Middle East
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Yemen Sentences Convicted Qaida Bombmaker to Death

A Yemeni court sentenced to death convicted Al-Qaida bombmaker Saleh al-Shawsh on Monday amid a mounting battle between the security forces and the local branch of the jihadist network.

"God willing, your end will come at our hands and the start will be from Abyan," Shawsh shouted from the dock as the judge handed down the sentence.

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Maliki in Iran to Garner Support for Premiership Bid

Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki was in Tehran on Monday to garner support for his premiership bid, as his chief rival Iyad Allawi accused Iran of meddling in Baghdad's political affairs.

Maliki on arriving in Tehran Monday morning went straight into a series of meetings, including with Iran's first vice president Mohammad Reza Rahimi and with supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, according to local media.

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Provincial Official Killed in Baghdad Bombing

A bomb attack Monday in central Baghdad on a government convoy killed a provincial councilor and wounded eight other people, including three bodyguards, an interior ministry official said.

"Jassem Ali Mahmud was killed and three of his bodyguards and five passersby were wounded when a bomb exploded as their convoy passed through Khulani neighborhood," the official said.

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Killer of Frenchman in Yemen had 'Qaeda Links'

A Frenchman murdered by a security guard in Yemen at the Austrian company where they worked was killed in a terrorist crime rather than for personal reasons as first claimed, the interior minister said on Saturday.

"The investigation has revealed that this was a terrorist crime, whose perpetrator had contacts with elements of Al-Qaida," official media quoted Motahar Rashad al-Masri as saying without elaborating.

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Maliki to Visit Iran as Coalition Talks Hot up

Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, who is fighting to keep his job after an inconclusive March 7 general election, is to visit neighboring Iran soon, a close aide said on Saturday.

"The prime minister will visit Iran soon but I cannot confirm when," the official from Maliki's office told AFP.

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Australia Says Very High Risk of Terror Attack in Yemen

Australia has lifted its travel warning for Yemen to its highest possible level, saying there was a "very high threat of terrorist attack" in the Arabian peninsula's poorest nation.

The updated travel advisory released late Friday comes just days after United States President Barack Obama warned that Al-Qaida was pursuing a "murderous agenda" in the increasingly violent state.

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Ex-Guantanamo Qaida Suspect Surrenders to Saudis

A former Guantanamo detainee who rejoined Al-Qaida in Yemen after graduating from Saudi Arabia's rehabilitation programme has turned himself in to Saudi authorities, the government said on Friday.

Jaber Jabran al-Faifi, about 35, contacted the Saudi government in recent weeks saying he wanted to return home and a handover was arranged through Yemen's government, interior ministry spokesman General Mansour al-Turki said.

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Iran Exports First Petrochemicals to Egypt

An Iranian official said Tehran has exported its petrochemicals to Egypt, a country with which it has still not restored diplomatic ties broken more than 30 years ago.

"The first shipment of 25,000 tons of petrochemicals was sent to Egypt," Iran's Mehr news agency quoted Reza Hamzelou, director of Petrochemicals Commercial Co, which sells petrochemicals at home and abroad, as saying.

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18 Killed, 14 Wounded in Blast at Revolutionary Guards Base

Eighteen people were killed in a fire at an ammunitions store in a Revolutionary Guards base in Iran, the Fars news agency quoted a commander of the elite force as saying Wednesday in the latest toll.

"In yesterday's explosion at one of the Guards' bases in Lorestan (in western Iran), 18 people were killed and 14 wounded," commander Yadollah Bouali said.

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Iraq PM to Visit Syria Wednesday after Year-long Row

Iraq's Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki is to visit Syria on Wednesday for talks with President Bashar al-Assad after a year-long spat between the neighbors sparked by massive bombings in Baghdad.

"Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki is to start on Wednesday, tomorrow, a visit to Syria, our brother country, where he will meet his Excellency, President Bashar al-Assad, and Prime Minister Mohammed Naji Otri," it said.

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