The U.N. Security Council is set to vote Wednesday on a resolution demanding that the Syrian government cooperate with an investigation of the suspected chemical attack in Idlib province, but Russia is likely to veto the measure, diplomats said.
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A top Syrian official attended a conference in Paris Tuesday on the invitation of French lawmakers, angering the government days after he was banned from a similar meeting in Brussels.
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U.S. Senator John McCain, an advocate for a tougher stance on Syria for years, on Tuesday demanded the end of Damascus' "murderous rampage" saying Moscow should cease its support for the regime.
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A U.S. strike on a Syrian air base is no substitute for a proper investigation and accountability after a devastating suspected chemical weapons attack, Amnesty International's chief said on Tuesday.
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France still wants the U.N. Security Council to adopt a draft resolution demanding an investigation of the suspected chemical attack in Syria after it failed to agree on such a measure, the ambassador said Tuesday.
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Turkey said on Tuesday that tests proved the deadly nerve agent sarin was used in a suspected chemical attack in northwestern Syria which killed dozens last week.
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Russia's foreign minister will host three-way talks with his counterparts from Syria and Iran this week, Moscow said Tuesday, after the U.S. launched strikes against Syrian forces.
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G7 foreign ministers have failed to agree on whether fresh sanctions should be imposed on Syrian President Bashar al-Assad or his ally Russia, Italy's Foreign Minister Angelino Alfano said Tuesday.
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Russia said Tuesday it was hoping to avoid confrontation and engage in "constructive cooperation" with Washington as Secretary of State Rex Tillerson headed to Moscow.
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G7 foreign ministers insist there can be no peace solution for war-torn Syria with President Bashar al-Assad in power, French Foreign Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault said Tuesday.
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