- including some which have harshly criticized Malaysia's government -- when he visits the country this weekend, activists said.

Obama aims to strengthen ties with Muslim-majority Malaysia when he arrives Saturday for a two-night stay, the first visit by a serving U.S. president since 1966.

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