Middle East
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Bahrain Police Disperse Dozens of Protesters

Bahraini police used tear gas to disperse dozens of protesters Monday in the eastern village of Nuwaidrat, police said, as security forces deployed in the tiny Gulf kingdom following Facebook calls for a February 14 "revolt."

Security forces used tear gas to disperse protesters taking part in an "unauthorized" demonstration, a police official said, adding that no arrests were made.

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Arab Summit to be Held in Baghdad on March 29

Arab leaders will hold their annual summit in Baghdad on March 29, officials said Monday, in defiance of threats by Islamist insurgents waging a campaign against countries planning to take part.

The meeting also comes at a critical time for the region's mainly autocratic leaders, after two popular uprisings ousted two Arab presidents in less than two months amid mounting calls for political and economic reform.

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Dubai-New York Flight Makes Emergency Landing in Stockholm

A Boeing Emirates 777 traveling from Dubai to New York with 361 passengers on board made an emergency landing in Stockholm early Monday after smoke was detected in the cabin, an airport spokesman said.

"They had an indication of smoke in the cabin ... It could have been someone smoking in the toilets," Anders Bredfell of Stockholm's Arlanda airport told Agence France Presse.

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Iran Blocks Access to Opposition Leader's House

Iranian police Monday blocked access to the house of opposition leader Mir Hossein Mousavi and cut his telephone lines to prevent him attending a rally in support of Arab revolts, his website said.

"Security forces have sent police vans and vehicles to the alley where the house of Mr. Mir Hossein Mousavi and his wife Zahra Rahnavard is located" in Tehran, Kaleme.com reported.

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Abbas Tasks Fayyad with Forming New Government

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas on Monday reappointed Salam Fayyad as premier and tasked him with forming a new government after his cabinet resigned, an official said.

"Abbas reappointed Fayyad and asked him to form a new government," a senior official in the president's office told Agence France Presse shortly after Fayyad's cabinet resigned en masse.

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Gadhafi Urges Refugee 'March on Palestine'

Libyan leader Moammer Gadhafi has urged Palestinian refugees to take advantage of current unrest sweeping across the Arab world and stage a march on the Palestinian territories.

"In the context of the popular Arab revolutionary movement, the Palestinian refugees... must march on Palestine, along with their families," he said in a speech to thousands of supporters marking the birthday of the Prophet Mohammed.

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Jordan King Meets U.S. Army Chief

King Abdullah II met on Sunday with the top U.S. military commander who is visiting key allies Jordan and Israel to reaffirm Washington's support following the fall of Egypt's Hosni Mubarak.

The king and U.S. Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mike Mullen "discussed bilateral cooperation and a number of issues of common concern," a brief palace statement said without elaborating.

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Bomb Attack Survivor is New Iran Atom Chief

Iran has appointed nuclear scientist Fereydoon Abbasi Davani, who survived a bomb attack in November, as the country's new atomic chief, media reports said on Sunday.

Abbasi Davani, reportedly a veteran of the eight-year Iran-Iraq war in the 1980s and a target of U.N. sanctions, replaces Ali Akbar Salehi who was endorsed as foreign minister last month.

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Shafiq: Mubarak Still in Egypt

Hosni Mubarak is still in Egypt in the Red Sea resort town of Sharm el-Sheikh, caretaker Prime Minister Ahmed Shafiq said on Sunday, amid rumors that the ousted strongman had fled the country.

"Prime Minister Ahmed Shafiq announced that former president Hosni Mubarak is still in Sharm el-Sheikh," the state news agency reported, after Shafiq gave his first news conference since the former strongman left Cairo.

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Egypt Military Rulers Dissolve Parliament, Suspend Constitution

Egypt's new military rulers on Sunday suspended the constitution and dissolved a parliament dominated by the ruling party of former president Hosni Mubarak, after he was overthrown in a popular revolt.

The Supreme Council of the Armed Forces' "communiqué number five", which was read out on state television, said a transitional period of military rule would last six months while reforms were put in place to allow free elections.

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